Great Celestia! These exams and final projects are going to kill me! Luckily the last one is today, then I'll be free to go home tomorrow.... right after I clean up my dorm room. Oh dear, this is going to take forever! Clothes everywhere, and don't even get me started on the bathroom. No one ever helps me clean around here! Suitemate is always gone, as is my roommate. What's a pony to do?!
Meh, so Exam Week is this week. I have 3 projects due and an exam on Thursday, plus I work Tuesday and Wednesday. But I cannot wait until Thursday afternoon, because I;ll be going home for an entire month. I'll be turning 20 in 2 weeks, and I am so excited that I get to celebrate with my family and friends.
It's 7:30 am. I have no idea how I;m still awake at the moment. I couldn't get comfortable all night, eventually I just gave up at around 5 am. I even drank herbal tea, but still no luck. I