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Just what ever random thoughts I think of.

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Factoids of the Living Dead: POLTERGEIST

Whenever I'm talking to people about horror movies that genuinley scared them, the movie I hear the most frequently cited is Poltergeist.     Yeah, that sounds about right.   - Partially based of an the true story of Cheeseman Park in Denver, Colorado, where the city council built the park over a cemetery without moving all the bodies. The park is now supposedly cursed.   - Was almost written by Stephen King.   - Though Tobe Hooper is credited as the director, and though his involveme

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Factoids of the Living Dead: THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE

The post you are about to read is an account of the frustration which befell a group of filmmakers, in particular Tobe Hooper and his disgruntled cast and crew. It is all the more hilarious that they didn't see any of these problems coming.   But had they had a much, much easier production, they would not have comprehended nor would they have been able to achieve as much of the mad and macabre masterpiece as they were to make in that time. For them a horrible experience making a cheap exploita

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Factoids of the Living Dead: GODZILLA

Couldn't find a good gif, so I made one.     The King of the Monsters deserves no less. I've provided the following tune to establish the evening's tone. Please repeat the song how many times you need to finish reading this.     - Originally envisioned as a giant octopus, before the look of a giant ape with a mushroom shaped head (because mushroom cloud) was considered.   - "Gojira" is a combination of the Japanese words for "gorilla" and "whale". A popular idea has it that this wa

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Factoids of the Living Dead: FRIDAY THE 13TH

That's right, today I'm taking on a whole franchise.     I've got nothing better do with my life, except literally anything else.   - The most profitable slasher series of all time. The original alone made $40 million on its budget of $500,000.   - Onscreen body count: 199. The movie with the most murders is Jason X at 23, a number that's even higher if you count the 20,000 people on board that exploding space station.   - The sound isn't "chi-chi-chi cha-cha-cha". It's "ki-ki-ki ma-m

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Factoids of the Living Dead: ALIENS

BEST.     MOVIE.     EVER.   It's just so...just so...     Ahem...   - In 1983, the heads at 20th Century Fox were so impressed by James Cameron's then uncompleted screenplay for the film, they actually waited for him to complete The Terminator before finishing it up; they wanted him to write the whole thing.   - James Cameron designed the Queen himself. The final puppet/animatronic/behemoth used in the film required 14 to 16 operators.   - Newt, aka one of the few child c

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Factoids of the Living Dead: ALIEN

I've said it couple of times on here before, and I'll say it again: Alien is my favorite pure horror movie ever. It's a perfect movie: a fantastic cast, impeccable atmosphere, stunning visuals (both on Nostromo and the alien planet), it works both as a straight-up fright fest and as a psychological nightmare, it's still genuinely effective and creepy after all these years, and it stars the greatest movie monster of all time.     Aw yeaaaaaah.   - Co-writer Dan O'Bannon (who went on to wri

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Factoids of the Living Dead: THE FLY (1986)

I guess in the end, the moral of the story is to never let jealousy and arrogance control your actions, and to keep a good supply of fly paper around your science experiments. Otherwise, you're gonna have a bad time.     And that's, um, that's chaos theory.   - Was originally a Tim Burton project.   - The inside-out baboon puppet required 3 people under the floor to operate: two to control movement, the third to pump the blood. The rest of the crew forgot about them during the lunch bre

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Factoids of the Living Dead: PSYCHO

Best Hitchcock movie? Best Hitchcock movie.   Just don't tell Mother.     - You thought J.J. Abrams was crazy with his mystery box? Hitchcock went to extreme measures to ensure no one would have the ending of Psycho spoiled. He bought vast quantities of the original novel to ensure no one in the audience went in knowing what to suspect, made his cast and crew swear to silence (he made them raise their right hand and everything) and then only showed them the script for the ending when they

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Factoids of the Living Dead: SHAUN OF THE DEAD

Tonight, I'm gonna have my self a real good time, so just sit back, hole up, crack out those Cornettos, and wait for all this to blow over.     - The movie came about when Simon Pegg and director Edgar Wright realized they both loved zombie movies while making As such, several cameos by characters from the sitcom (who are all now zombies, of course) seems to imply that this movie takes place within the same universe.  - Shaun used to be a DJ before the movie's events, as evidenced by t

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Factoids of the Living Dead: THE THING (1982)

Guys, there's something I need to get off my chest.     - John Carpenter had long been a fan of the 1951 film, The Thing from Another World, as evidenced by the characters in Halloween watching it on TV. This movie, however, is less a remake of the original of that movie but rather an adaptation of the original novella, Who Goes There?. It doesn't even take place on the same continent: the 1951 movie was on the North Pole, this one in Antarctica.   - But despite this, Carpenter did not ta

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Factoids of the Living Dead: THE EXORCIST

We got so many facts here today, it'll make you stare in disbelief.     Wait, I was suppose to say "make your head spin". This day is now totally ruined.   - William Peter Blatty based the original novel on a real life exorcism peformed in Maryland in 1949. He worked to make the story as close to recollections of everyone involved as possible, though he doubts that there was actual head-spinning.   - Ellen Burstyn broke her coccyx when her character was thrown across the room during the

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Horrific Fun Facts of the Living Dead: EVIL DEAD II: DEAD BY DAWN

Hey, I have an Ash avatar, and I'm feeling it. Let's do it, baby.   And if you haven't seen Evil Dead II, or Evil Dead I or Army of Darkness...     ...do that now.   -Bruce Campbell almost did all of his own stunts, minus the scene where Ash is thrown down into the fruit cellar (stunt double) and when he is thrown through the car windshield (dummy).   -Speaking of which, that specific car (the Oldsmobile) has made a cameo in every one of director Sam Raimi's movies.   -Also, the POV

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Who is Best Spike?

