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a blog..... DERP!

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A list of all companies whom have puled ads off YouTube.

Wal-Mart Pepsi Coke Starbucks AT&T Verizon JP Morgan and Chase Volts Wagon BBC Channel 4 UK Government Toyota Tesco iTV Heinz Volvo Aviva The Guardian McDonalds Lloyds Bank Johnson & Johnson Marks & Spencer                                                                                 If you believe in free speech, please spread this list and cease supporting these companies



Teens Titans Go! .... Comparing ratings.

So in the latest episode the creators of TTG! has shit out, its pretty much a PSA to the haters. With a rating trap name, and laden with passive aggressiveness towards viewers, "The Return of Slade" is probably the worst cartoon episode of 2015. So i took the liberty of checking the ratings of 4 popular cartoons (2 older and 2 newer): Teen Titans, Fosters Home for Imaginary Freinds, Stephen Universe and My Little Pony Friendship is magic. All ratings are out of 10 TeenTitans Go!: IMDB- 5.3 Tv.c



The story of me new pet.

I was driving back to my hotel after work. I took my exit, and was right behind a blue Fiat... I saw it run over something, so I swerved to miss it, and right as I pass it I slam on my brakes....     Meet tank. After recovering him from the road, I took him into my hotel room.... Luckily he is a tough son of a gun.... Run over, and not a scratch on him..... I plan on taking great care of him. ;D

Dear Princess Celestia

I have learned a valuable lesson about friendship (and family). Sometimes, you just don't want your family to worry about you, and so you may hide your real situation from them... But this only hurts them. They worry because they love and care about you. They will understand that no one is perfect, and we all make mistakes, and will always be willing to help you out of a tough spot.   Sincerely --- Rex Evans.



Im done.

I have finally seen the light. And i no longer wish to be an Autistic Neck Beard Freak whom watched gay cartoon ponies.... I am gone... forever..... totally.      



5 extremely hated groups of people, that just should not be hated.

This top 5 will center around those groups hated for seemingly no reason, or reasons that are stupid, non-nonsensical, or Silly.   5: Feminists... The hate for this group stems from the obnoxious, and bigoted feminazis, which make up a very small percentage of feminists, the implication being that all feminists act like the feminazis, which is just not true.   4: Police... With the recent uproar in police killing unarmed people, and with some police officers being racist, and profiling black



My latest trip to Walmart.

So I was going to Walmart, to buy me a quick bite to eat...... I came out 1 hour later with $15 in Lego.... And no food XD     Halfway through my building of the sets, im eating ramen from my cupboard, and just realised I had forgotten to buy food at Walmart.... XD where was my head tonight?



5 things that are demonized, but are completely harmless.

Hello my beautiful people!   As you may know literally everything everyone is doing is coming under fire from some part of society. Some of these things are understandable and warranted such as rape, or slander. But other things are just completely harmless. Join me as i list 5 harmless things that are demonized by some part of society.   5: Watching Pornography.   Ahh porn.... The "bad" thing everybody is quick to hate on, but looking into their browsing history would reveal a different s



5 foods i , as a college student, am grateful for.

5: Sandwitch.   Ahh the humble sandwich. a conveniently portable quick meal. Endless possibilities.   4: Frozen Burritos   Fairly cheap, and delicious.   3: Pizza   Need to feed a few friends and yourself?... Just order pizza. Most likely your buds will help you foot the bill to so win-win.   2: Instant noodles   Whether its easy mac, or Ramen, its literally your cheapest option, and its not half bad. They are easy to make too. A nice little budget stretcher.   1: Sushi   The



So many things are going to change in my life in the next 24 hours it's not even funny.

Ok guys well.... It happened.... I'm moving out of my parents house in pursuance of furthering my college education.   I leave tommarrow, at 5:00 sharp on the road from Tonkawa Oklahoma, to Okmulgee Oklahoma.   It will be the first time living out of my parents care, ever. Ain't gonna lie, I'm scared, excited, and nervous all at the same time. My life is finally starting to move foreward.  



