I didn't want to make a post about this, so instead, here is a blog with all of my favourite songs from my country, and details why I like them and why you should too. Updates daily.
"2 souls went our for a ittle dance" - pretty much it, love story between two souls, making it an entry because it's good and fun to listen to.
Festival music
"All we talk about is peace;
No one talks about justice;
Heaven for one, hell for another;
How many fingers are on the trigger?"
You know, this song has a really good point, everybody talks about how there should be peace and no wars, but there's something a lot more important than that, justice.
He sings about people that live in their hopes and dreams, and people that live in their plots and schemes; People that live to question but never get answers, and
Moving, so damn moving
(Longer entry than usual, because this song is so damn moving)
This song... this... this song is just unbelievable, first off, it's from the best Reggae band I've ever heard, HaTikva Shesh, second, it has a wonderful athenic beat, and thirdly, it has ther most inspiring lyrics I ever heard, I swear to god, there is no other song I heard with a better message.
So, to cut the fangasming, it's appropriatly named "2602", as in the year 2602 in the future.
God I love this song so much. It's from the Israeli age of rock, the 80's-90's, basically, there is this singer Danny Sanderson, and he pretty much single-handedly brought rock to Israel. My parents loved his band, and I love his band, no Israeli that respects himself could ever dislike his band
Anyways, it's about this girl meeting an alien, he takes her on a trip on his spaceship. Pretty much it.
Not much to say, I just love to dance to this. One thing to note, this song is from 1999, and it was made to bring back Disco to Israel, which I support :3
Ah, good ol' Israeli hits covers, gotta love 'em. The song is called "I only came by to observe", which is a Hebrew phrase for someone distant or alien. It talks about a man that has everything in life, and he's happy with his family; as imaginary, as it is revealed in the song, everything sang about comes to the chorus, which states:
"No, the castle isn't there, don't look at her, she's gone;
There's no point in running like that;
The sky is gone;
The lady is dead;
Relaxation song
One of the best modern (last 5 years) raggae bands here.
I like this song mostly because it's name stands for "If I ever meet god", and the lyrics are all questions for him. Every single word in that song I can agree with, and not to mention the beat is so good. It's not a religious song, in fact it's quite the oppisite, all of the questions asked as lyrics are the most reasonable, understandable, I-can-totally-see-where-that's-coming-from kind of questions, and