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About this blog

(wait... the first entry is like a general theme entry for the blog... i really don't know how this works and now my first entry will forever be my bug alebrije XD)


Also, hey! It's my first blog ever! I don't know how this things work! Can we talk about anything? Idk but it's fun and that's what's important.:D 

Entries in this blog

Student six stained glass

I'm going to theorize because I can. Looking back on the epilogue my eyes encountered this stained glass of the student six. I have to ask though.. what is going on here???? What is that creature they are fighting?? a dinosaur??? Are they in space?? what is happening?! I feel compeled to create my own story from what is presented here so here we go. One day in the magical land of equestria a giant portal opened in the middle of nowhere, and from it a group of creatures f



Is Rarity crystal pony descendant?

I've been thinking... and that's not a good sign.  But could it be that Rarity has some crystal pony connections? I literally have no evidence other than she likes crystals and precious rocks, that's how she got her cutiemark, and her hair is "special", it has similar gradient to that of crystal ponies.       Which you could argue that many other ponies have that gradient but in fact there's not that many. Normally the pony's hair is plain.  (No gradi



changeling magic - why not infinite magical abilities?

Aside from the canon this is mostly going to be speculation. (warning: lots of pictures) We all know that I love changelings. I mean, they are one of the races that have a pivotal place in equestrian society along with dragons, griffins, hippogriphs and yaks, being by political affiliation or by history, although not always as friends. As a race they are very complex and one of the things that stand out the most about them aside from their look is their magical abilities. Their capacit



Do you think equestria has horoscopes/astrology?

I was thinking (note the time)... are there horoscopes in equestria?  We've had other examples of real life constellations in general like Star Hunter's Orion cutie mark. Both Ursas. And the latest one, although not actually equivalent to any real constellation, Rockhoof refers to it as O'Bridles Belt, which could be just a play on words with Orion's Belt, and we have too his story about how he tossed an Ursa mayor so hard into the sky it became a constellation ever since. But wh



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