>Insert Generic Popularity Topic Tittle<

Every single popularity blog in a nut shell:   "Popularity means nothing, and it's scooper immature to think it makes you better than others."   While I believe the above, IM TIRED OF READING BLOGS ABOOT IT!!!!   NEXT TIME YOU FEEL LIKE WRITING A BLOG ABOOT POPULARITY, JUST LINK IT TO THIS BLOG, IT WILL HAVE THE SAME EXACT EFFECT!!!!!!!!!!!   ok back to your regularly scheduled programming!



Maud Pies' dating profile.

Name:'Maud Pie Age: (early to late 20s) Occupation: Rocktologist Pets: I have a pet rock. His name is Boulder. Favorite Music: Rock music. Favorite Movie: Rocky Balboa Hobbies: I look at rocks. Favorite Cartoon: The Flinstones Favorite Celebrity: Dwayne The Rock Johnson Favorite Book: Stone Soup If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go?: Castle Rock Colorado Favorite intimate saying: Rock me Baby .....     Yeah I'm sooo sick of rock puns nao XD



10 weird/gross/amazing facts you may or may not know

1: Cell for cell, there are more non-human cells in our body than human ones. This is mainly because the colonies of E. coli bacteria helping us digest our food in our intestines and Bowles.   2: you can tell if a women is faking it in bed by looking at her thighs. If they are red, she's not faking!!!   3: Their are more human deaths per year caused by insect bites, than the number of deaths caused by snakes/large predators per year combined.   4: Missionary is NOT the natural human sex p



My OC: Shadow Stream

Name: Shadow Stream Race: Changeling/Pony Hybrid Gender: Male Height: 5'5" Weight: 180 LBS Age: 15 years   Shadow is the product of harsh genetic experiments orchestrated by Queen Chrysalis. After over a decade of surviving test, after brutal test, flogging, and general abuse, he finally escaped the hive when a freak accident granted him magic abilities. He now wanders the everfree forest, and Equestria searching for a purpose, other than the war machine he was intended to be, but his inc



E-Cig review

Recently i have noticed a growing trend.... E-cigs..... so i decided to trade my Camel Crushes for them, and after trying, and sampling several differant models, i decicded to write reviews for them.   Blu E-Cigs: Non-Rechargeble. Rating: Piss Poor.   Okay first off they are $10 a cig. EXPENSIVE!!!..... Second, it tastes like Vanilla, and they dont laste long. They probably lasted the same as two of my regulare ciggarettes... not long...... I would never try again...   N-Joy: Non-Rechargab



My pain of a little sister.

Ok folks...... She found out I watch MLP.....ok no prob.... She found out I had sex. Ok again, NO problem.....She found out I smoke.... ok NOW we have a problem...... Its only a matter of time before she discovers every time I bake brownies and don't share, they are for me and my friends, and they have weed in them. Its only a matter of time before she discovers I get some weird old guy to buy me beer, and drink every sunday night...... or that I cut..... My image as the perfect A/B student, tha



Small breakthroughs.

If you have read my previous blog, then you know I have a stress relieve problem... I cut..... but with some small steps Im starting to slowly wean myself off of the blade. Now im punching trees, and listening to the heaviest most brutal music I can find. the cuts are less frequent, and surely less deep. Its also helping to have such supportive community members backing me up .... Thanks. The best part of it is, is that its much easier to explain why theres a huge crack in our backyard tree tha



As i cut myself....

Recently stress has me down, and I have been indulging in an old habit.... cutting myself..... Im not depressed or Emo, so haters don't even start. I just really enjoy the feeling of pain. Its relaxing to me....... Do you, MLP brony forums community, think im weird for this?..... Cause I really want to know if its normal to enjoy pain.....Nothing online ive read helps me understand my liking for it...... Help a brotha out?



A short Emo-ish poem.

Black clouds fill the sky. All is lost, and I might as well die. A high cost Will be paid tonight And I will Not even fight.   For that is the worlds will.



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