Why do people feel the need to express their opinion so bluntly and openly? If you are an atheist great im happy for you, if you're a republican, great im happy for you. Yelling about how much you cant stand gay marriage, and about how Obama is ruining the nation is so old and annoying. We live in a modern society and in a modern society there are certain things people choose not to talk about.
Politics, Sexuality, Religion, and other persona beleifs are subjective. Everyones is different. R
Okay I dont have alot of time so here it is. I need someone with Heart gold to trade with me. I have a vulpix I will trade for a Growlithe, Gorwlithe is my fav pokemon so if someone would give me their friend code I could Meet you and tarde Vulpix, for Growlithe. If you want something other than a Vulpix please say so but dont make it an insane request please.
Thank you VERY much if you can help me I have been wanting a Growlithe for a VERY long time!!
Okay. I have started this blog basically for one reason and one reason only. To make crude and humorous statements about everything going on in the world, and forums. I will also be posting about cool things I have found, and of course you will get plenty of entries describing how awesome I am.
I will enjoy finding things to make fun of and im not sure if I will manage to keep up with this but I hope to find a new and interesting thing to roast, post, and boast. Until then leave a comment below