There was some sales(mainly $2 for $10 some games, and B2G1 on everything else, and I had an old Gift Card so I wound up paying only $15 or cash for all these, and all of them are complete, the Deus Ex even has the little mini strat guide) It's all games I've been eyeing up so I'm really happy with this haul.
Also nabbed some other stuff for fun at some sales:
and yes, the pics are sizing weird.
Headed out with my Family out of down, so I hit a bunch of thrift shops and such, started out at this little shop in Des Moines and got these for $20 total(only Dracula and the Out of this World have manuals)
Next I hit a place called US Pawn and Jewelry, got the DVD for $1.50 and the Fable II for $2.
To finish up in Des Moines I hit the local DAV(Disabled American Veterans) thrift store. I paid $.65 for the bobble-head and $1.95 each for the games.
On the way back
This is an old review I wrote when it first came out, but I stand by the Wedding being the best damn episode of whole show, it created the feeling of the animated movies I grew up with so perfectly that I actually got Nostalgia off of it, and I didn't even think getting that feeling off something you're watching for the first time was possible.
I'd also like to add after a few more viewings, that it holds up to. I can still go listen to This Day Aria or Love is in Bloom and ge
I guess there seems to be some drama going on here and there, so I wanted to take the time to maybe lift some spirits by saying how thankful I am to have found this place. I don't think I've ever really fit into a internet forum like I have here with you guys.
Take this from someone who's been a member in some of the most unfortunate holes on the Internet and been on the wrong end internet drama, ran off, and called things I can't even repeat here just for being in fandoms people didn't lik
Sometimes I sit and think about morality, and one quote springs to mind:
"It's not that simple. We are all both, good and evil, we have rage and compassion, we have love and hate...murder and forgiveness. Why don't you try forgiving yourself for a change."
It's background within the work(Highlander) is interesting. It's spoken by Methos to Duncan when his honor gets in the way and he starts beating himself up over his past sins and convincing himself what he did was inexcusable. Said act
Dear Indie Horror game makers, I'm getting really sick of you remaking "I Can't See Shit: The Game.", I feel as though you were going for "nothing is scarier" but I feel like I could have gotten the same experience by merely turning off the lights in my bathroom and sitting in there until my eyes lose focus and I begin to hallucinate.
I know you probably put tons of work into the designing the game world, and I would very much like to see it and admire that hard work for myself.
I make a plea to the entire fandom from this little blog, We all like different things, we all create different things, that's what makes us so diverse and wonderful. Same goes for disliking something, you think Snow Drop is a horrible sue, I think she's wonderful, those are are opinions that we are both entitled to. Wonderful things they are, opinions, and it feels wonderful to voice them, positive or negative.
I know it's a human need to vent, I do it all the time. We just need to all reme
We caught the little sucker in a jar and I called up a friend who had the stones to handle this thing to turn it loose, it's now somewhere in the pine tree outback(presumably plotting it's revenge, I'm pretty sure it considered chasing after me before deciding to crawl up inside the tree to live another day)
I still need to play the new DMC but...
Does anyone else find the new Dante to be a obnoxious prick and not "cool" at all like he used to be? I think someone missed the point that the reason Dante wasn't dark or "edgy" was because he didn't need to be like that to be cool. He could be a badass without smoking, getting hammered, screwing everything and cussing up a storm.
He was kind a more mature kind of badass.
Everyone is entitled to their own subjective opinion on liking or disliking a show or change within in. There are no wrong opinions, just wrong ways to voice them. To call people idiots or accuse them of bitching, or attacking them, or saying you hate them is NOT the right way voice your opinion.
If you can't have a civil debate about it(ie, "I don't understand why people don't like x, I'm fine with it and this is way), then keep your trap shut and don't get involved in the debate at all(ex
I went to the gym and now everything hurts.
Also, there was this girl in the most revealing tights I've seen that laid there on the weight equipment with her butt in the air playing on her phone for God knows what reason.
Also, an old man that was so utterly incapable of figuring the machines out everyone in there was staring, and when he finally manage, he put the weight so much past is limit he was struggling to even do a couple lifts.
Also, also I forgot to make a playlist so I sp
I finally gave it a watch now that someone uploaded a rip of the Comic-Con Blu-Ray. I really enjoyed it, it had kinda the same feel as the Disney stuff I watched in the late 90s/early 2000s(the TV shows and direct to TV stuff).
The music was good, and added to that effect. It kinda reminds of that 90s pop you would find on Pokemon soundtracks(yes, I know I'm scrambling different companies together, I was never on for brand loyalty as a kid XD).
It also managed to capture the spirit of th
Long story short, they don't want to run the activation severs for it anymore, so it's free right now. You just have to sign up for a free Adobe account. It is legit, I've downloaded Photoshop and Illustrator already(link goes to an article about it, which links to the right place on the Adobe site)
Update: it works, even on Win8
I like the combat, but it seems really clumsy at times because enemies take way to much punishment for the fighting to flow right, when one simple redcoat takes like two counter attacks and a dozen stab wounds to kill, it kinda breaks the mood. I feel like it's to hard to trigger kill moves outside of things like the human shield bit and managing to knock someone down and finish them.
That, and I wish the game started a little quicker.
I was cleaning out a basement and brought home a old slide projector thinking it would be broken and only good for making something out of the parts, turns out it somehow still works after being down there in the crud for 35 years:
I really have no idea, I just bent over to look at something and she was staring me in the face when I stood back up. Since it was only $1 and made me smile I took her home XD.
So, I finally gave my new PC a test run for games, and so far I've gotten Fallout 3 to run at about 30 FPS outside(which is fully playable for me) on medium settings with large textures and at 720p resolution.
Using that as a benchmark, suggest me some more games to try?
It was the best I could get with my current financial situation and choices, but it has a 2.9Ghz Dual Core CPU, 4GB RAM, 1TB HDD, and 23" full 1080p HD screen, so I should be able to get some good use out of it.
Also, 1080p ponies will be awesome.
I live in a old 4-bedroom house built in the 1920s, I just realized one of the bedrooms(the one I use for storage/entry to attic now because we only need two) came with a lock on the OUTSIDE of the door.
I'm somewhere between scared shitless and intrigued...
So, I looked at the submission rules, my take on each one:
Pornography: We don't accept pornography or offensive depictions of graphic sexual acts.(Ca
Offensive Content: We don’t accept offensive content, including but not limited to racial slurs, excessively graphic or violent material, or excessive use of foul language.(Tackling both these at once, it looks like a good idea on paper to establish these rules, but what about works that the source material contains these things? Especia
Someone tell me why it is I can sit here all day drawing parallels between MLP and Highlander, and parallels between Twilight and Duncan.
It just fits perfect in my mind that Twilight could be her worlds chosen one, just like Duncan was his worlds.
"A highland child, born on the winter solstice, who has seen both darkness and light"
She's been Discorded, and saved, not unlike Duncan and the Dark Quickening. She was saved by reminders from the mentor that was almost like a second moth