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Graphical Fidelity vs Aesthetic

This is one of those things that just annoys me. I hate that people can't seem to understand the difference between Graphical Fidelity as opposed to Aesthetic. I thought that people might have recognized the difference by now, but nope. No one seems to get it. They just pile the two together.   "Woop, this has great graphix!" "Do you mean it looks great aesthetically or are the textures really really high resolution?" I ask. "What now?" they reply, almost always.   Just in case you don't r



Man, do weekends suck

I have a confession. I'm not a fan of weekends. Now, I realize it's not really worth writing it in the body, since you already know that from the title, but I feel, a better way to increase one's wall of text count to randomly ramble and mention that one is rambling randomly.   Now, I don't think my opinion would be the popular one, even among those who love school. But let me explain myself and please lay down those pitchforks, so I can stop emptying my bladder.   I have a few reasons as to



I need to get a few things off my chest

This is a fairly long post, so I'll get started immediately. Why we shouldn't cut funding for public education   Just a bit of background knowledge. In Australia, there's this thing called TAFE (Technical and Further Education). It's pretty much just school for more practical jobs or the jobs "tradies" do. Plumbers, electricians, that sort of stuff. There has been some cuts as to the funding of these institutions. Now, I don't know the whole story and I'm not going to pretend I do.



What's in a nerd, anyway?

As of recently(and I can say recently, since it's pretty much a subjective word) , I've got a fair few comments (not comments as in the comment feature, as in people saying) that I'm "pretty nerdy"(maybe they said I was a pretty nerd, I'm not too sure [still, it's a nice comment(Not according to Definitions.com, though)[Yeah, I like parentheses])]).   Anyways, it got me thinking, isn't everyone a nerd really?   Now, let me explain. By society's definition, I guess I would come under the term



Homework should be harder

I'm so bored in school right now. I'm ahead (as in already know the subject matter) in Chemistry, Maths Methods and Advance General and Biology. The only fun subject I've had for this week has been Physics, and even then I fear that might stop, considering we might study for a test (that counts for 10% of my grade) that's happening in a weeks time. I have English, but considering that I've spent the last 5 lessons coloring blank pieces of paper with one solid color, I don't really know what we'r



The phase phase

So, as I was typing this comment to a comment about the comment's content as a comment to a blog, I started naming all the phases I've gone through as a teenager.   This is what I got so far. The I-don't-remember-a-god-damn-thing phase: What'd you expect? A detailed analysis of my childhood? Age:0-11 years   The growing up phase: The time when I wanted to be more "mature" and grown up like. Age: 11-12 years.   The nostalgia-that's-not-so-nostalgic phase: The time when all I liked was old



Am I the only one who likes going to school as it is?

Now, I'm not saying that school couldn't be improved upon. There are dozens of changes I would make to the school system and individual classes, but even among it's flaws, I still think it's bloody fun to go to school. Why, you may ask? It's one of the few places where I actually can get answers for my questions and still understand what they're saying. I mean, I've tried asking questions on the internet, but two problems arise. 1) They don't know me and how smart/dumb I am. They could over sim



Why does everyone dislike the learning aspect of science so much?

I don't get why everyone hates the science behind the science so much.   For example, a large majority of my friends find the Curiosity landing to be amazing, yet a large majority of the aforementioned large majority seem to dislike studying the physics (among other things) that went into actually designing the bloody thing. And that puzzles me. I mean, sure, the actual landing was pretty cool, but imagine all the meticulous calculations and physics that went into actually making sure the curi



Why I hate practicals in science class

I hate the practicals we do in science classes. It's just so boring, and let me tell you why, since you seem to be slightly interested.   Before I begin, let me tell you that I love doing my own experiments, especially when I design it. The joy I get from using the data I acquire from my experiments to find patterns and further my understanding, while measurable, is a fair bit of joy. The thing is, the way experiments are conducted in schools, just bore the living daylights out of me.   The



Just realized why I hate tests some more

I don't think I've told you guys that I hate tests or why I hate them.   Their just...bad. For a multitude of reasons. They don't actually measure what you learn. They try to see how much you know at the current moment. Learning, in my opinion, is sustaining knowledge. It's how much you know, years after you initially learnt it. The thing about tests is that they don't measure learning. They try to measure how much you know at a certain moment. And even then, they can't get that right! I



The cosine graph that is my life...or something like that.

The title is kinda misleading. It's not a complete graph of my life...just the level of happiness of it.   Now, onto the fun (maths) stuff.   What I have noticed is that around 12 months ago, I was crazily optimistic, then 9 months later I was happy but not crazy happy, then 3 moths later, I was in this not so bad "depression" and then 3 months later, I was pretty ok, And now everything seems pretty amazing.   And as I've looked further back, it seems that this fluctuating pattern has occu



Acid and Base help

I thought I might as well use the blog system for homework help.   I have two questions.   1) What is the strength of the conjugate of an acid/base. Does it depend on what the acid/base reacts with?   2) When using Amphiprotic substances and reacting that with another amphiprotic susbtance, what is the final products gained?   For example:   1.1) H2PO4-(aq) + H2O(l) = H3PO4 (aq) + OH-(aq) 1.2) H2PO4-(aq) + H2O(l) = HPO42-(aq) + H3O+(aq)   There are two possible equations. Which wo



One more entry before I fail to remember to be meta

Okay. I thought it would be fun to write a blog entry without removing my mistakes and oh god is it horrible. I mean, really. It's just awful. Paragraphs and paragraphs of me just rambling on about really stupid things. It was not a pleasant experience.   Anyways, I was a couple of blogs and I still have no idea as to how to write a blog post or a it's content their off. What I have though, seen is that large posts of tremendous quality seem to be getting brohoofed. I'm not sure why their get



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