First off: I'm not back, i'm just revisiting.
Second, when did this site get a major UX overhaul?
Like, this is what it looked like when I joined back in 2015:
And this is what it looks like now:
Wha happen?
I don't really like Thorax. He seem too wimpy and fragile (but I guess that's the only thing that makes him Thorax), and I thought changelings had a distorted voice when they're not disguised, to distinguish them. I guess he's either changed his voice to fit him or all changelings talk normally, in which case, WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
I was thinking of making an Abdomen Fan Club in Sugarcube Corner making fun of Thorax but then I realized the mods have to approve the thread, so that wasn't
Meanwhile, in Discord... Me: You: Me: You: Me: You: Me: You: Me: You: ...Every day I feel terrible about myself. Every day I feel like the worst person in the universe. This has to stop. I don't need a safe space to do it though. I need to do something I am proud of doing. And that will be going outside.
Repost from Here's our problem with all of these big-name companies making MLP games: Let's be honest, Hasbro is probably going to restrict all official MLP games to be E-rated to appeal to the youngest audience as possible. The last time they made "movies" for MLP, they dumbed it down to appeal to the biggest audience, because it's not on TV, it's in store shelv
A.K.A why I hate having my jimmies rustled vocally in MLPForums. Because I feel like a lot of people may think, "Lonk is just making this all up. It's all because he wants attention." And while the latter is true (kinda), the former isn't.
I do want attention for what I do. I want people to look at it and give their opinion, no matter how crap it is and no matter how salty it is. It may influence me for the worst, but I want feedback. I don't want people to ignore me.
The thing is, I am
"Hello Lonk Chase~! Since this is more of a discussion on a possibility than seeking or giving help on a creative project, I'ma close this thread~ However, this would be perfectly suited to a blog entry or status update! :fluttershy:" -SFyr Yeah, I agree with you... ripple transition effect
(song starts at 0:22) It's funky and cool and 80's as heck and I love it. I feel like we need to make a cover of this. Whether it's just of brony celebs singing it with an animation, or a full-blown ponif
I don't know why, but whenever I make a comment in the Life Advice section, it feels like I'm not doing a good enough job, that I'm making the situation worse just by being there. That I don't know how to be serious and when I try to I end up ruining lives.
If I want to post there I feel terrible doing it because I either feel like I'm ruining the section just by posting it there, that it's not something that should go there, or that I shouldn't have people online help me solve my "problems"
A lot of people seem to hate Season Six. It's not as good as the older episodes. They're messing up the value of alicorns. All that crap. So, let's actually sit down and take a look at when MLP jumped the shark. wait what the heck does that mean "Jumping the shark", according to Wikipedia, means, "an idiom popularized by Jon Hein that was used to describe the moment in the evolution of a television show when it begins a decline in quality, signaled by a particular scene, episode, or aspect of a
It seems like everyone is hating on Season Six huh? Never knew about that. Apparently @onlyone knows though:
It's depressing to see a person who loves something get constantly, well, depressed by the majority of people he/she thought were his/her friends bash on the thing he/she has been loving all this time. It's not fair. So I posted this to comfort him/her: I then thought about it more. This is messed up. And I think I know the reason why this is all happening: Is that post going to get
Gosh I never use this blog. IDK why, but I keep forgetting to update this. But it's not like anybody cares, right? JK, I'm gettting 50, 60 views on my recent posts, so I should probably keep updating this.
Just a question: Should I start monetizing my YouTube videos? It seems like a little bit of pocket change just in case. Thanks.
Also, I don't know if I put this comic on here or not (probably did) but if you haven't seen it, here you go. If you want to see more Weekend tell me. I'm hap
So, if you don't know, I have two YouTub channels. One's called lonkfania, where I do gaming. And the other one's called PeeDeeDee. Where... um... everything else happens.
So that's where I put my tutorials.
Let's go back in time to 2014, where the first tutorial I ever made on YouTub appeared:
Cringe. Whole-grain cringe with extra pre-puberty sauce. Not only that, but the video isn't that great at teaching the basics of PowerDirector 12, to be honest. Did you know I was usin
If you looked at the entry image, you would think that this is a post about the TV show, Numb3rs. And you would be 90% wrong. I have never watched Numb3rs, even though my mom keeps telling me that it's the best show ever.
Instead, this blog post is all about this number: 277 I have made 277 posts. Two hundred and seventy-seven. No idea why, but I have. So thanks, MLPForums, for making me feel like this is a milestone. I love you too.
Now that was a dangerous things to say. Here's why:
[CLASSIFIED] It was more dangerous for me to explain all of that to you. Here's why:
Now you know all of that. So, I censored all of that. That's the danger of putting information about yourself on the internet. So, I'm not using the Life Advice section at all any time soon. Even though I might need it, here's why I won't use it:
Why would I trust strangers? I would need to go to my parents or a certified professional (a
So I randomly decided to make this: It was crap. So now I sit here wondering why whenever I put an idea down it turns out to be absolute crap? Well, today I am here to show you: More of my failed ideas. Take for instance, this song:
It seemed like a good idea, but now when I look at it... No. Just no. No with extra no sauce. Maybe because in my head I had the music to go with it, and all my songs are extravagant rock songs, so... IDK. Maybe also this other song
This is important. Any content in the comments section used to advertise your own work will be edited to be in a spoiler. While I appreciate the work you put into your product, stuff like this doesn't really contribute that much to the original post. That said, I am not deleting your comment if its sole purpose isn't just for advertising. That wouldn't be fair. So, I'll edit it to put the advert in a spoiler.
I will take this: quality content ADVERT
quality content
Into this:
I don't really have anything to say about it other than happy Autism Day.
I wonder why there isn't a "Boycott Autism Day" movement happening because of all the bad rep Autism Speaks has somewhat-gotten. Oh well. I'm wearing blue so I don't care.
"Why are we in the middle of the forest looking for some bat pony or something?"
"I don't know. You come up with a reason."
"Do I look like the type of person that comes up with reasons?"
"This makes no sense! You make no sense! Nothing makes sense! Now get going!"
Sorry I haven't posted much on here. No idea why honestly. So, some updates:
1. Three people in my school has been implicitly told by me about my bronydom. One said I would be sacrificed to the sun gods,
Some of you may have seen my Public Service Announcement blog. It's now down. I didn't take it down, the staff did. At least, that's what I assume. I found that I have gotten a message from the staff about my post. The subject was "Regarding a blog you made..." which translates too "You didn't follow the rules on this blog you made," so yeah. I'm not going to read it right now so I don't get PTSD or something, and because I already know what it was going to say: My post was pretty much hate spe
What is art?
Art is no longer a category. It is a descriptive term. It has a certain level of prestige to it. It's at a higher level of "quality" than "non-art". And art is something that people have differing viewpoints on. You might think art is one thing while another thinks it's another. So, when people try to classify certain things such as video games and drawings/"traditional art" as "art" and leave certain other things out, you get complications.
Look at this Deadlock episode on
Just a question: Would anyone pay me to draw something for them?
Even though some might say my art is crap (and it may be), some say it's just my art style (which it might be). So, I'm already thinking of doing requests, but if I could do commissions, that might mean an extra source of income just in case.
So yeah. Whatcha think? Am I just being like the Fine Bros., or is there something more here?
First, admire my new profile picture in the Entry Image of this post. I'm not changing the Gravitar to that right now, but my Patreon's is that, so I decided to let you know.
Second, a little info about TF2 for any brony who wants to join our secret c1ub: - I main pyro. - I have 230+ hours on TF2. - I'm in an Iron UGC Highlander team and never played a game on it. Even when the first game happened and we won 5-0.