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This is a play I wrote for my Senior year class. I will be directing and performing in this as well. Tell me what you think below.










Written by: Gary Smitherman
















Scene I


Curtains open: Stage is dim to show Neville and Mother sitting together. They are sitting on a couch in a living room type setting. Neville is dressed as an extremely nerdy boy, and mother is in a fifties type dress. This should give the audience an idea that the mother is old fashion. The room around them can be decorated as seen fit, but keep it to a minimum. After a few moments, lights come up.


Neville: Tell me what happens next mom, please?


Mother: Oh Nevvy, not until tomorrow. You know how storytime works. I have to keep you surprised, or you’ll just get bored again.


Neville: But mom, I really want to know!


Mother: No butt’s. Now, what are you wanting for supper?


Neville: Hmm.. Oh, I know. Let’s make mac and cheese! Please momma, please!


Mother: Oh, alright love. Give me a minute then.


Mom walks over to a kitchen counter, but faces the audience.


Mother: Neville and I have always been close. When his father walked out on us, it crushed me. I didn’t know how I was going to raise him alone, but Neville never really seemed affected. He just turned all his attention to loving me. Not that I am complaining, of course. It’s been about eight years since his father left, and he is as normal as any other child. It’s nice having someone depending on you all the time. It gives you a purpose in life.


She smiles to Neville.


Mother: Neville never had too many friends. Mostly because I took him out of school. I didn’t trust the other kids to take care of him. We started homeschooling, and we’ve never been happier. It warmed my heart to always have my baby at a moments notice. Years went by, and my little flower grew into a beautiful tree. funny how life works. Neville turned eighteen not too long ago, and begs me to let him spend his senior year with other children. While my heart pains at the thought, I decided to enroll him in a private school.


She takes a moment.


Mother: I’m going to be throwing him the cutest little party next week, and he has no idea. A little surprise party, just the two of us! Oh, how I love being a mother. All a boy needs in his life is his mother, and that’s all there is to it. It’s just simple, Mother always knows best!


Turns to Neville.


Mother: I love you my little Nevvy.


Neville: I love you too mom!


Scene II


Lights open to a classroom set on the stage. Mrs. Bradley is seen readying papers as the lights become brighter. Students are heard speaking outside the door. As the bell rings, students begin walking in. Neville, Christina, and Sid enter with (possible) extras. Each kid takes a seat, with Neville, Christina and Sid sitting close together. Mrs. Bradley turns around once all kids are seated.


Bradley: Alright everyone. I’m Mrs. Bradley. I know everyone is just dying to be back from summer break, but I’m going to ask you to contain your excitement as I go over our class syllabus.


Sid raises his hand


Sid: Can I go to the bathroom?


Bradley: I don’t know, can you?


Sid stares back at her


Sid: What?


Bradley: This is an English class. I would expect Seniors to know the difference between “can” and “may”. Proper English is key, that’s actually my first rule.


Sid turns to Christina


Sid: This teacher sucks already. She won’t let me go to the bathroom on the first day.


Christina: Sid, just please listen to her. I don’t get why you always want to start something.


Bradley: My second rule is simple. Never, ever touch my blinds. Are we clear on this?


Sid: What happens if we touch your blinds?


Bradley: I’ll send you to the office so fast your head will spin.


Sid: What, are you like a Vampire or something? Do you sparkle in the sun?


Bradley: I only hope that Twilight isn’t the only piece of literature that you’ve read.


Neville laughs quietly.


Neville: Like he even reads at all.


Sid: What did you just say?


Christina: It was just a joke sid, please.


Nevile: I was just..


Sid: What, trying to be funny? Are you trying to make a joke about me?


Neville stammers over his response.


Bradley: Alright, it appears I have myself a class full of competing comedians. Both of you are sure to make my life fun. But let’s bring the focus back to the syllabus.


She turns to the board and writes something unseen.


Sid: Were you actually defending this nerd, Christina?


Christina: I just don’t want you getting sent to the office again, Sid.


Sid: I’ll do whatever the hell I want to, okay? That kid is a loser. A pathetic loser. If no one will take care of him, I will.


