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My views about philosophical and scientific matters.

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Holiday Special: My Top 20 Favorite G4 Characters, part 2

Before we continue our little list, some honorable mentions: Cotton Sky - I really like her mane. Daring Do - I don't know why, but I love her voice. Flurry Heart - most unused potential. I imagine her as a future ruler, with a conflicted personality. Lily Longsocks - stronk. Twilight Velvet - best mom. And now, the top 10: #10 Cutie Mark Crusaders. Good depiction of children, who are enthusiastic and eager to do things, sometimes they mess up, but their hearts (as strong

Silly Druid

Silly Druid in MLP G4

Holiday Special: My Top 20 Favorite G4 Characters, part 1

As I mentioned earlier, I wanted to do something special for this time of the year. After a long consideration I decided to post the list of my favorite characters in all of FiM and EqG (I think it's too early to rate the G5 characters). Note that some entries are groups of characters instead of single ones, because I particularly like them as collective entities. So here we go: #20 Philomena. I really wanted to see more of her. #19 Plants and inanimate objects. Boulder, Phyllis, Smart

Silly Druid

Silly Druid in MLP G4

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