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Isn't Walmart technically illegal?

Well, I think it's safe to say that Walmart is a monopoly if there ever was one! You can't go around the US without seeing at least one Walmart. They're in every singe bloody town!     That being said, I remember when I was studying about the 1870-1890's and about the labor unions and what not. I do remember that the US Supreme Court outlawed monopolies somewhere around the time period. And a monopoly is basically a corporation that is so powerful, it makes small business basically impossible



Ducktape Your Teacher to a Wall for Cancer!

To raise money for cancer research, we ducktaped our teacher to a wall! One piece of tape costed $1. It was very amusing! By the end of it he looked like he was strapped in like a fighter pilot is to his seat.     We raised about $50 :3



Bagpipe Reeds, O How I Hate Thee!

Bagpipe Reeds are one of the most frustrating things I've come across. Unlike the Fife, which is bascially a hollow wooden tube with holes, the bagpipe has reeds. I've yet to build up much stamina, so I keep trying to make the read easier by pinching it under water. This'll usually work for a few days before going bad (cause it's too easy to play ) When this happens, it makes a horrible shrill sound on note(s).   All the reeds I have left are hard to blow ARRRGH! :c



Reflecting on a moment of foolishness

For some unknown reason, my mind reminded me of a funny incident a while back. My earbuds had gone dead (That happens quite often for some reason :/), so I went searching around the house for some. I found a pair of pink ones. I wore 'em to school thinking nothing of it.     Apparently the school did. 3 kids pointed out that I had pink earbuds. Then they kinda gave me a "That's kinda weird" impression. I found that pretty funny. If you went back in time, I bet even my non-brony self would've



The time is nigh! Huzzah!

After...1,2,3,4...4 months of suffering from what I call CWRWS (Civil War Reenactor Withdrawal Syndrome) The season is starting back up! YESH!   The first event I'm doing is a union encampment with a confed. regiment. That's great because I have all my union attire and stuff. The wait is over! I just have to keep myself together for about a week or so.



Dissapoint :/

I've been waiting about a month for a confederate frock coat. The guy's who making it said that's about the amount of time it would take to make one. Well yesterday, my dad called the guy asking the ETA on the thing, and the guy said he had just got the material . I was really hope to have it by late march, since I'm doing a living history event then.     Guess not :c



Funneh school

So, during my last period (english), we were reading Romeo and Juliet. We got to the part where Mercutio was slain by Tybalt. After class I randomly went up to my friend and yelled "MERCUTIO! WHY!". Then when I was in the car line waiting to be picked up, other people starting shouting "MERCUTIO" at my friend .   Thus ends a random blog entry



An Epiphany of Twilicorn

After watching the new episode, I realized that the Twilicorn rumor was real. I didn't like Twilicorn to begin with. Why? Because I'm a human, to which most humans don't like change. OCD and anxiety don't help that either.   However, I had a realization that put lots of my worries to rest. Twilight didn't change mentally, just physically. She still LOVES her friends (she pretty much kept saying that every 5 seconds after becoming an alicorn) She's still the same science-loving adorkable pony,



Mah ignorant(ish) friend of mine

'Right, once again the setting is school! It was during lunch where my small circle of friends were at a table talking about random crap. When, my friend said something along the lines of "I'm gonna make a deal with the government, then they'll take MLP off the air." Now, obviously he isn't a brony. He rarely talks about the show, but I just went along with it by saying "I see..."   He knows I'm a brony but he's OK with it and doesn't bring it up about me or anyting. Either he forgot about it



Quantum Physics is confusing

'Right, so I was sitting in science class, surprisingly interested in what the teacher had to say. Our wonderful teacher then proceeded to go into the world of quantum physics, which is like physics on crack. We were talking about electrons and he said something along the lines of "They're not here and there, they're everywhere at the same time, but when you observe them, they're in one place." I still can't completely wrap my head around the concept. I have a feeling I'll be meeting it again so



To arms! To arms!

WAR!   War has broken out on this forums! The Chaotics and the Lawfuls we soon eventually do battle!   I feel as though I should choose a side....I need convincing.     I imagine the battle would go like this, Confederates are the Lawfuls and Union is the Chaotics: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3po17QbHLRQ



Mah dream fortold the future!

Right, so last night I had a strange dream. All I remember is that I was able to play a piece of wood like a fife and make notes out of it (dream logic) and that my grandpa was sick (I think it was a heart attack in the dream)   Anywho, when I woke up at like 10:30, my mom came in to my room and said my grandpa was going to have surgery to get his appendix removed.   COINCIDENCE? I THINK NOT!



I want a bloody frock coat!

