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A log of my gaming stuff, from funny screenshots, to glitches, to simple bragging.

Entries in this blog

Anybody got spare game keys from bundles? I can give you stuff for 'em

So, recently, a person I know has gotten started on Steam, but the problem is, they've only got a single game. I want to be nice and change that. I know people frequently end up with spare keys from indie bundles like the Humble Indie Bundle, because, well, they already have one or two of the games that come on them. So, I'm willing to trade stuff I have for any spare keys (except for Nightsky). That stuff can be various TF2 items like Refined and hats, Steam trading cards, and other stuff I mig

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Roop's collection additions #9 - First time in eons edition

So, I recently expanded my gaming collection again, since I had the money. Watch as I egotistically brag about the ill-advised purchases.   Mega Man X7: I've been on a Mega Man binge lately, and I got the chance to get X7, so I went ahead. I know it's known as a bad game, but I'm willing to give it a shot.   Mega Man X8: Kind of the same with X7, but I haven't heard much bad about it. I'd also like to be able to have played all the Mega Man X games to date if/when Mega Man X9 comes out. In a

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Well, Half-Life 2: Episode Three was a letdown.

So, I've finally been getting around to playing my unplayed games on Steam, and I realized I still had Half-Life 2: Episode Three, unplayed. I assumed it came from the Half-Life Complete pack I bought a while back and I just forgot about it.   So, I played through the game, and the gameplay felt awkward. I'll give credit where credit is due and say that the gravity and dimension-jumping puzzles were impressive, but the time travel puzzles, especially the ones involving Chell and the portal gun

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Is Steam becoming a game in itself?

Steam Trading Cards coming out of beta recently made me realize something.   Steam is becoming a game in itself.   In September of 2011, Steam Trading went live to all users. It's a feature that allows users to trade items between each other, from in-game items, to Steam items such as coupons and unredeemed games.   June 2013, the Steam Trading Cards and profile update goes live for all users. This adds profile levels, crafting of badges and collecting of trading cards and achievement show

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Playing the hairy Banjo

...-Kazooie.   Banjo-Kazooie is one of those games you don't forget. Its legacy is undeniable. It and its sequel are, in my opinion, the greatest games on the Nintendo 64. That's right, I said it.   Banjo-Kazooie and its sequel just have a certain something that few games on the platform have. It's hard to pinpoint the specific thing that makes the games so excellent. Is it the tight-for-the-N64 controls? The depth to the games? The great music? The excellent-for-the-time graphics? Sense of

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

The term "Metroidvania"

It pisses me off. Sure, I've used it in the past, but that's only because if I called games with the playstyle something else, nobody would know what I'm talking about.   I mean, it just sounds dumb, calling an entire subgenre the name of two games that fall into it mashed together. Should we start calling RPGs DragonFinals? Should we start calling FPSes WolfenDooms? Platformers MariOnics? It sounds silly. We should be able to identify a trait without calling it something that has that trait.

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

You know what really annoys me with high scores?

⇚ When people do that. That being, enter their name as something stupid/an obscenity/AAAAAAAAA. Sure, I know high scores in the traditional sense are pretty much a thing of the past now, but I can still complain about it, right?   I mean, with lots of console games, you can't even erase the scores, so that copy of Ms. Pac Man for the SNES will always have FUK on it until it eventually gets bumped off or the save battery inevitably dies. My brother would always get a kick out of putting up an

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

We need a fake video game news site

Something that crossed my mind earlier is that a site that posts fake video game news and passes it off as real would be hilarious. I'm envisioning a site that would for the most part reliably post real news, but occasionally trolls people who don't bother checking facts for themselves, with articles like "Sega to re-enter console market, revive Sonic series to its golden age glory" and "Donkey Kong to be revealed as Mario's love interest in upcoming game".   This would be funny because of how

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Is the Game Boy Color being forgotten?

So, I've been thinking about it recently, and who ever talks about the Game Boy Color? I mean, sure, the two Pokémon trilogies of the time ran on it, but when do non-Pokémon Game Boy Color games ever get brought up? Whenever I see talk about Nintendo handhelds, it's about the original Game Boy, the Game Boy Advance, and the DSes. What is it about the Game Boy Color that makes people never bring it up? It has its fair share of memorable games that aren't Pokémon. The Zelda "Oracle of" games and W

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Steam userbase, I am disappointed in you.

*Warning: I swear a lot.*   Some time ago, The War Z was released. Many people preordered this game solely on hype, and were burned when it turned out the developers were a bunch of scumbag scam artists, outright stealing many peoples' money, releasing a broken mess of a game with conspicuously-functional "micro"transactions, and silencing people who spoke out about them. Valve took action and took the game off the Steam store until the developers made some changes. People were rightfully piss

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Treasure Adventure Game

Usually when on the rare occasions I update this dumb blog, it's either a wall of text about a subject, or egotistical bragging about things I've acquired for my gaming collection. Not today, however. Today, I'm going to recommend a game I played recently. And that game is Treasure Adventure Game, a freeware indie game you can nab right now if you want to.   Treasure Adventure Game is, well, exactly what the title says. But to elaborate, it's an open-world side-scrolling platformer with an emp

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Lloyd Kaufman + AVGN = Best thing ever

Lloyd Kaufman being in an episode of AVGN reviewing the Toxic Crusaders games is the most awesome thing ever.   Well, not the most awesome thing ever, but still pretty awesome. It will get people who don't know who he is, what Troma is, and what the Toxic Avenger is to look them up.   [Not linking it here due to... well... do I even need to explain?]   But yeah, the internet's a funny thing. A guy can create a series and get popular enough to make a movie and have guest stars on his show,

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

My quest to find a game that should have been easy to find but wasn't for some reason

Yes, that one guy who used to be active but really isn't anymore is making a blog entry about his boring life. Or, somewhat of a wild goose chase due to -events- causing shopping online to not be an option. Deal with it. Also, new emoticons? Where's the Fluttershy glasses emote? Ah well.   Anyways, for some time now, I've been meaning to get Kirby's Return to Dream Land whenever I had the money to, and that finally happened recently. So, I'd looked at the local stores such as Greed*Mart and t

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

I don't get sports games.

