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Two Year Anniversary (And Some Change)

Well, I sailed right on by my two year anniversary of me joining the Forums and formally becoming a member of this amazing community. I think this little slip-up says a lot about my personality and my relationship with this fandom nowadays.   I'm busy -- I'll get the obvious out of the way first. I imagined college as being rather like the adult version of high school (again, fairly obvious), which meant for me that I would have lots of time to mess around on the Internet in between the odd ho

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Not Dead, Not Gone, Still Kolth

Hey, anyone bothering to read this.   So I suppose there are two types of people: those who remember me from when I...y'know, actually did stuff here, and new people who are just discovering blogs or something. To that, I have two things to say:   To those who know me: I'm not dead, and I'm not gone. This past summer and my subsequent transition to college life has been absolutely hectic. As you can probably tell already, I was removed from the Public Relations team for inactivity (althou

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My Life According To: Yup, Another Bandwagon Trend. Joy.

Seriously, these questionnaires are getting a tad ridiculous. I thought these were relegated to Facebook notes.   Pick your Artist: blink-182   Gender: Man Overboard Describe yourself: Story of a Lonely Guy How do you feel: Wasting Time Describe where you currently live: This Is Home If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Another Girl, Another Planet What is your occupation: Online Songs Your favorite form of transportation: Roller Coaster Your best friend is: Pretty

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A Heads-Up for the Next Few Weeks

Bad news, y'all.   So the Boy Scouts just began enforcing a new rule, requiring a whole new merit badge be completed for the Eagle Scout rank. Of course, I dilly-dallied long enough that this new rule now applies than me, and I have less than a month to get it (among other things). In an effort to not be a failure, I'm going to be trying to stay away from the Forums and my projects and everything.   I realize that, for a few of my projects, this is a bad time, and I profusely apologize. I'll

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Kolth Tried to Draw

...and it didn't turn out too terrible. I think. Sorry for the bad quality -- that scanner is all the way on the other side of the house...like, forty steps away. That is simply too much work.   Anyway, I'm gonna doodle some more, try some different poses and facial expressions (this fluffy was drawn by following a simple tutorial) over the next couple of days/weeks. My big problem with this drawing was that I started small, so fitting details and stuff (cough right eye cough) proved to be ann

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You Guys

You've made me waste over 1,000 posts worth of my time. You've made me waste over 1,300 brohoofs worth of posts. And, as of roughly 45 minutes ago, you've made me waste 100 days of my time lurking around these Forums.   ...   And I wouldn't have it any other way. Here's to another 100 days of me poking my nose into other people's business and begging for (non-existent) story views. I luv u guize <3   -Kolth

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My Thoughts on Recent Events

[Forewarning: I'm not the best at internet rants. This could see some minor or major edits in the future.]   Normally I'm not one to drag out any argument or disagreement longer than it possibly needs to be, and I hope that this post doesn't fan the flames, so to speak. Rather, I have an opinion on recent events and a solution to the problem that was apparently brought to light.   There was a rather controversial topic that was posted a few days ago and, after a degeneration of productivity,

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That Sudden Nostalgia an' Stuff

So I've been poking around in this thread and it got me thinking about when I first joined the site and, by extension, when I first came into the whole "pony" business.   I remember the first pony-centered site I ever visited, months before I would ever watch the show: FiMFiction. I found out about that glorious site whilst reading through Fallout Equestria and decided to give it a shot. Not knowing what to expect, I tapped up on the search bar and checked out the tags. For some reason, I was

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Because I Still Like Talking About Myself (Now With 60% More Me)

I found another questionnaire thing. Naturally, I want to fill it out. Have you ever: 1. Skipped class? - Once. She was a friend who had just lost her older sister, so we went out to coffee. 2. Done drugs? - Nope, and never will. 3. Self harmed? - Emotionally I do! I sabotage my relationships, be they familial, platonic, or what-have-you. 4. Drank? - Nope. 5. Shoplifted? - Probably once or twice. Definitely once in recent memory. 6. Gotten a tattoo? - Nah. The only tattoo I'll ev

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Off On An Adventure

So I just bought Pokemon Y and am about to power up my brand-new 3DS.   This made me think of the last time I played a Pokemon game: I had the strategy guide, I looked up all the info for every route and city and opponent. The game became a grinding fest until I could get to post-game content.   Not this time.   I'm gonna go in totally blind, aside from the occasional snapshot I've seen online. I know next to nothing about the starters, the legendaries are truly a mystery, and I've heard r

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Because I Like Talking About Myself

So I've seen enough (read: two) of those little questionnaire-things that I decided to do one about myself. Enjoy. 1. Any scars? - I have one on my left knee from when I wiped out hard on my bike as a kid (cool story that involves me racing my sister who was on an ATV). I have this weird red spot on my left palm that I claim is a scar because, at one time, it was a wound. 2. Relationship status? - Bachelor life, yo. 3. Crush? - Does Sunset Shimmer count? No? Aww. 4. Kissed anyone? - Eeyu

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Why My Teachers Hate My Essays (And You Can Help!)

