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Since I feel that people who draw her deserve some recognition I'll try to highlight some of my favorite artists who have drawn her.

Entries in this blog

Rarity artist highlight #3 plotcore

One of my favorite artists plotcore, I would describe his style as slightly sketchy and fuzzy yet he can still produce incredible detail in his art.   Some of my favorites of his works http://plotcore.deviantart.com/art/Potential-588091634 This I used for the longest time as my wallpaper, very powerful image and pleasant to look at. Her lovely captivating eyes glowing with her magic, and her mane and tail waving through the air due to the sheer power of her magic, This all is

碇 シンジン

碇 シンジン

Rarity artist highlight #2 luminaura

http://luminaura.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=%2F&edit=0&q=rarity luminaura's distinct and kinda sketchy style of drawing has impressed me and many others i would say. Their maybe most well known piece in this community I would say is the one @Jeric is using as his go to avatar http://luminaura.deviantart.com/art/ponybuck-coffee-time-456196861 Featuring Rarity wearing her glasses and holding Ponybuck coffee with her magic I would say that this piece is one of my fa

碇 シンジン

碇 シンジン

Rarity artist highlight #1 Uher0

In this blog series I'll try to highlight some of my favorite Rarity artists that have impressed me with their style and personality and have taught me something me, helping me see Rarity and her beauty in new light.    http://uher0.deviantart.com/ I'll start with Uher0 since one of his drawings has been my wallpaper as long as soon as he posted it and it may be my favorite pic of Rarity all time. http://uher0.deviantart.com/art/HiHi-521697384 As you can see it is not yo

碇 シンジン

碇 シンジン

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