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It's like they want me to lost marks.

Now, it's no secret that I abhor tests, at least, the way their conducted these days. One reason is how a percentage of the marks pretty much comes down to wording, rather than actual knowledge. I mean, it's awful. They want us to write the answers using a particular method using exact phrases. And really, this was confined to English.   But then I realized that it was creeping. Creeping into my beloved sciences. The first to fall was Biology. Oh how interesting Biology seemed. With all i



Should my friend got the mark?

There was a question and it went along like this:   From the graph:   a)i) Pick the top speed: ii) When it happened: iii) The position at the time:   And the answer that I got (and so did the teacher) was 8.5ms-1. The answer from the graph. But the thing was, that the graph was from a table of values (given to you) and from those values the top speed could be worked out to be (distance and time was given) 11.5ms-1.   Now, a person wrote 11.5. Which was technically wrong. I mean, it di



Internet Anonymity. A Blessing or a Curse?

Note 1: I was going to write a reason for the options in the polls, but I'll leave that up to you. Note 2: I was not going to mention how I'm going to more regular, but then I realized that's a cry for attention, but I felt like writing that humorous comment (in my opinion) as a note,but I felt that the initial mention of being more regular was still a cry for attention, but then I thought that this analysis of my thought process unnecessarily takes up so much space and I thought that was funny



A physics and chemistry question

Hey guys. I just need help with waves and galvanic cells.   Physics: 1) What causes the phases change of a wave when it reaches a fixed end? 2) What causes the reflection of a wave when it reaches a free end and why is there no phase change?   Chemistry: 1) Why is Na+ and NO3 and other substances like that considered to be inert? 2) Why do we need to keep the electrode in an electrolyte of the same element?




This problem is, I can't view the leaked video, even though I have the platinum membership. I mean, this gives me free access to everything, right? I mean, nothing new comes out of the membership and really, it looks like a scam, but you wouldn't do that, right?   Source: Season 3 episode 1 LEAKED



I'm just bored now

It's been a week. A whole bloody week. I haven't gone to school in a week. And I just want to go back. I just want to sit at my desk and just study. I don't even particularly care how I do it. Book or teacher, either way works. I just need a good environment, which happens to be the school's library.   I mean, I have to go through 6 more days of this. 6 more days. I can't go for that long. I've got nothing to do. I'm just stuck here, with no one to talk to about anything that I find interestin



Science does get it wrong sometimes

You know, a friend asked me "Wouldn't you be devastated if we got all science wrong? They'd have to re-write every physics text book!"   Now, I'm not sure if they can re-write velocity and speed. I mean, it's not really theoretical. It's kind of giving a quantitative measure to something qualitative, but I presume their talking about more theoretical stuff like particle physics.   And would I be devastated? Well, maybe initially (I even doubt this). But I'd get over it. And you know what? I'



What is happening with me?

Did I write about sarcasm? I can't remember. If I did, I've gotta delete this. If you can confirm that I haven't written about sarcasm, please tell me so I can delete<<<this.   I'm so confused. So. Very. Confused.   I don't get sarcasm anymore. I mean, I get sarcasm. I know what sarcasm is. It's not like I don't know what sarcasm is. And I can do sarcasm. This ketchup is great! See? You know that's sarcasm. I can do sarcasm. No doubt about that. But when someone else is sarcastic,



Seriously? Cosecant? Really?

I'm not sure why you did this. I mean, come on! Christ. This is the worst.   Okay, let me tell you what I'm talking about. Now many of you will know sine, cosine, tangent. Fairly simple stuff. I mean, I get cosine and tangent. I mean, that makes sense. But where in the world did sine come from? If you know, leave me a hint. I've too lazy to bother with google.   But here's the real kicker. Secant is the reciprocal of cosine...come on now. What were you thinking! How....why? Trig is hard eno



Success is not proof

Oh boy. This is the absolute worst. The Britta of my school career. And I'm using Britta correctly. It's means a small mistake. But I digress. Today I was at a maths tuition class. Not because I need help or anything. I just really like to talk about maths. No one really wants to talk about maths, outside maths class. You know what we need? A maths bar. Just a bar where fellow math lovers can just talk about maths. This is a million dollar idea. Shotgun. Anyway, we were doing partial fractions.



The holidays have begun

And I'm rejoicing. And not because school is over, oh no, I'm pretty disappointed that it's over. Cause learning and stuff. Really, if you read my other stuff, it's pretty obvious as to why I'm sad.   Oh no my dear friends, it's because I need the break. Now, I know I have said that students don't really need a break and it's a tad hypocritical of me to say I need one. But see, it's not the actual studying that's tiring me out. Oh no, it's the tests.   All these god damn tests. Honestly, I t



Why I read my whole textbook

Warning: This isn't going to be my best entry. I'm just awfully tired, and honestly, I don't really want to write an entry. But, if I begin to take breaks whenever I want to, I fear that those breaks will just become too convenient, and as with most projects I begin, it'll just fall to the way side. I don't want that to happen. I want to commit. So this entry is more of a matter of principle. So yeah. Sorry about that.     As some of you might know, I love my maths textbook. And I've read al



Splitting the collaboration. Get it? Like splitting the atom? I'm really stretching this, aren't I? Literally and metaphorically.

