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Because you all want to know what I do during the day.

Entries in this blog

A maybe funny story that just happened to me.

Well this isn't like my daily adventures that I use to make. This is simply something that just happened to me.   So what is it...   My sister just now found about my love of MLP. It went like this.   She walked into my room to tell me she was leaving. I said okay when she looks at my shelf which has been full of MLP cards for the past I don't know 7 or so months. She said are those your Hello Pony stuff. I laugh and go yeah but not hello pony. She then proceeds to ask me why I have them.

Pinkie D Pie

Pinkie D Pie

Super sped up adventures of the weekend (Or the adventures I forgot..)

Seems as if I have some catching up to do. Well here you go my random not so funny adventures from this weekend.   We shall start on Saturday, which is where I left off. No school meant I got to go with my parents shopping. pretty boring stuff, but I am getting a credit card so yeah. I also learned my dad hates my Pony Shirt. *Insert frowney face*   Sunday was next, where I went to the apple festival and got rained upon. Yep that was that day nothing to exciting either.   Next was Monday,

Pinkie D Pie

Pinkie D Pie

Saturday Finally Here (Sixth Adventure: 9/1/12)

First things first, you may have noticed I made a name change. It is I Luna Sparkle, bringing you the Daily Adventure! Well I decided to post an entry today. It was an okay day, nothing spectacular. So here is my pretty boring Saturday, YAY. Oh and by the way, this will probably be a short one. Oh and I also were my pony shirt.   Started with me, waking up, and then having my parents tell me where going shopping. Ugh, I hate shopping. So I went, road in the car, nothing exciting. But then we s

Pinkie D Pie

Pinkie D Pie

My Day of Torture (Fifth Adventure: 8/31/12)

Luna Sparkle here with my Daily Adventure. First I want to thank all you people who have read these so far. And now I would like to ask a question, do you find these interesting? But now, on to the stories.   Usual drill for the morning, wake up, take a shower, get dressed and eat, then brush my teeth and hair and sit in my room lisniting to pony music while stalking browsing, the forums. Of course before I got to school I stopped by Hardies to get a bisuct, and they gave me the wrong one. Ugh

Pinkie D Pie

Pinkie D Pie

Fourth Adventure: 8/30/12 ( I need more interesting titles...)

So hello once again there everypony, and welcome to my Daily Adventures. So I realized that these are probably going to start getting dull, so I shall being going into more details, mainly the jokes that were passed around, or the funny things that have happened. So hopefully this will now be way more funnier. Also on a side note, there will be no raging today, so YAY!!!   So as usual it started like a normal day, you know the routine shower, eat, teeth and hair, and be done. Well that was the

Pinkie D Pie

Pinkie D Pie

Third Adventure: 8/29/12

Hey everyone, it is time for Luna Sparkles Daily Adventure. The part of my day where I tell you how my day went. So without further ado, here is my pretty poor day.   Warning- There might be some Raging at the end, so sorry if there is, I did not have that good of a day.   My day started off fine, got up, took my shower, and put on my uniform. And I thought it would be a good day since I found the back pin to a piece of my JROTC uniform. So I go to finish getting ready, and my sister drops a

Pinkie D Pie

Pinkie D Pie

Second Adventure: 8/28/12

What going on people of the MLP forums. It is I, Luna Sparkle, bringing you my Daily Adventure. Yes that is right, it is time for you to learn all about my day at school. So lets get on with this shall we.   So today started like yesterday, got up, got ready, went to school and waited the 15 or so minutes for school to start and me to go to my class. Todays first class was, French 2. Probably the easiest class ever. Why, because we do almost no work. I have people to talk to in there. So yeah,

Pinkie D Pie

Pinkie D Pie

First adventure: 8/27/2012

Hey what is happening everyone reading the blogs. As I have just got home from school it is time to update my blog with my first adventure. My whole school day.   So it started like any other, go to school, stand against the wall for awhile and wait until class started. You know the usual. Well first up for classes was art. A very fun class, but hard at the same time. So today in there we drew a skull, and then the hand bones. Ugh I hated it. I am not the best at drawing, and I suck at shading

Pinkie D Pie

Pinkie D Pie

What you shall find here.

So I decided you can have one entry before school, which is where I shall be going within the next few minutes. So anyways this is my blog about my daily adventures and happenings and what not. You shall finally see what my life is like, because I know that is what you want. It might be funny, it might not. Who knows, all you can do is wait to find out. Oh and yes these may end up as walls of text, unlike this one, this one is rather short. Well that is all for now.

Pinkie D Pie

Pinkie D Pie

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