Written by: Shelly M. & Matt W.
January 25th 1990, Seattleback, Washington
Sitting at the 'EverBean Forest Cafe' watching the live performance of Neighvana, was a lonely pony Named Penny Lane. She wanted to go outside and have a cigarette, and take a break from the loud music as well.
As she brought the flame of her lighter to her mouth, Another pony emerged out of the smokey lounge and into the desolate street corner.
"Hey Penny, come out for some fresh air too?"
"Oh, hey Limelig
I have decided to do a fun little weekly blog post every monday,entitled 'On This Day in History'. It came to be because I have a history class at this time, and it's really not my fancy,in fact it's pretty grueling. So to have some fun in the morning, and to smite my history teacher (who actually is really nice, I'm just being over-dramatic).
I'm going to throw up some historical events that I think seem pretty relevant to western culture,or I just find them cool. Here are some events that ha
We have some new ideas a stir at the office! The revisions on ponyism are still in motion, since it is the base tool for looking at morals through the MLP view.
A new article on the concept of the self is now being worked on, and will be my philosophical duty to ponder for today. Other references to human (pony) consciousness and self reflection are being looked at and researched.
The main revision done on Ponyism will be the result of the next article: how the elements of harmony come to p
It wasn't posted right away due to a brief power outage, sorry, but I thought it built suspense aha. May I once again remind everpony that this is an unofficially edited version of the article, and a final revised issue will be posted in the future (but that's for the future me to worry about). And also please please PLEASE tell other lovers of wisdom to come check it out! Healthy criticism is welcome, please comment till your keyboards bust. That would be way awesome!
The Concept “Friendship is Magic”
The television show is based on one singular concept that can morally divide into a whole matrix of other moral modules. That model is that “friendship is magic”.
Now when we hear that, a few opinions come to mind. One is the positive “Well of course, friendship is important,it almost feels like magic sometimes” and if you ask me, a very beneficial concept to a franchise like my little pony. And the other, negative “There's more to life then just making fr
Besides the intro article and this one, this blogs first look at philosophical inquiry and My Little Pony is in editing right now! A draft version will be published here in about 5 minuets and then will go to further editing in the city, and then I wont look at it until it's sent back here for me to the final version. It will go into the collection of write ups i have already, and will be the basis of what kind of stuff we will be looking at here on the blog. Please enjoy the next article on Pon
It's my pleasure to start this simple blog. If you stumble upon this and like what you see, please feel free to get involved somehow, in anyway possible. I will be posting things that are intellectually stimulating, fun, creative, and overall items of knowledge that will make you use that squishy slab of meat between your ears .
Since the Brony community is overall a peaceful one, I'm sure that whatever comes out of this blog will be very positive. This blog will mostly consist of my thoughts