He pats Neville’s back and he winces.


Neville: I’ll only leave a few dents in him. No one will care, because he is a useless piece of crap. Right kid?


Neville ignores him, so Sid slaps his back again and Neville nods.


Sid: Good, now we’re on the same page.


A bell rings, and Mrs. Bradley turns around.


Bradley: Alright class, looks like you’re free for today. Remember to come back to class with your custom pencil bag and customized binder, or I’ll fail every one of you. Understood?


Sid throws his bag to Neville.


Sid: Carry my crap to my next class, got it? It’s room 240. Don’t be late.


Sid calls to Christina and walks away. Neville picks up the bag and walks out slowly.


Scene III


Lights open to a bedroom. Keep this as simple as needed. A bed will do. Neville is seen sitting on the bed with his Mother above him. She has books in her hands.


Mother: Let’s see, there’s Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel.. ooh! You haven’t heard Goldilocks in a while!


Neville: I’m not really in the mood tonight Mother. I’m sorry, I just want to go to bed.


Mother: Oh, that’s ok love. I’ll read to you while you sleep.


Neville: I already know how all the stories go, mom! Hansel and Gretel murder a witch, Rapunzel is trapped in a castle waiting for a man, and Goldilocks is eaten by three bears for breaking and entering! I’ve heard them all!


Mother turns away, looking hurt.


Mother: What is wrong with you tonight, Nevvy? I’ve been nothing but good to you your entire life.


Neville: I’m a loser, mom. I have no friends at all. Today at school, this kid named Sid attacked me and made me carry his books. There as no one there I liked. I have no friends at all, mom!


Mother: Again with the friend talk! You’ve had a friend before and he left you, remember? He drowned in the lake when you two were swimming. You did nothing to save him, remember? He was a careless boy. He made you climb trees and ride bikes. It was so stressful! He put you in so much danger, I simply couldn’t handle it. In fact, him drowning was more of a blessing than anything else.


Neville: It was.. my fault?


Mother: Yes, of course it was. You did nothing to save him. You just cried and cried when I pulled you out of the water. It was pitiful. But I reminded you that all you needed was me, and you straightened right up. It was really pathetic though.


Neville pulls the covers over him.


Mother: Neville? Don’t hide from your mother. Neville?


She places her hand on him.


Mother: I love you Nevvy. Don’t ever forget that.


Neville: Go away, mother.


She looks as if she was shot. She stands up and walks away to the door, then looks back one more time before lights go out.


Scene IV


Scene opens to a small hallway. Use a door at the end of stage left to show a classroom. Sid and Christina are seen talking outside the door. Neville enters from stage right. Once Sid sees him, he runs towards Neville by the collar.


Sid: We didn’t really get the chance to get friendly yesterday, did we?


Neville: N-no.


Sid: You have anymore jokes to tell me, funny man? Because if you do, I want you to say them right to my face.


Neville: I would make a joke to your face, but it’s funny already.


Sid: You’re going to regret the day you were born kid.


He raises his fist at Neville. Christina runs toward them.


Christina: Sid! Stop! Stop!


Christina grabs his arm and tries to pull him away.


Sid: What the hell Christina? Why do you mess with me when I’m on the hunt? This little deer is right in my headlights.


Christina: Is that right? Look, leave Neville alone. He didn’t do anything to you.


Sid: But he called me a-


Christina: I don’t want to hear it, Sid. If you keep at it, I’ll tell mom.


Sid looks at Neville, then back to Christina.


Sid: Fine, I’ll leave your little boyfriend alone. I look bad standing near him anyway.


Sid walks off stage left to the door indicating the classroom.


Christina: I’m really sorry about Sid. My brother is… he’s just-


Neville: Psychotic?


Christina: Are you kidding? He’s been to juvie more than once. We all think he should of been locked up a long time ago. My mom and I kind of have bets on it.


They both laugh.


Neville: Thanks for getting me out of that. I don’t want to cause any trouble, but he kinda started it for us.


Christina: It’s no big deal, don’t worry about it Neville.


Neville: How do you know my name anyway?


