So, I know this is late...really late but I just wanted to complain about Season 3 of MLP FIM. first of all there are rumors that Lauren Faust left the show...I don't honestly know if she did...and that would be awesome if someone could tell me what happened. But anyway, The last episode, in my opinion sucked. More than half the episode was singing. Don't get me wrong, I love their cute pony voices but after 10 minutes of it, I get deeply annoyed. They just kept on singing!!!! And Twil
I say it's about time these 3 fellahs get their cutie marks... what do ya say? I am totally ready for more cutie mark crusading!!! YA!!! Let's fight the fight! Um...yeah sorry. Anyways...most people already have their predictions for what their cutie marks will be and well it's kinda obvious too. Scootaloo is great at riding his scooter (uh... scooter is in her name) and Sweetiebell is bound to have a cutie mark that has something to do with singing... remember how she sang that "Hush now, Qui