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About this blog

A log of my gaming stuff, from funny screenshots, to glitches, to simple bragging.

Entries in this blog

A rant on stickers on cartridges.

Now, this is exactly what the title says: A rant. More specifically, a spur-of-the-moment one brought on by the fact I just spend the last hour removing god-awful excessive labels from cartridges. There is swearing ahead. Be warned.   Why the fuck did people do this?! Was there no better way? I mean, sure, price stickers are reasonable BUT DO YOU HAVE TO FUCKING PUT THEM OVER THE GAME'S ORIGINAL LABEL? It makes it NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE to get them off without damaging the label. I've seen many gam

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Roop's collection additions #7 Good day today :D :D :D edition + unrelated wall of text.

So, I bought Epic Yarn through Ebay what seems like a long time ago, but recently, it got tied up in the post office. Long story short, I have it now, which is good, since that was the whole point of buying it. And now for an unrelated wall of text that I wrote last night and decided "Instead of posting it to my blog, I'll wait until I can combine it with the Epic Yarn entry". So I did. So, here it is.   Video games are capable of being an amazing thing. Unlike other forms of art, the user act

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

On the importance of polish

Polish. An important thing in games. But how does one actually define it? I found myself having this problem earlier.   I mean, polish is a thing. It is variable. There is no single definition of "polish" when it comes to gaming.   So, I find myself stumbling over words to define it. Polish is an important thing to gaming. It can make the difference between a game being "just good" and a fantastic, memorable experience. It manifests itself in many ways. Some games polish comes from its visua

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Roop babbles about VVVVVV

This is a game I got a long time ago in a bundle, that I never played until recently. This is another one of those cases where I regret not touching it for so long because it's so good.   It's a platformer. Your only action, other than activating computers/teleporters/etc. and talking to the other characters, is reversing gravity. You cannot jump. This makes getting through rooms interesting, because an obstacle you could just jump over in a different game requires you to think to get past it.

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Roop babbles about The Binding of Isaac

The Binding of Isaac.... where do I begin? There's so much to say about this game. To start with, I'm going to put a bit of a disclaimer. This game has been called "blasphemous" by certain publications, etc., due to its nature. If this offends you, please back out. I'm simply talking about the game.   This game is a roguelike with Zelda-like elements that become obvious within seconds of first playing it. Having randomized room layouts, map layouts, enemies, items, etc. etc., you can sink many

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Roop babbles about Zoop

So, lately, I've been playing that game that happens to share its name with Zoop of MLPforums. And, well, I've got stuff to say about it.   The games work like this: You have a square in the middle of the screen, and a colored arrow in that square, on a grid. You control this arrow. Stacks of colored pieces come from all four directions, and you fire yourself at same-colored pieces to clear them. When you fire yourself and hit a differently-colored piece, you switch your color for that piece's

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Roop's collection additions #6 - ZOOP IS NOW MINE MUAHAHA edition

So, for the first time in a while, I bought some more games. And a controller.   Blaster Master: Blasting Again: I've heard from several sources that this is a pretty bad game. However, at a couple bucks, what do I have to lose? Great shape. I've yet to get around to playing Blaster Master on the NES.   Donkey Kong: I finally re-bought this game. I used to have it years ago, but I lost it in a move. Looking forward to playing this again. Kind of a precursor to the Mario Vs. Donkey Kong serie

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Roop babbles about Cubemen

So, lately, I've been playing Cubemen, a tower defense game available on Steam, that I actually bought a long time ago but picked it up again recently.   Quite a simple game, really. Cube-based graphics that are simple and do the job well, self-explanatory controls. There's quite a bit of game there for what you pay ( 5$ USD when not on sale), and it will keep you occupied for a while. Being a tower defense game, use of your brain is required, though as long as you use common sense when placin

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Roop babbles about Kirby's Dream Collection

Alright, I know this is a bit belated, but meh. Laziness and other things.   So, a while back, I bought Kirby's Dream Collection for the Wii. If you read my blog, you know that already. So, I've been playing through the games, and currently I'm in the middle of Super Star (just beat Great Cave Offensive with 39/60 treasures, probably gonna go 60/60 eventually).   First thing you notice when you fire the game up and watch the intro video is the polish, even in the menus themselves. Nothing fe

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Roop's collection additions #5 - Roop buys a new game for once edition

Yep. It happened. I bought a new game.   I was considering buying Kirby's Dream Collection, since I always wanted to play Kirby Super Star on an actual console, and buying the SNES cart would cost 30$. Buying this, I get the satisfaction of buying a new game, plus some swag like a soundtrack CD and a booklet, for 40$.   Also, I bought a little K'nex Nintendo blind bag-type figurine for 3 bucks. Was curious, and it was the last one they had. I also managed to nab myself the display box for t

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Roop babbles about Ys: The Ark of Napishtim

