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Continuation of my last blog post

Yeah, so the progress is going slower as expected, so I will be more online within the next week to week and a half.   Still paranoid.... the same girls arrived at my house... again! And again!

Red Diamond

Red Diamond

oh bloody hell, i've had a bad day

Just fuck it all   So today, as I was riding my bike to my bus stop, my iPod fell out of my pocket onto the concrete. The end result was devastation. It was severely cracked, but hey, at least it still functions.   Forward the time to around 4:55pm, and the garage door was closed(this is the door I always come in to), and I yelled:   "F**K, NOT AGAIN!!!!!". I said "not again", because this happened the 2nd time.   So I decided to hop over the backyard fence, and get in via my patio. It w

Red Diamond

Red Diamond

I won't be as active for the next 2 weeks

Hey.   So I am beginning to feel paranoid, due to lots of neighborhood teenagers know where I live, and my room is in front of a window.   I'm also near the front door, which also has a window. Anyone can peek in and find out I'm a brony.   I don't want that to happen. But the good news is, I'm getting a new room, which doesn't have a window where anyone would peek in. When that happens, I'll be more active, but that will be in 2 weeks.   I will be active via Skype, which is rangysauce.

Red Diamond

Red Diamond

Stop with the drama!

This shitstorm is extremely stupid, there is no need to cause so much drama for a user being banned.   Sure Artemis may have overdone it, but you could've sent a support ticket regarding Gary Oak's ban, instead of spamming status updates, and @MLPForums.   Please stop.

Red Diamond

Red Diamond

My History

This is for anyone who cares about someone's history, because, I have quite an interesting history. Me having a knowledge in computers, and being able to type so fast, how did that come into place? What was my childhood like? What was Missouri like? How did I start being a designer? How did I develop an interest in the development of Club Penguin Private Servers? These questions will be answered in this blog post.   At 3:00am, on April 5th, 1998, I was born. The city was Columbia, Missouri, yo

Red Diamond

Red Diamond

A good day

So yeah, I was on my bus this morning, and I saw 2 people watching an MLP reaction video. I got curious. "Hey, are the 2 of you bronies?" And only one of them was. I wanted to give him a brohoof, but with too many people around, my closet bronyness came to the rescue.   As school went on, I saw a girl with a Derpy Hooves book bag, and I said "I'm guessing you are a pegasister.", and I was correct, she was.   Fast forward to computer class(i have no fucking idea why I am not in the advanced c

Red Diamond

Red Diamond

how to be admin

ok guys so you people have been asking how to be admin this is how:   1: order 30 crates of paper(i got 1480 pieces left, but 1500+ is a requirement)   2: get the user Trippy's attention   3: crave paper   4: ask to be admin   5: be admin

Red Diamond

Red Diamond

How was your day yesterday?

My day started off horrible, being at the Six Flags parking lot, being soaked by rain. I guess I rode the Hurricane Harbour rides!   Then, as the day progressed, it was OK. I almost lost my glasses at The Boss(holy crap the best ride there). Want to know my reaction?   ME: MY GLASSES! NOOOO! THEY COST $300!   So anyway, how was your day yesterday?

Red Diamond

Red Diamond

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