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daily life, tips, and announcments!

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butthurt, butthurt everywhere!

I'm going to say this, and I will says it as clear as I can: To all the people who think this fandom is changing for the worse, I want you to do this: 1. cry a river 2. build a bridge over that river 3. get the freaking hell over it.   Seriously everyone, why are you all so judgemental and nit picky? Why do you even care about what others rant about? Why do you get so worked up about other people's opinions? I mean its not like there holding a freaking knife to your neck while they rant! Oh

My take on Equestrian Girls

Why is everyone so aghast about this? I mean I understand that it may seem a little bit of a change, but we must remember this show was still indeed made for mostly the young feminine population, so its not like Hasbro was trying to please us.I mean, I'm actually excited to see this new movie, it seems like a pretty bad ass idea and all! I understand this makes some of you extremely butt hurt, but lets just give this idea a try shall we? you might be suprised how awesome it it

OC giveaway trivia :D

ok, so I decided to run a giveway for you guys . the trivia questions are Kingdom Hearts themed, and who ever can answer them right by sending me there answers in a pm, the first three people to get the questions right get there Oc sketched up by me :3 here are the questions:   Who is Sora's nobody AND heartless?   What is the name of the main villain in Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep?   what is the original keyblades name?

Changing "too much"

you see my littly ponies, There is such a concept of changing too much. I mean dont get me wrong, change is good, in fact, its the reason my room is different every day, but you do not see me taking things to abnormal and abstract proportions like, removing my bed or blocking my window with nececities. if you say you are going to change, then by god change! but do not go into such abstract anomalities to do so! If you change your style, dont go from wearing a fedora, to a damn octopus hat with



Why post your art on here if you are going to call it bad?

See, what I'm trying to ascertain at the moment is why the peers of this kind forums tend to bag on themselves about there artwork? This place is known for the friendliest people on Equestria, yet we still think negatively on ourselves. And I'm not pertaining this to new users, no I can comprehend that. its all the regulars that confuse me. if you know that we will not bag on you, why do that? are you craving attention? or do you feel it is your mission to degrade yourself for others entertainme



I think I might leave the forums for a bit.......

You see my fellow forum roamers, I do not feel the best at the moment. I am mentally ill in the fact to where everytime I get on the internet at all, my memories and feeling start to creep back into my thoughts, blocking my enjoyment from the internet itself. do not think I am leaving forever, I will most likely be back. there may be a chance I could change my mind, but I doubt anyone will try. So at that my friends, I bid you ado.........



What bugs me the most out of our youth......

alright, so there is the few things that agitate me about or current youth, a few being the constant denial of there indifference toward others, or the emotional overthrows they put themselves through, just to get attention. but, what annoys me the most about our youth these days, is the repetitive showings of "independence" towards there peers. I seem to find this a constant terror rummaging through my life almost everyday in my time. I cannot believe what I have heard from such youth, and all



"One angel left un-guarded"

There I was. broken. beat. scared for my life, waist deep in sorrow and pain. my only friend being my inner thoughts, although they were constantly stabbing me in the back. Although I constantly try to get rid of this pounding oppression in myself, it still finds a way back into my un mended heart. I was gods broken toy, usless and not of any amusment to him anymore. so he tossed me away, like the trash that I am. I was once a demi-god. but now, I'm just the one angel left un-guarded.      



My rant on "followers"

I am simply cracking on the subject because I see it unfair that most youth in this generation have a certain group that it ascertains to: Followers. Half the youth finds it worthy of them to set themselves in one anothers shoes and follow them as if they are a lost puppy. I do not only see this as a problem, but also an annoyance! I cannot walk out on a nice day without seeing a huddled group of teenagers that all have the same concept of clothing on and all talk in a common tone that suites th



BlazBlue is the most addicting game to me right now......

Okay, my friend Nick (wildpumpkin on here) is staying at my home for a week, for complications un-mentioned. He had brought his x-box along with ONE game. I looked at the game and automaticaly thought ".......Gay" but, he somehow got me to play a match him, and I instantly regreted saying that! this game is freaking amazing! yea the graphics are kinda bad, but the fighting system and combinations are awesome! so far, I have to say my fav characters are Taokaka, Noel, & Arkune, but I think I



life as a unappreciated artist

well, for the past week, I have made a few thread about my artwork and all, and i was so excited to di it! but when i did, i waited.....and waited.....and finally, i went on one of my threads, and it is full of nothing but freaking spam and off topic arguments!!!!! OH MY GOSH you do not know how badly this P****ed me off! I tried fixing it, but it went back off again! so, i think i am going to finally report it, but i don't know if i want my art threads to be blocked, because it isn't fair to th



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