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The TwilightCircuits Story...

Entries in this blog

@#%$ing READ PONY Part 5, and a response to Harmonic Revelations, SFW

In response to HR's comment from Part 3, and other stuff. I know my story kinda sounds crazy, but why do you think I'm so upset someone stole all my stuff? All of this is second nature to me as if it's just an everyday thing. But I'm so confident in my story, that a good professional investigator, could in fact prove my whole story, put together in the right order. I also understand your concern about the scripture I've written, so if the forums are acting weird next time I'm online, I'll try

Twilight Circuits

Twilight Circuits

@#$%ing READ PONY Part4, Safe work.

Well, last time I was online and posted Part 3, I ended with the topic of Cutie Marks, and said they are actually more magical then you may think. Good thing I can't lie here. Or you'd accuse me of Idoltary. For real. Let's start with Princess Celestia and Luna's cutie marks. Obviously if you're a brony, you know they are the sun and the moon. Well, when it comes to the scripture of old and the scripture that I've written, they have more significance than one might realise whomever you are brony

Twilight Circuits

Twilight Circuits

@#$^ing READ PONY! Part 3 (grab a drink) Safe for work!

So let me answer a few questions that you might have but first say a few words.   I know I might seem angry, and for what it's worth, how could you blame me for being so. When it comes to how I view things one of the very things that actually is extremely different IS OUR THINKING period. You might say "Duhhh..." and roll your eyes but hear me out. How many things do you use at once to think? Ever heard of the phrase "one track mind?" Well, I'm afraid that isn't me. I understand and use many

Twilight Circuits

Twilight Circuits

@#$^ing READ PONY! Part 2 *WARNING, grab a drink and bring popcorn*NSFW

First off, special thanks to those that have commented. Especially BronyHeart for the support. What I would like to say right now is to clear up a few things. For some of you or even almost all of you, and by you i mean members of this forum, I would like to clear your confusion. First and foremost, I haven't even been a member here a year. But the thing we should also understand is that i've been jobless since just before finding this place. While I was jobless I was trying to implement an id

Twilight Circuits

Twilight Circuits

I lost a whole years worth of work... @^%$ing READ PONY!

I love ELOHIM It's true, on August 2nd, Someone smashed the passenger window of my truck and took a backpack I had in the back seat. In that backpack was project that I had been working on for a whole year. Although I have no idea whom you are reading this blog entry, I can't almost certainly garauntee you haven't read my whole blog, or even seen any of my vids, let alone answered my questions. Quite frankly, your telling me you don't care about me, you also tell me a lot of things, and one of

Twilight Circuits

Twilight Circuits

Don't bother reading

God knows, you never do anyway... Well you see, there used to be Trev C. But Trev C became C Thus Twilight Sparkle E Because Trevie C beat thee old ways of Pop E So Pop E's now Lu E And I am his Babe E That is why the big G Is Celest E and Lu E And I am their Babe E That's my name's C T, G and and big C I have the gift C Of this prophet E Cause this Babe E Girl C Wants a new Porsche And little Twilight Sparkle E Has next to no money and no fancy housy So mom E and Pop E Want

Twilight Circuits

Twilight Circuits

Twilight Circuits' Amazing Story! The Technique...

The Technique of ELOHIM   Back in 2006 I learned the most valuable technique in the world. One of the most amazing things about this technique is that it is easy to do, easy to master, and I have not yet met a single person that is not able to do this technique. What does this technique do? This technique allows you to physically control your heartbeat. I want you to consider this for a moment. If you could control your heart rate at will in any situation you came across, that would most defin

Twilight Circuits

Twilight Circuits

Twilight Circuits' Amazing Video's

So I finally get the first video out after all this time. You know, I was actually serious that it really did take a lot to get to this point. Despite the simplistic nature of the video's themselves, it was the journey to their creation that no one knows about. I had much bigger and better idea planned out and I went a pursued that idea simply on the sold fact that I wanted all bronies to have the best. I came into the fandom to find the most loveing people in the world. It was the place where

Twilight Circuits

Twilight Circuits

TwilightCircuits Amazing Story Part 10. FUN! FUN! FUN!

The fourth wall was broken. The fifth wall was broken. Then the sixth. Seventh. Eighth. Ninth! We are now about break into the 1st Dimension. Then, once the first dimension is broken, the second must get breached. Which means, thy pony in Season 3, Episode 3, reached, and then broke, the ninth dimension. And that is all I am going to say about that! Cause that was fun! I couldn't believe that much fun could multiply funness to make even funnier fun of the funnest fun of all fun! See? Ain't this

Twilight Circuits

Twilight Circuits

TwilightCircuits Amazing Story Part 9. Aftermath...

