Music history:
Skrillex - Bangarang
Metallica - One
Hollywood Undead - Bullet
Usher - DJ got us falling in love tonight
Rammstein - Ich Will
Helloween - Dr. Stein
The Offspring - Pretty fly for a white guy
PSY - Gangnam style
LMFAO - Party rock anthem
So more snow fell and at one point it even was -10 degrees C. Though i had fun with a couple of friends in the snow, throwing snowballs and building a fortress. And, as usual when snow falls, about half of the trains didn't move. For anyone going with the train: brace yourself, winter is coming.
Today, a load of snow has fallen down... I think it's allowed to leave. I got hit with snow balls, it's all cold and my bus had over half an hour delay. Though, respect for people who live in the snow all day, everyday.
So, yeah... i was like "hmmm let's start a blog, no matter if anyone looks i'm gonna do it anyways..."
so here it is, i will post all the awesome stuff here and give everyone a feedback of my day whenever i can! God this is terrible. No it isn't. Yes, it is.