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About this blog

Just a place I put what I'm thinking. Think of this as a personal diary.. except it's public. And not a diary. Well that was a terrible metaphor.

Entries in this blog


Because who makes drug abuse more adorable then Littlepip? Poor little thing, she tried so hard to stay off of them. Eventually it worked, but It was tough on her. I really like the way the story portrayed her addiction, not fixing it right up with a simply doctors visit, but having her relapse a few times. It's sad, but necessary.



Sad Songs

So, If you don't know the history of Fallout Equestria, the Grand Pegasus Enclave is essentially a giant military force that keeps the population of Pegasus above the wasteland in the clouds. Since the first bomb dropped, and destroyed Cloudsdale completely, the Pegasi closed off the skies, creating a thick layer of cloud cover that blocks out the sun. Rainbow Dash did not approve of this, and tried convincing all the Pegasi to leave, and help the wastes. No pony listened. Rainbow left by hersel



Fallout Equestria

Fallout Equestria, a huge fan fiction that combines two things that are pretty much the exact opposite. How did it turn out? Well, that depends on who you ask. To some, It's the greatest thing ever, to others.. it's the spawn of the Devil. Either way, It's an influential book. I just wish more people would take the time to read it.. I know it's huge, and that's not even mentioning the 1.7+ million words in a side story, Project Horizons. But, it is good, at least I think it is. Anyway, It's grea



Different Music Genres

MUSIC. Near everyone listens to it, but what's the best Genre? HA, easy answer: Yes. I know it sounds stupid and cheesy, but all genres are great. Even if you don't like one, it's still good. You're opinion doesn't change the fact others enjoy it greatly. Music from this:   To this:   Is all so unique, so perfectly crafted, that it evokes responses to immensely different, and isn't that the great thing about music? From hard rock to country, all songs bring forth a special emotion that



Entry #1

HELLO absolutely no one. Well, I guess I've gotta start somewhere. First blog post.. Nice. Well, lets get some stuff out there. FANFICTIONS. Sweet Luna I love them. Good fanfictions can be incredible. 1.7 million words of Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons, and I regret nothing. (except crying like a foal) Sad stories are my favorite, honestly. No idea why.. I just like to feel how the characters in the story feel. Well, that's it for this post. Lets see if I'm doing it right. Ciao for now my d



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