So there's this thing called the Klondike Derby. If you want to be a stalker you can google it but basically it's something in January for Boy Scouts. I got up at 6 or so to meet at the Scoutmaster's house to go to Klondike. I ended up riding in another adult's sweet SUV with another 8th grader, a 9th grader, and a 6th grader. You can guess who the least mature person in the group was.
So, fast forward IDK how many hours, and we needed to get to our second-to-last station fast because we nee
I haven't posted in a long while. I forgot this was a thing. :3
So anyways, here's what's been happening in my lifu in the past week or so:
Went to Klondike. It was meh.
Got a Mountain House entree for Klondike. Ate it at Klondike. It was really good.
After getting the Mountain House, went to Checkers, tried out with my dad the 2 for $4 Double Mushroom Swissburgers (which were really good), the Chicken Bites (which were good), and the Fry Lover's Fry (which was awesome). Overa
So yeah.
The reason I removed it was because it was very shoddy and doesn't say what I want it to say.
So say your last wishes, because it is going to the delete pile. ohwaititsalreadydeletednevermind
I have no problem with people who identify as "pegasisters". They're not evil if they do. But if they trot around town about it, then I'm going to have some issues. Yes, bronies started out as a "male" term, but now it no longer describes people themselves. It describes people being in a fandom called "the brony fandom". So, women don't have to not use that term. There are female bronies who identify as female bronies or just bronies. The real reason now to use "pegasisters" is to stand out. To
Mio Yianapolois-Guy got removed of his "verified" status on Twitter for "harassment". Quotes because he says he never harassed anyone and anything of his that was flagged as harassment was just ridicule and criticism. God help us I guess.
Today, 1/13/16, isn't a Sunday.
The banner add up top is a GIECO ad. Oh no.
There are no ads on this page for Brony Mate. Thank goodness.
Brony Mate looses 1.5 billion dollars and has to file for bankruptcy. (jk)
You, sir, need to CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE before you trash on my one-of-a-kind piece of art that is my profile picture. You are a disgrace to all male bronies you little-
To be serious, I find his comment kinda funny.
If you don't get the reference, here:
Someone else drew it for me, so if you want to criticize someone, criticize Prophet. Thanks.
The picture above shows a comment interaction by a guy who didn't like my silly guide about CS:GO's new ranks. It had a freaking PONY as the title picture. Of course it's going to be a little satirical.
So, he acts a little salty. That's fine. But, he acts like he's Jesus and I'm just some twelve-year-old who drank too much Mountain Dew Game Fuel or something. And I never even tried that crap. I don't want to. It gets annoying.
But hey, the world isn't a wish-making factory.
P.S. The