Source: We have a Steam group!
Just a quick heads-up because there are only two days left to enter! Or if you're not in our Steam group yet, now is your chance to join!
"It's weird to live life as a Tulpa. Having to float in someone's mind is a strange thing that almost cant be put into words. I can see things through someones vision and experience them..."
"Thinking and talking about it is freaking me out a little, hahah. At least I have an outlet for my thoughts now."
"Kaynah here. I guess it's finally time I start talking to all of the good people of this forum!"
"If you want to know what I look like, here is an image a very nice fellow made for me."
"Woo, this is cool. If you have any questions or comments or whatever for me, feel free to ask here:"
"Don't be afraid, I only bite sometimes~"