Yes I have to put something here and why not Derpy Hooves A.K.A Ditzy Doo.
Why some people call her Derpy and some other call her Ditzy. I like both of her names.
I do not fore got DO NOT EAT HER MUFFEN our you well not see the next Day.
LOLOL That all for now at lest I put something here Happy Face.
Fox Out
Mares and Stallions Filly of all ages. I being you here to see a great pony who now how to use magic. With a great away. I bring you The Great and Powerful Trixie.
Trixie: Thank you Fox for a great introduction. Trixie is so great I love you all for being in my show.
Now all you ponies out there I hope you like the show I well put on. But I know you all going to love it. The Great and Powerful Trixie well put on.
Princess Luna: Well we heave to say Trixie know how to put a show. We are