So far this year:   * I inserted the phrase "Sexual Tyrannosaurus" into an English paper. It was one of the most popular papers in class. Yes, I got a good grade on it.   * A World Civilizations paper contained a lengthy analogy between Michael Bay's Transformers and the ancient Greek phalanx formation. People can turn into giant death turtles too.   * I got to type part of my English paper (different from the above-mentioned paper) by bashing my head into the keyboard repeatedly. Yes, I g

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THIS Is What I Call A Friend

In my English class, we have to write these essays called Occasional Papers. We are meant to take a simple question or topic and continually ask "So what?" and "What now?" The paper I just wrote concerns how fear is the base human instinct that dictates our entire social structure, and that I'll gladly admit to watching MLP if it means I'm not "afraid" of repercussions. I got that out of "What happens if I decide not to write this paper?" But that's not what this blog is about.   The first OP

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I Need Your Help With Ponies an' Stuff

So I just had my senior pictures taken, and might I say: they look pretty awesome. The photographer is somethin' else, and the lighting was perfect, and the setting was neat...y'know how it goes.   My mother wants to get (among other things) a book of my senior pictures. Spread among these pictures will be a spattering of quotes. And that's where I want to go nuts.   My sister got the same book for her pictures. Her quotes are all inspirational and "Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you'

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So My First Two-Day Race is Coming Up

And by "coming up", I mean tomorrow.   So if you live in the Northwest, you might have heard of Hood to Coast. It is a 195-mile, twelve-man team running event that goes from (SPOILER ALERT) Mt. Hood to the Pacific coast.   The high school version is Portland to Coast, which is significantly shorter but still way too long. And I got dragged into it this year.   Shiiiiiit.   Since I haven't experienced it before, I'm gonna sum it up as best as I can: two vans, six teens in each. A lot of f

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Me: The Most Awkward Person I Know (Or "How Not to Impress a Girl")

I mean, I knew before today that I was awkward as hell. But geez, it really hit me after this afternoon.   We have this game store in town -- Video Game Wizards, if you care about names. VGW has their main store set up in Portland, the biggest town in Oregon. They built their second of two stores in my little backwater hick town. Still have no idea why.   My pal and I stopped in VGW's hick store on Monday to solicit them for donations for our senior project. While in there, I noticed two thi

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My Week at Steens (Also I Almost Died)

So last week I was at Steens High Altitude Running Camp. For those who don't know western United States geography (because, honestly, who doesn't), the Steens Mountains are in southeast Oregon. From the top of the mountain (about 10,000 feet, if I remember correctly) you can see Idaho and Nevada. Oh, and if you aren't in the mountains, you're in the high desert. And the high desert is flat. As. Hell.   I hate flat. But I also hate hills. Y'know, runner problems.   This was my second year at

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Boys State -- The Greatest Nerd Week Ever

Wow, I'm totally late on fangirling about this...whoops.   According to the "officials," Boys State is a week of mock government where you learn what it takes to make a democracy function and sit and listen to senators and governors talk about their careers.   According to anyone who goes to Boys State, it is a week of public nudity, assassination attempts, lawsuits, scheming, and vaguely sexual campaign posters.   It's pretty damn sweet.   There are 49 Boys State programs in the United

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I Totally Forgot that I'm a Dad Now

Well, the Forums deleted my blaug post, so I'll just cut to the chase:   I adopted a filly through an adoption thread by Blue Moon. Here she is:     I need a name, cutie mark, personality, etc. Any ideas?

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Spirit Gamezzz...

...oh, hey, gotta wake up and make a...make a post...(so tired!)   My high school does Spirit Week at the end of the year; on the last day of this week is the Spirit Games. There's a bunch of games and competitions and stuff between the freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors to see who takes home the Spirit Goblet (there are multiple competitions throughout the year to decide who holds the Goblet for the next few months).   By junior year, my class had STILL not won the Goblet. Not once

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MLP Congressional Bill

Wait for it...waaaait for it...   Ha, I hooked at least one person into thinking that this would be a post about an ACTUAL My Little Pony bill in our ACTUAL Congress. Teehee I'm so funny~   ...anyway.   So a very few of you might recall that, about a week ago, a friend of mine (hi @NeonDinosGoMeow) posted a topic asking for pros and cons to his congressional bill. Basically, the bill would require kids from kindergarten through their senior year of high school to watch My Little Pony in sc

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I Feel Terrible for the Portal Turrets

I've been thinking about this for a while now, and thought I should get others' opinions about the matter. Warning, potential Fridge Horror ahead along with possible Portal/Portal 2 spoilers.   So in Portal 2, it is revealed that Cave Johnson wanted to put a human conscience into an operating system (which ultimately resulted in GLaDOS). Obviously, you're not going to jump straight to putting a human mind inside of a massive sentient OS that has control of an entire secret facility. You take b

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The Day that Sucked, then got Awesome - Part Dos

Hey, remember last time I posted a blaug like this? Yeah, I got in a lot of doodoo for that one. But I can't get in trouble now because I'm already IN trouble!   So I'm a distance runner. *gasp REALLY?* I love distance, I love cross country, and I love the people who run distance in track. But I live in a backwater farming town straight out of Friday Night Lights - football (and, as an extension, basketball) is THE big thing. Football is the only true sport, everything else can go rot in a ho

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Paintball and Why it is Amazing

A few days ago, my off-to-college friend came home and invited me and my Asian pal to go play paintball. Now, this friend goes to West Point. He knows, like, six dozen ways to snap your neck with one hand. One of the first classes he took was in hacking remote turrets (long story, involving plastic dinosaurs). And he's built like a brick.   Needless to say, my Asian bud and I both called being on his team.   For the past week, we had decidedly un-Oregon weather: sunny in the sixties, with on

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My Calves are now Rocks

First off, I just looked at my Pony Hypnosis blaug entry. Over 1,000 views. Well then.   And, per usual, I am so exhausted that this will hopefully be brief.   So today was the first track & field meet of the season. It was against two other schools, so nothing terribly intense. I was slated to run the 1,500m and the 4x400m.   Ran exactly my personal record (PR) for the 1,500m (4:38), so hopefully I can drop down into the 4:20's by May.   I was the first leg of our 4x400m team becau

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