As the title suggests, I really want a frock coat. For what purpose? Reenacting of course! Frock coats are epic! They come down to your knees and they're bring back memories of the olden days! Plus, lets face it, I'm sure anyone could look handsome in one of those.   "But HistoricallyInaccurate, why would someone spend up to $500 on a peice of wool?" When you're a reenactor, you'll understand these things. Why did that one guy spend some 12 million dollars for a box of twinkies? I know I got



Kind of dissapointed over something I learned (kind of)

Well, this next summer is the 150th reenactment at Gettysburg YEAHH! It' so big there's two sponsers hosting it, one being the Blue and Gray Alliance, and the other I forgot :3. I have the epic opprotunity to go there, of which my regiment will be portraying the Iron Brigade at the railroad cut and the Irish Brigade (our unit is irish so it kinda makes sense). An' me being 14.87 years of age, I am not allowed to carry a musket/fire one at events . But I am a musician, of which I get a surpisingl



TheBronyHeart, wha hae ye done tae me?

A few days ago, I was convinced by none other to read the fanfic An Affliction of the Heart. I did like the story. Although I had a few complaints on it, overall I thought it was pretty good.   But, there is this thing...inside of me. Why do I feel...sympathy...for the Changelings? I know most of 'em are evil, but..I feel sympathy for the small percentage.   Oh, I'll never hear the end o' this from Golden Age   BronyHeart, ye dinnae ken wha ye done!



Why I like history




I have fan-fic Ideas, no idea which to start.

I have about 3 fan-fics of which I wouldn't mind writing. Of course I'm not what one could call a great writer, merely an amateur. But none the less, I don't see why I can't exercise my writing skills. Just don't know which fanfic(s) to start. I'll just start one of 'em if someone asks me to.   1. A fan-fic about my OC, Golden Age. He is placed in the midst of one of the 'Changing Wars'. 2. Twilight is working on a time travel spell, and Pinkie being Pinkie, messes it up and they both are tra



My school transported to Whoville

'Right, so we have this Christmas spirit week going on this week. I forgot what today was, but when I got there in the morning, 2 girls had their hair sticking straight up. At first, I thought she was Marie Antonette, but then I realized she was portraying a girl from Whoville.



My fascination of the Iron Brigade

I don't know why, but I'm starting to get a deep liking towards the Iron Brigade.   The Iron Briage, AKA Black Hat Brigade was a brigade of several regiments in the Army of the Potomac during the American Civil War. They were famous for their iconic hardee hats and their extreme durability. I was watching a segement from the History Channel's 'Gettysburg'. And I saw the segiment were the Iron Brigade was charging the railroad cut on the 1st day. Even though the uniforms were highly inaccurate,



Joke from the 1850's and a rant on politics

Chickens and corn Guy 1: How do chickens eat corn? Guy 2: I gives it up! Guy 1: Why, by the pack! (pack ,as in a pack of wolves or something)   And now, for a rant on politicals. I am pretty tired of those crooked politicans that run the US. I'm sure by now their crookedness has rendered them beyond recongization as a human being. I'm hoping some one will invent regeneration. And not zombies, I mean full generation. I would bring Thomas Jefferson from the dead and let him work his magic. I



Naming my musket?

Well, since my friends in my unit have named theirs, and because I'm assuming it's bad luck to have a gun without a name, just like with a boat, I have decided to name it. But alas, I can't think of one. I'm wanting it to be one that's close to home in KS. Dorothy is right out! And there's really no girl that has had a significant role in my so far. And last time I checked, there's no "state female name".



More Fife (continued)

Apparently you can't put more than 2 media clips on a blog. So I will continue with this.   John Brown's March: After transposing this from a fiddle, it has become one of my favorite tunes.   Funeral March/Merry Men Home from the Grave: A sad funeral march (there's many of them) followed by Merry Men,which would be played after the funeral to I guess end the event on a happy note, t'would be bad for morale! Merry Men is a real breath taker!



More fife songs

Here are some more songs I recorded for the public's viewing! (Hmm, that sounds too posh :/)     Rogue's March: This was used to drum disorderly soldiers out of the army, or when punishment/executions were to take place. Don't ye just love the old days!?   Hell on the Wabash: A famous Union fife and drum song, and ironically, I didn't learn until recently.



My Musket an' Pistol

Since a few of you wished to see my musket, I thought 'briliant Idea!' I also have a few pictures of my pistol.   Here is my 1853 Enfield @Dimitri, If it takes a while to clean your musket, use windex instead of water. Sounds crazy but it actually works!   If you can read it, it says "1853 Enfield"   Here's my 1862 pocket pistol. Not a big fan of them. They take about 5-10 minutes to load and about 5 seconds at the least to shoot.   Here's a view looking down the sights.



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