For whoever reads it, I'm gonna start a little section of this here blog where I ramble on about games I've played recently. They really won't be "reviews" per se, but rather just bits of info I feel like talking about, like my feelings on the game, whether it's worth buying and playing, etc. With that said...   The Ys series is one that I, sadly, have only recently gotten into. I heard about it, but never got around to trying it. Then one day I did, and realized I was missing out on the best

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Roop's collection additions #4 - meh + lecture edition

First off, since this one's not too great, go ahead and to make it seem more epic.  Got this in a bunch of stuff at garage sales. Was with stuff I intend to sell for profit. This is the stuff (except for the remote and controller, more on that in a sec) that either doesn't have manuals, or is pretty much valueless. I mean, because I totally wanted a copy of some shovelware Jungle Book game as well as a Madden sports game, and Madagascar, right? Mario Kart DD is nice, though. Meh, the PS2 d

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Roop's collection additions #3 - belated edition

Got some more games recently, but didn't post them until today because I didn't feel like it.   A Boy and his Blob, Blaster Master and Little Nemo the Dream Master on the NES. How I didn't have those yet, I haven't got a clue. I still want to clean them up a little more, but the main thing is I got those price stickers off. I swear, those rectangular price stickers with the slots that make them so they rip unless you pull them off very slowly at an odd angle were invented by a sadist.   And

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Finally beat Tales of Symphonia

Beyond this point lie the sentimental rantings of a crazed gamer. Some very minor poilers, as well. Be warned.   Tales of Symphonia.   I first bought the game new, at... Gamestop I think it was, many years ago, 200....5, I think. I played the game, and enjoyed it immensely, but, well, I was young, and kind of an immature dumbass back then, I admit and I didn't understand much of the plot. I got to a certain point, I think it was the Toize valley mines, and got stuck at the wall boss. I was

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Just a bit of mindless blabbing about Tales of Symphonia

First off: If you have not played Tales of Symphonia, and are worried about it being spoiled, then don't read this.   So, lately, I've been playing Tales of Symphonia. I HAD started it many years ago, but I hit a part some time after hitting Tethe'alla that annoyed me to the point I quit. Recently, I started a new save and have been playing the game again. I hit to the part where you get Presea, heard her voice, and was like "Wait... is that voice... I have to look it up." and I did. And yes,

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Roop's collection additions #2 - yay edition

So, I went to a video game store not too far from where I live, that I heard about. The second I walked in the door, I was like "I'm dreaming, right?". This place was just LOADED with games, and the prices reasonable. Needless to say, I saw some games that I'd been looking for, the prices were good, and I bought some. [Rainbow Dash "OhmygoshohmygoshohmyGOSH" clip here]     Karnov, Quattro Sports, blacklabel Pinball, Ys: The Ark of Napishtim, Oddworld Stranger's Wrath and Oddysee, and Sonic

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Pictures of my collection.

Took these earlier. Yes, I know they look like crap.     General games, some PC games, my Wii games, some DVDs, then Gamecube, Xbox/360, PS2/1, as well as the Game Boy Player disc. Margarine tub above all that has GBA games and cartridge-slot stuff like an E-reader and Action Replay and stuff. Below that is DS games, GB/C games, and some of my boxes. Below that, my N64 games. Contemplating taking those labels on the sides off, but they kinda have a itsy-bitsy amount of sentimental value.

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Roop's collection additions #1

I decided it might be interesting if I post updates about stuff I add to my collection, usually as I get it. I admit, partially just to show off, but also because others might find it interesting to look at.   First entry is rather uneventful. Just a light blue Wii Motion Plus remote for a few bucks. Really great shape, and it seems to work. It does have some superficial scratches on it that show when light glints off it, and discoloration on the 1 and 2 buttons, but that's no biggie. Had som

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

The ultimate gaming hardware

You know, they say if you hook this to your USB port, it can run Skyrim at the highest settings, even if it's just a toaster with a USB port glued to it.   Pretty much, I was looking through my GBA stuff and realized not only how many lock-on things exist for it, but the fact they can all fit onto each other.   Oh, and if you take off the USB thingy (for a GBA flashcart I don't have. Got it free lol) you can hook it to your GBA and play Skyrim on it.     Bask in the glory of my terrible

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Heehee. I just noticed...

That this blog's number is 52. Too bad I didn't just name it "Action". Then it would be Action 52.   But, yeah. In case anypony's keeping an eye on this, I gave up on the time trial achievement for Sonic CD. I just can't do it. The other achievements I can do, but I just can't do that beat-a-level-in-20-seconds thing some people do. I suck at beating levels fast.

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

Yep. This exists.

So, I decided I'd like to have an actual blog that isn't just me messing around as PONESLAYR. (I guess you could call that RPing?) Anyways, this is gonna be a blog where I post stuff about my experiences while gaming, from achievements, to lucky drops, funny stuff, glitches, screenshots, videos, all sorts of stuff. Essentially it will be me stroking my ego with spectators. So yeah. I guess, if this sort of thing interests you, "Follow" this blog.

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

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