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About this blog

This is a blog to discuss MLP's religious and spiritual information in one source.

I had hoped to put into the forum but not enough were interested to make it worth while so I'm putting it into this blog.


the first and most obvious thing about MLP is the princesses which equates the power of the feminine or the creative side of existence.


I will put more in at s better time and if there is something you want to hear more of feel free to communicate any questions you may have. 

Entries in this blog

Rainbow chakra system Masculine/feminine gender

One of the most interesting things of MLP is their element rainbow spell.  Which brings me to the subject of this blog the meaning of the rainbow. The colors of the rainbow represent the spiritual and physical chakra system. For example red represents the physical or base physical chakra system. Like wise, in the opposite end of the rainbow the color of indigo represents the God head or connection to one's higher self and the spiritual world. And even beyond that there i
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