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About this blog

The world of Cars has unironically been on my mind for a while. Like a nerd, I will write down any thoughts, reactions and theories I might have about the Cars universe (while I rewatch the movies because it's been years since I've seen then) here.
Quick disclaimer, I am no anthropologist, ergonomist, physiologist, engineer or professional of any sort; this is entirely for fun! I have also not looked into the Cars fandom, so these are entirely my own speculations as well.

Entries in this blog

Vehicle-functional human objects?

First blogpost, nice! This is before I rewatch the movies, so all this is entirely speculation. - One little thing that has been on my mind for a while, especially since I'm pretty sure this detail bothers others as well, is human objects present in the Cars universe.  Most of the human objects we've seen in Cars2, such as cups/glasses and instruments (seen below), are used by "Alza" forklifts. However, Alza forklifts seem to have two separate "forks" (or "tynes") that are able to m


Gaines in forklifts

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