As a person who collects gaming stuff, sports games have always baffled me for quite a few reasons.   For example, why do they need to release slightly-tweaked versions of them what seems like every five seconds? Go to the store, it's [generic football game title here] [year here] all the time. Go to a local game store and there's shelves of sports games on every platform, usually gathering dust. It's a common thing among collectors to be like "eh" when it comes to sports games. I mean, there

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Dragon Quest VII, and why I recommend it.

Yes, I know it's called Dragon Warrior VII because it was released before they started using the Dragon Quest name outside of Japan. Still going to call it Dragon Quest VII though.   Recently, I finished playing Dragon Quest VII for the first time. Yes, I know, as a big fan of the series, this is a little shocking. But I just never got around to it. The game is legendary for being very slowly paced. A playthrough can take 70+ hours, depending on if you do optional things or not. I'll elaborate

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Bientôt l'été: My (more awake) thoughts on the whole mess.

So yesterday, I wrote about this -thing- being released on Steam. However, I was tired when I wrote that, and looking back on it, I feel like I come across as a twit. I complain about it, but don't really do a good job of conveying why I complain about it. So that's why I'm doing a follow-up to it.   I dislike everything about the game being on Steam. I strongly believe in video games as art, and I see this game as a slap in the face to everything games in art can be. While I have not played i

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

So the hipsters discovered Steam...

...and dumped a prententious-as-hell game on it.   I mean, I'm just staring at this. It's just so.... pretentious. You know how people talk about/make jokes about try-too-hard-to-be-avant-garde-artsy-whatever people? This is those people in pure video game form.   From the description, to the images, to the video, it just screams "Oh, your video games are too mainstream, that's why I made this. You've probably never head of it." Truly a game to play on your iMac in Starbucks while reciting p

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

So, I was looking at the Steam store...

I was bored, and decided I'd take a look at the Steam store, maybe see if DLC for any games I own was on sale. I noticed the art for the game DungeonLand has a certain familiarity to it, but I couldn't quite figure it out. I thought maybe it was just in my head or something, but then it hit me like a ton of bricks.     Tell me I'm not the only one who sees it.

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Valve's bull, TF2's latest bull, and more.

Yeah, that's right. I'm going to talk shit about Valve. That company the internet seems to believe is amazing and perfect and does no wrong. Somebody has to talk about what they've become, and that somebody is me.   Oh boy, where do I even begin? Oh, I know. Portal 2.   The original Portal was a masterpiece. That can't be argued. It created its own niche and filled it well. But even it had flaws. Was it the puzzles? No, they were good. Was it the dialogue? No, it was good. Was it the visuals

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

On Team Fortress 2 - A tale of poor updates, misplaced priorities and the epitome of greed.

So, recently, I quit TF2. Whenever people hear about it, they ask me why, and I have to explain it again and again. So, I have decided to make a lengthy blog entry on the matter that will cover everything nicely. So, where do I start?   What seems like 100 years ago, I first started playing Team Fortress 2. I had fun (the purpose of any game), socialized, and gradually got better at the game. As time went by, many changes were made to the game, and continue to be made today. These changes used

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Roop's collection additions #8 - First time in what seems like forever edition

So, I was finally able to get some stuff I wanted, since I finally managed to sell a spare PS2 and some unwanted games that I mentioned in a previous entry.   So, what all did I get? Another Wii nunchuk, (since circumstances left me with only 1 and I like to have things set up so at least 2 people can play consoles I have), and Mischief Makers, a game I'd been interested in getting for some time. Zoop's recommendation of it pushed it further up my priority list.   Well, I'd add more to my g

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Roop babbles about Shank 2

So, recently, I got my hands on Shank 2. I loved the original Shank when I played it, so as you can guess, I was excited to play Shank 2. But first, a brief (without spoilers) description of what Shank is.   Shank is a side-scrolling beat ‘em up starring, well, Shank: A former mob hitman. On a quest for revenge, he travels through several stages creatively -and brutally- killing many goons via combos, throws, and environmental weapons. Has a memorable soundtrack, and comic-book-style visuals t

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

This was a triumph.

I'm making a note here: Huge success!   Allow me to explain.   A little while back, the Steam Community Market was added, which allows players to sell certain TF2 items for Steam Wallet money. Now, I've lost interest in TF2 as of late, but I realized that I could put my idling accounts to use to get money for games with this. Last week, I set a goal for myself: Buy the Goblin Menace DLC for Trine 2 with nothing but money made from the Steam Community market. I knew this would take some time,

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

A rant on "achievements"

In recent years, gaming has seen the addition of a now-popular feature: Achievements. These are goals you achieve in the game that give you out-of-game points, and a notification. Many games, more realistically, most games released via mainstream means have these achievements. Many gamers work to earn these achievements, feel satisfied when they hear that audio cue and see that number go up.   They play games, do things they would not ordinarily do (such as kill a large number of enemies via u

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

The Roopian hoard

For the past couple days, I was busy organizing stuff, and moving shelves. So I decided to take a picture, which is satisfactory despite the fact a little bit of the left is cut off by a wall because of the angle.   Always wanted to get a good picture of my game collection, so I finally did. Obviously, consoles and such aren't in the shot.   So, uh, not much else to say, really. Enjoy looking at it.

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

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