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A blog about my school life, since I have nothing better to do in the meantime.

Entries in this blog

The Apocalypse (School, Close Enough).

Well, today was an interesting first day of school for me. I'm not going to bother listing my schedule here, mostly because I know all my classmate buddies surf the net frequently, and I don't want them figuring out how much time I spend on a "pony forum". If you really wanna know, just ask me, I don't mind.   Anyway, the plus side is that I only got 4 hours of homework today, compared to some of my friends. That's most likely subject to change though, junior year is hell for a reason. I expec



T Minus 6

Here we go, less than a week left till school. And yet our school still hasn't given us our room assignments or teachers, even though our courses have already been decided. You'd think that a tech school like ours would just drum up a small program to sort everyone into different classes in ten seconds flat, but nope. If they went any slower they'd be going backwards.



T Minus 7

So school is in a week for me. Naturally, I'm all hyped up and rushing around gathering notebooks, pencils, and whatnot. Out of curiosity, I decide to ask my friend what school supplies he's getting.   "Red Bull. Lots and lots of Red Bull."



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