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Join me, on my adventures through time and space

Entries in this blog

Merry Christmas everyone...

Ok guys, I know it's a bit late, but I just wanted to wish you all a merry Christmas. I really hope you've been able to enjoy yourselves during this holiday season, and that you have all had happy times.   We've grown so much as a site during the past year, and there is so much more potential for us in the future.   Merry Christmas everypony, and a Happy New Year, and may good fortune be bought upon your souls.  



Summer is nearly over...

Hey guys.   Well, summer is nearly over for us in the UK, and that means school. While it's not school I dislike (I actually go to a top school which has had exceptionally high pass rates for GCSE's, such as 98% and even 100%), It's the teachers I'm not looking forward to.   Seriously, at our school, we had some of the best teachers you could ask for. They were funny, nice and good at teaching. But guess what? They al decided to leave last year. Now all we've got left are tyrants, boring t



Join Me

Welcome, one and all, to a blog, that will change your life FOREVER.   Today, you will begin a journey, a journey, that once you have started, you can't stop. I will be taking you (through the humble form of sharing blocks of text on the internet) on an adventure, into the life of a simple young teenager. You will go through pain, you will go through annoyance, and you will also go through large periods of laughter (unlike Arylett's blog <_< ).   I will be writing about my day to day a



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