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Understanding The Middle East: Conflict Profile: Second Iraqi Civil War

A member of the Iraqi Security Forces secures a checkpoint in Baghdad       Dates: 2014 - Ongoing   Factions Involved: Government of Iraq, Iraqi Security Forces, Kurdish Peshmerga Forces, ISIS, Iranian Quds Force, Syrian Air Force   Overview: Battling amid the power vacuum created by the withdrawal of the United States and ISAF forces, Iraq has plunged back into civil war with two very clear distinct sides.     ISIS used the disorganization of the both the Iraqi and Syria



Understanding The Middle East: Conflict Profile: Israel/Palestine

Palestinians walled off from new Israeli settlements in the Palestinian West Bank   Dates: 1964 - Ongoing   Factions Involved: Israeli Defense Forces, Likud Party, Hamas, Palestinian Authority   Overview: The Israeli/Palestinian Conflict is one of the longest ongoing conflicts in the world having its roots planted in the early 20th Century.     All of what is now Israel was once called Palestine   The British Controlled an area of Southern Syria which was previously govern



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