Xidphel WELP!
Lord Shen Toes?
Xidphel I might be going to Hell!
PMHigh Executor19
Lord Shen
He hates christmas
Xidphel I've been breeding a female Marill with a Floatzel to get an Adamant Marill with the Huge Power ability.
Lord Shen
High Executor19 Forcing sex.
Xidphel It gets worse.
High Executor19 Don't worry I have a timeshare down here.
Xidphel While I was busy throwing the Pokemon with the wrong ability and nature, I realized that the egg
As we all know, in just a few days, Twilight will be crossing that magic mirror and entering the human realm.
Except not really according to people. Why you ask?
Because they're not human.
Ok. Body structure, I already call bullshit since I've seen more deformed people... But what really gets to me is this complaint:
THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN (as seen in the next picture)
Yeah... "Normal"...
It becomes more disturbing when you notice the color of HIS skin.
As most of you are aware, December's tragic school shooting has left a deep impact on all of us. The being that came in and fired on all those kids and teachers, the thoughts that many of them would never be able to make it to Christmas spurred many reactions from rage to sadness but also confusion. As such, many precautions have been made to prevent things like that from happening again. Obama has issued gun laws which (your mileage may vary on this one) should help reduce the risk of shootings
Now I know what you're thinking. "This is a science blog! Not a game blog!" To you, I reply that it's my blog and kindly kick you out with my giant spiked boots that explode on sole/target contact.
You might also be wondering what the Tartarus IS Etrian Odyssey. Well, person who likes to give happy names the place where the damned are punished in everlasting anguish, Etrian Odyssey is a dungeon crawler based around a giant tree known as the Yggdrasil where you have to traverse a number of st
Ever since I was a brony (December 22nd 2011 at around 7PM eastern), I've started noticing how bad haters are. Before that, I was simply one of those people who think the show is evil, calling nuclear strikes on bronies and tried to add a bit of humor to my hate messages (though quoting the demoman at the end of his meet the team video was a bit epic had it not pissed off even those who didn't like the show). Now a days, it's the same thing: furries (2 of my friends are bronies and furries at th