Did you know that you based my last blog entry on pre-existing ideas and notions about a certain and/or particular subject? You see, I created the title Haters Only!. But you notice that i didn't direct the title to any pony? That means that you automatically created the idea that because the blog post title and blog are here on mlpforums, I must have been talking about brony haters. But what if I wasn't? I acknowledged that there has been some forms of pain given to bronies by those that don't

Twilight Circuits

Twilight Circuits


Hi there! I'm Twilight Circuits. It has come to my attention that your negative polarity caused by the inability to understand cause and effect, positive and negative, Love and Hate, especially love, has inspired me to bring you this special message! What message? Well, because you do not understand that i use video's as a way of my instruction, you are therefore, unaware that i must use a video to convey this message. Now, there actually is something special about this message. You actually hav

Twilight Circuits

Twilight Circuits

TwilightCircuits Amazing Story Part 7 Skittle-Dash!

I have great news! You see, because of what i know about the law of attraction. I can give special recognition whenever, to whomever, I want! Now, you might be wondering why would I write this now and not only that; who is it? Well, the great thing about this blog, is that i can link anywhere outside of this page i want! Which means even though time has passed the topic relevant to the link might be a thread on the forums might no longer talked about, it give me chance to teach a valuable lesson

Twilight Circuits

Twilight Circuits

TwilightCircuits Amazing Story Part 6. One for the Metal Heads!

Well hello again! This has been a fun journey so far hasn't it! Here for your first time again? Well, there's good news and not so good news. The good news is that if your here cause you like metal, then your in luck! If you don't like metal music... I'm sorry. It was brought to my attention that although ponies are enjoying the video's so far, whether they were made by me or not, there wasn't enough metal music and some ponies were feeling left out! That's terrible! No pony should ever feel lik

Twilight Circuits

Twilight Circuits

TwilightCircuits Amazing Story Part 5. Safe for work!

Did you know that I read my own blog over and over? I'll bet you didn't see that coming! You see, the reason I do that is to ensure that a particular point or lesson comes across clearly. Which means, that if your reading this right now, you might be missing a valid key point in my material. Now for those of you that are here for the first time, are in luck because you can start from the very beginning and get everything all in one go. However, for those of you that have been with me up to here

Twilight Circuits

Twilight Circuits

TwilightCircuits Amazing Story Part 4. I'm Afraid Discretion Is Advised Agian!

Entry number four! Who would have though this would get that big? I did. Oh I knew this was coming! Remember that part I mentioned about inevitability? No? Might want to go back check up on that one chief. Now it's been mentioned to me or at least asked; What are you, writing a novel? HA! You're funny. No. I am not. As an anti-matter of fact, I'm writing about the law of attraction in a certain way. Why am I doing it in this way? Oh that 's easy! I discovered that by taking advantage of somethin

Twilight Circuits

Twilight Circuits

TwilightCircuits Amazing Story Part 3. Discretion advised.

Welcome back! I think we're going some where! We're on to something good here... Out of mind... Out of state... Trying to keep our head on straight. lol Well, there's only one thing left to do. Drop everything I have and go with you somewhere back there. I left all MY worries behind. It's like, the problems fell out of the back of my mind. And I think some of us feel that we never know where we're going and we're right back to where you started which is wrong. You should be like "i'm pressing on

Twilight Circuits

Twilight Circuits

TwilightCircuits Amazing Story Part 2

Well, after just having watched season three, episode one. I have to say that was the best. Episode. Ever. The most amazing part about this, is that some of you are coming back from some point in the future looking for answers. All I'm going to say is that episode was my answer. Answer to what? Oh, well, you see the universe is all about balance. But understanding the universe on the epic scale that one can percieve, can only be increased with the passing of time. Like what if, In order to balan

Twilight Circuits

Twilight Circuits

The beginning.

*(\   There seems to be some ponies that have a fascination and curiosity with not only my way of thinking, but the nature of my way of being. It's almost as if there's a silent, but somehow notable essence that asks the question; Who are you TwilightCircuits? My fellow bronies, ponies, pegasisters, whomever you may be... I study the Law of Attraction. What is that? How did I learn it? What do I believe in? Will you teach me what you've learned? What does this have to do with the Power of Love

Twilight Circuits

Twilight Circuits

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