Probably stupid of me to ask this on a brony site, but I am curious as to which Spike is considered the spikiest.     I'm really bucking bored.

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DOO EEEE YOOOOOOOOOO   DOOO DI DOOO DUH-DOOOOOOOO DUH-OOOOOOOOOOOOOO     The ship. It lives!     That's the same shirt I wore to Bronycon. I haven't changed since.   This just so happens to be my first in-store purchase with a credit card, and what better way to celebrate the fact that I had money to waste than with one of my favorite versions of the Doctor Who theme song?     Maybe with cake, but that's still awesome.   P.S. Spur of the moment crossover with Star Wars.

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Citrus went to Bronycon, some stuff went down.

So this is the story of how I got a lot of exercise. I'm a bit numb, so this is not going to be the Shakespearean writing you've become accustomed to.   The night before, when I was getting a bit drowsy, I decided to make a couple fake mustaches to wear to the con because Spike But my dad was all like, "Don't do that, you'll look stupid and ridiculous" or something like that, but I put it on anyway because he doesn't own me and I am a young adult.     So we woke up early an set out to bea

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Citrus pays tribute to one of the greatest (and important) animated films of all time.

Okay, I'm about to make a statement that some of you may find a bit overreaching, as well as setting me up to oversell this movie to those who haven't seen the movie I'm about to gush over. But it's a statement I'm confident in, based on all the knowledge I have accrued while obsessing over this film, the statements and speculation of what we would call experts in the field, and pure fanboyism.   So, basically, and I'm trying to say this with the smallest amount of hyperbole possible, if it wa

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Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy.     AXE COP.   Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derp

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Citrus's opinion on Equestria Girls: a movie review

SPOILERS ABOUND, YOU SILLY GOOSE.   So, we come to it at last. The great shitstorm of our time.   My reaction to Equestria Girls has probably mirrored many of yours. There was the initial rumor, and then that concept art, and we were all like "EW, GROSS", and then it was confirmed, and we all exploded from massive amounts of frustration and disappointment, and then that even uglier concept art circulated, and we exploded twice [sEE WHAT I DID THERE, LAWL], and then the first trailer came out

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Twelve reasons Rainbow Dash is the best pony.

I know I said the same thing about Rarity, but Dash is in very close second for me, and I don't think that one thread did her full justice.   So...   1. Ashleigh Ball is a fantastic voice actress. It's easy to overdo the whole tomboy thing, but she's able to balance all that arrogance and pride with insecurity and humanity, or whatever the equivalent would be for ponies.   2. She has had the most character development out of all the Mane Six, even more so than the one who grew new limbs.

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I was bored.

Now excuse me while I crawl into the corner and cope with the unfathomable sadness brought upon by me not being able to see EQG for several months.

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Citrus's opinion on Man of Steel: a movie review

You know what the problem with Superman is? It's not that he's OP, or a boy scout, or that he isn't as nuanced and "deep" as other superheroes are. That's actually why I love him. In an irony that has become much more obvious as time goes on, the character who is seen as the poster-boy for generic, bland superheroes that popular culture has been trying to get away from is now refreshing in comparison to everyone else. In a world where every superhero has to be complex or "edgy" or whatever the k

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Citrus's opinion on This is the End: a movie review (more like a quick little bit, but whatever)

The week's big movie has not yet graced (or tainted, depending on its quality) my eyeballs, but as of right now, I can safely say that there is at least one great movie you guys should check out. It's This is the End, a raunchy stoner comedy from first time Co-Directors Evan Goldberg and Seth Rogen.   Some of you may be a bit skeptical of this film, and I wouldn't blame you. At first glance, it seems like a Happy Gilmore-esque vanity project: the filmmakers got a bunch of their friends togethe

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Citrus's opinion on Epic: a movie review

So, yeah, I saw Epic yesterday. It was meh. Kinda regret paying money for it.   Now I don't mean regret regret. It isn't horrible or anything, and the only thing I don't like is one particular peeve which I will get to in a minute but it really feels like those six dollars I paid at the matinee could have been better spent. Maybe on comic books, maybe on a Rarity doll, maybe on After Earth, a movie which some people are already calling the worst movie ever, which would have given me some perve

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A Very Special 20th Anniversary Has Passed

A bit late on this, but I feel like we should all recognize this.   Yesterday, an important moment in cinematic history celebrated its 20th anniversary.   On May 28th, 1993, a film carrying the hopes and dreams of entire generations was released into the world, and has ever since been leaving its mark on the popular culture.   Without it, there would be no Cohen Brothers, Pixar, Christopher Nolan, Peter Jackson, Charlie Chalin, or Richard Nixon.   I think you all know what I'm talking ab

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