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About this blog

I've been feeling nostalgic lately and started looking for one of these that I had as I kid. I wish I'd never gotten rid of it, but as I searched I found out that several others were made as well. I wanted to share the collection I started, as each of these horses even come with a name and a little description about them.

To start off the 'Magic Touch' pony toy line came out in 1996, developed by Micro Games of America. They're similar to MLP merchandise, but have a much more 'horse like- appearance than typical MLP ponies. I found a blog as I was trying to find out more about these toys called 'A Guide to MGA's Magic Touch Ponies' that lists several of the toys that were made (though it's still a bit incomplete as one of the ponies I bought isn't listed under one of the collections yet, as the entry wasn't finished).

I wanted to start sharing these as I collect them, because even though I only had one of them growing up she was a big part of my childhood. I'll add the ponies as I get them, including descriptions from the blog mentioned about and my own personal thoughts on the toys that I get, as not all of them look like they're brand-new-out-of-the-box (actually none of them do, but they're all still in pretty good shape for being nearly 30 yr old toys).

Anyway, I'll start sharing the ones I have after this initial first entry, in approximately the order i got them in. They'll all be in one new entry for now, but I plan to make new ones new entries, though no guarantee on when I'll get new ones to share. I hope you'll enjoy them even though they aren't quite MLP; they mean a lot to me personally.

Entries in this blog

Magic Touch Ponies Commercial (1996)

I don't have any new toys to share, but I did find a commercial for the Magic Touch ponies from 1996. It's not great quality, but it's nice to see something like this preserved from my childhood (and the childhood of many others, as I definitely wasn't the only kid who had one of these toys). I just wanted to share this extra bit of nostalgia!  

Shyla Description Update and some info on the Kingdom of Cystalia

So the blog 'A Guide to MGA's Magic Touch Ponies' just got a big update. I don't know if there might be other toys missing, but one of the ones I provided in the last entry had no description, and I never included anything about the kingdom the toy line takes place in. This entry will be kinda short, but I thought it might be better to just make a new one than edit the old one. Anyway, here's a bit more info on Shyla and the kingdom she's from. “High above us floats the mystical city Crysta

First 6 Ponies

All character information about each pony will be taken from 'A Guide to MGA's Magic Touch Ponies' with no edits made to them. My personal thoughts about each toy will come after these descriptions. Carmelia Carmelia Magic Heart is famous for her bravery. She performs heroic acts in the city Crystalia, saving other ponies from danger. But she needs you to activate her powers. When you brush her silky mane, Carmelia Magic Heart lights up with magic energy, the light from her heart
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