Name: Sergio 'The Soulless'
Age: Unknown (guessed to be around 50)
Gender: Stallion
Species: Pegasus
Description: Sergio is considered an albino where he originated from, which did him no favors among his people. He's also slightly smaller than average height, though his wings are much larger than the average pegasus'. The chess pieces in his cutie mark stand for his strategic prowess and his ability to judge and find a way out of almost any situation. He wears the bandana to
Name: Syren
Age: 19
Gender: Stallion
Species: Unicorn
Description: At average height, Syren is only slightly taller than his best friend and captain, Virgil. Although, through most of their lives, Syren had been the smaller. His tail seems to be permanently ruffled, no matter what he does. Not that he ever seems to really worry about helping it.
The heart tattoo is the result of a very long night of drinking. Virgil has said that he tried to talk Syren out of it, but he'
Name: Eros
Age: 8
Gender: Female
Species: Pegasus
Description: Roughly average height like her younger twin, Eros is just an inch or so taller than he. Being twins, they look fairly alike, though Eros is slightly of a slightly darker color, and the obviously black where he has white. And, y'know, the whole unicorn pegasus thing...
Like her brother, Eros hasn't earned her cutie mark yet. No one's really sure what it'll be, though they imagine it'll have something to do b
Name: Eris
Age: 8
Gender: Male
Species: Unicorn
Description: Average height for his age and growing all the time, Eris is just slightly shorter than his twin sister, a characteristic he hopes to soon overcome. Hell, he'd settle for just being the same height! He's often mistaken for being blind, partially because of their grey/black color, mostly because of the 'glazed' look they seem to have. Actually, he's only partially blind. He can make out differences in light and occas
Name: Virgil
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Species: Earth pony
Description: At average height and rather stocky, it's more his cold demeanor that puts people off when they meet Virgil. No one knows where the few scars on his face came from, though many rumors have started on the topic. His tattoos come from a witch doctor in the southern seas who enchanted the ink to give him better sailing knowledge, making him one of the premiere captains to sail the seas. He has a single gold ring
Name: Arctica Superion
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Unicorn
Description: Standing at roughly average height, Arctica would probably go unnoticed if it wasn't for her bright blonde mane and tail. They tend to make her stand out. And even if they didn't, her ice blue coat probably would. Her storm grey eyes tend to switch between 'angry' and 'mischievous', both of which have the tendency to put ponies off. With her purple shield crossed by a black sword, Arctica's family, pa