Welcome to my second blog entry~ today I'm going to be showing you all my Disney collection, which in my opinion, is kinda big. c:
These are half of my Mickey ears hats, I've been collecting these for years~ my favorite one in this picture is the Tower of Terror Mickey ears hat. c:
This is my Oswald the Rabbit hat, I got it when I went to the D3 convention~ my most favorite hat.
These are my Disney Park pins, I collect them and scout for new ones every y
How To Draw Pinkie Pie!
Today I'll be showing you step by step on how to draw a Pinky Pie vector via Sai.
This is what helps you, click on the blank piece of paper to begin~
Make yourself a color chart of the character's colors, it comes as very useful!
After making your color chart, make two layers above the chart, one regular layer and one with the pen and paper icon called, "Linework".
You now will use the curve tool or pen tool o