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Welcome to the blog all about me, your friendly neighborhood Pinkie Pie!

Entries in this blog

Pinkie's thoughts on the ever-changing society.

Hey ponies, Pinkie Pie here! It's been a while since I have updated my blog, so let's just right down to it!   Lately, I have begun to notice a disturbance in the force. By the force, I am meaning you bronies. When you once lived together in harmony, now is a boiling pot of hate and disputes.   Why is this? We all love each other, as we are all the same in a sense. We all love to have fun, eat sweets, and many other activities! So why hate each other for small problems!   I mean, hey. Some



Pinkie Pie's tip of the day- How to stay happy in life!

Hey guys, Pinkie Pie here. If some of you saw, I posted a tip up on your forum this morning, and I wanted to put another one up for you sad ponies! ________________________________________________________________________________ Let's get right down to it. Life sucks. That is the bottom line. But you cannot focus on this. You need to realize that life may be full of pain, but it is full of happiness as well, and you need to find the happiness everywhere you look!   No matter how bad things g



Pinkie Pie's tip of the day- How stay happy in times of bullying!

Hey ponies, Pinkie Pie here. And I am going to be sharing something a little personal today. As I was exploring ponyville a bit, I was noticing that a few ponies here are being bullied by some meanie-bo-beanies. I want to say that this is not ok in the slightest, but being mean back is not the answer! I am not here to show you how to be like a meanie, but how to stay happy in these times!   First of all, if you have a bully, you need to laugh when they try to hurt you. Like a ghostie, if you l



Pinkie Pie shows you how to bake a cake!

Hey ponies, Pinkie Pie here, and today I will be showing you how to make a delicious chocolate cake! First of all, to prepare yourself, make sure you have your taste buds ready, because this chocolate explosion of yumminess requires your full amount of taste buds! You can make this cake for anything too! For parties, reunions, anything! Ponies will be sure to love it!   Alright, time for the technical boring stuff! Don't worry, it's not as boring as it sounds!   INGREDIENTS   2 cups (250



Welcome to Pinkie Pie's Blog!

Oh hey, I haven't seen you guys around here! I guess I should introduce myself! My name is Pinkie Pie, and I am the most fun loving pony you will ever meet! I throw parties a lot, and guess what, I am throwing you one right now!!!       I hope you enjoy your stay in my blog! Oh my gosh, I haven't told you what will be going on in my blog at all, have I? Oh, silly Pinkie! Ok, so here is what I will be doing here for you ponies! I'm going to be brightening your day with uplifting posts!



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