"Applejack?" "Yes Twi?" "I found this book outside the Everfree Forest... It seems to be Apple Bloom's diary." "Mah sis kept a Diary? Does it say what happened to her?" "...Yes..."
And with that bit of dark foretelling we dive head long into one of the scarcest MLP creepypastas I have ever had the pleaser of finding. The Trees Are Screaming.
So the story starts with apple bloom writing in her diary to see if she can get a diary writing cutie mark. Oh and this takes place pre cmc getting
A world of light and friendship happy balloons and singing pony's. But what happens when shadows cover the land the dark and twisted minds of fans take over and the bright colors fall to the shadows of madness. Hear you will see you will see the nightmare of equestria the twisted world fans have made and I now explore. And who am I you ask well your humble and amazing host Warlock Boo. Now sit your not going any where soon and watch the fun that is Nightmares of equestria. (BOO Laugh)
Now a rainbow's tale isn't quite as nice as the story we knew of sugar and spice. But a rainbow's easy once you get to know it with the help of the magic of a pegasus device.” Let's delve deeper into rainbow philosophy far beyond that of Cloudsdale's mythology. It's easy to misjudge that floating city, with it's alluring decor and social psychology.” "But with all great things comes a great responsibility. With Cloudsdale being weather stability How, you ask, are they up to the task? To which th