I hate this. I just don't get it. Why is it that schools are so repulsed by the idea of group work? I mean, they talk and talk about how we should feel a togetherness in our school community and we should work together to achieve things but I mean...has school ever actually done anything to achieve this? Beyond the gimmicky stuff? I mean, I don't think they have. I mean, there are doing the opposite really.   I mean take for example the fact that we can't discuss answers amongst ourselves. It'



I'm not good with deadlines and Period 0s

Honestly, I just can't do deadlines. They're the worst thing in the world. Give me a deadline and I'll give it in, but I'll have you know that 6 hour paper was done 7 hours ago. I mean, I just can't do it. I keep on saying "You know what? I can do this tomorrow. No biggie. It's just a day." And when you extend a deadline, I'll just say the same thing. "You know what? I can finish this tomorrow. It' s doable". But it's not that bad. My best work is always soda driven.   And I've noticed two tr



Should we let kids do their own thing?

I've had an interesting thought on my hand, and it was mostly derived from this " " a company does once a quater.Essentially, a person does whatever they want, and present it at the end of the day. And it has shown some marvelous results. And what I was thinking was...how about we integrate this idea into our school system? Why don't we let kids work how they want to work?   Let's tell kids "Hey! We'd like you to do whatever you want and at the end, let's have a little pop quiz, where we qui



Optimism vs Realism vs Pessimism vs Delusion

A lot of people (see teenagers) seem to confuse pessimism for realism and optimism for delusion. Which infuriates me. Especially when their "realism" or their "delusion" changes their behavior.   Now, I'm not saying that optimism can't be delusional and pessimism can't be realist. But when you start to have your behavior affected by the two, then you're treading onto the verge of delusion. Let me give some examples.   Optimism as realism:- Complete understanding of a topic, makes you optimi



Why theory is taught

Recently, at school, a friend of mine told me he didn't like chemistry. This wasn't all that surprising. I mean, different people like different things. Would would have guessed? But, since I'm a big fan of chemistry (I'm into the little things in life), I had to ask was there any justification for this, or is it just this innate distaste for the subject (which is completely fine). He told me that he disliked chemistry as it was just theory, not founded in anything. He even went as far as to sa



Sir Ken Robinson - Changing Paradigms Part 2

I know I said I won't make a post, but I don't want to make a habit of not doing entries, just because I'm tired. Really, that's code for lazy. So I'm going to try and make another entry today. I hope it's up to par with my other ones.   I have to say, I agree with this point. While school is an economic venture, it shouldn't affect how we teach and what we teach. I abhor when we cut certain aspects of our education, simply because it's not "economically viable". Now, I understand where t



Sir Ken Robinson - Changing Paradigms Part 1

This will be the you want to watch. Trust me. You want to watch the whole thing. It's entertaining and it's fascinating.  Since it's a fairly long video, I'll break it up into parts and address each of the parts individually. And then I'll put the parts in parts, cause this'll get too long otherwise.   See, the problem with schools is that fact that they utilize on type of intelligence. Academic intelligence. And they only focus on that. The arts focus on other aspects, but since it's



Schools uniforms

I'm trying to stay within topics that relate directly to school, or my school experiences, but as the holidays are fast approaching (I know, I'm crying inside too), these kind of topics might dry up, so you should probably expect more of blogs related to gaming and such.     Well today, I got in trouble for wearing the wrong socks. Yes, you read that right. Socks. ... What do socks even do? I mean, they're just socks. And they weren't even a different type of sock! I was just wearing a dif



How do you guys study?

Well, I was reading my school manual today (interesting stuff they got there) and I came across a section called "Optimum Studying Conditions".   Now, it's pretty long, so I'll paraphrase it. A quiet environment. This means no music and no talking to friends/family. No distractions. No computer or electronics. Just your calculator, your pencil, your paper and you. Lots of natural light. Try to study in the daytime. [This isn't really a studying condition, but I'll put it in anyways". St



Hard work doesn't have to be boring

Now, as some of you may know, I've recently started doing the Year 12 textbook for Specialist Maths. Now, since I'm in Year 11, I don't need to do it. It's not like someone is forcing me to do it. It's just fun to learn the maths taught in that book.   Now, as some of you may know, I was doing it during my Adv. Gen. class. And I was perplexed. I didn't have the help of teachers, and while it wasn't beyond me, there was notation that I just didn't get. So, it was a bit of a problem for me. So,



Being grouped by age, rather than skill

Just a bit of background knowledge. Specialist Maths is essentially the more mathematical side of physics (don't mistake it for physics though) and it's the subject that the spiritual successor to Adv. Gen. Maths   Today, a very strange thing happenstance happened. Now, I'm sure many of you (at least the younger ones) can relate to this. Normally, a teacher takes away your phone when you use it in class. But today, the teacher took my textbook. I know, weird right? It's like I'm in the evil ti



How about teachers start to treat us as their peers and not something less?

Well, from yesterday’s entry, I started to think "what makes a good teacher?” I tried to think about what made school the magical place that it is. What made me excited to go to school, and to love Mondays, and not be a sour face, like pretty much everyone else? And what I constantly kept landing on, wasn't what I expected, yet I half knew. It wasn't that my friends were in almost all of my classes. I wasn't that I liked the free periods I have. And it definitely wasn't the 7am wake up to go to



Uninspiring teachers

As most of you might know, I'm a fan of school. Also, as most of you might know, I'm also a fan of maths. But something about Maths class today...just left me feeling bored. Which was strange. Whenever I'm in Maths class, I always feel like doing work. I mean, it's Maths, right? Why would I not do work? It's like the most fun subject ever! For those who do not know me, that was not sarcasm. For those who do know me, that was also not sarcasm.   Argh. Damn you tangents. Anyways, what was I talk



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