Christina: You dropped your papers in Mrs. Bradley’s class yesterday. I picked one up and read what was on it. It was a poem about seclusion and loneliness. It was… really beautiful actually. I loved the part about the protective demon in your life. It was really creative, and I couldn’t stop reading it. How did you come up with all that?


Neville: Just a wild imagination I guess.


They both laugh.


Christina: Hey, look. There’s no way I’m going to be talking to Sid for the rest of the day. Do you mind maybe walking me home for today?


Neville: Uhh.. I kind of need to be home right away. I have this thing…


Neville stammers more until Christina cuts him off.


Christina: It’s okay, I understand.


She turns away and starts to walk when he rushes towards her.


Neville: You know what, nevermind. It won’t hurt to skip coming home for a while today.


Christina: Are you sure? I don’t want you to get in trouble.


Neville: Yeah, I’m sure. I’d rather be with you anyway.


Christina: Thanks! Meet me by the flagpole after school. See you later!


Neville: Bye!


Neville turns away.


Neville: I’m sure mother won’t be mad for missing one day of story time. She’d want me to have more friends anyway!


Scene V


Scene opens to Mother sitting in the livingroom. Lights stay dim as she stays still on the couch. Her foot is shaking enough to be obvious, and she is checking her watch. After a few moments, the door opens and Neville walks in. Lights come up as soon as door closes.


Mother: You’re late.


Neville: Oh, I’m sorry Mother. I was busy.


Mother: Busy? Busy doing what? What were you doing?


Nevile: I was walking a friend home, mom.


Mother: What friend? You don’t have any friends! You nearly gave me a heart attack Neville!


Neville: I wasn’t…


Mother: I almost called 911 Neville! Do you have any idea how much I cried? You’re never late. Ever. You could of been hurt, I was always suspicious of the old man always asking for your help down the street. Do you want me to call the cops on him, hunny?


Neville: Mr. Johnson has alzheimer’s mom! He needs help sometimes!


Mother: The way he looks at you isn’t right Neville.


Neville: Mom, just stop. You’re acting crazy!


Mother: Don’t raise your voice at me! You never raise your voice at me! What is happening to you Neville?


Neville: Nothing, mom! I’m just tired of you always thinking the worst of me!


Mother: Nonsense, I do no such thing! So, what friend were you with? You know what I say about other people.


Neville: Friends lead to neglect and sadness, I know! It was no big deal. It was a one time thing, and it won’t happen again.


Mother: It better not, Nevvy. I’m much too old to deal with another one of your friends.


Neville: What do you mean “deal with” mom?


Mother: Oh nothing, don’t worry about it hunny.


Neville: I’m worrying about it. What did you mean?


Mother: I said drop it, Neville! You wouldn’t understand what I mean.


Neville: Mother, tell me!


Mother turns around and slaps him.


Mother: I don’t want to hear another word from your lips, do you understand me? I said I wasn’t going to tell you, and that’s final. Are we clear Neville?


Neville nods.


Mother: Good. Now I don’t want to hear anything else about you being with friends ever again. Go to your room, you’re grounded.


Neville turns and walks away.


Mother: Another friend! Really! It was hard enough getting the last child to go away, now I have to deal with another one. Why do these things keep happening to us? I just want to be happy with my only child, why can’t anyone understand that? If worst comes to the worst, I will have to intervene. Whatever I need to do to keep my little Nevvy safe from people.


She softly laughs to herself.


Mother: This is simply a phase, I just know it. Next week Neville’s party will be here, and he will go right back to normal. Just Nevvy and me, me and Neville. We’ll be the perfect family again. Oh, I just can’t wait!


She laughs again and the lights go out.


Scene VI

Scene opens to a small park location. Can be held near the end of upstage, directors choice. Neville and Christina are on a bench, laughing and talking together. Lights go up.


Christina: So then what did your Mother do?


Neville: She locked me in the basement because I wouldn’t eat my peas. It was ridiculous. She kept yelling, “they’re good for you Nevvy, just try them!”


Christina: That’s crazy! And you never told anyone about this?


Neville: Not to anyone..


He takes her hands.


Neville: Except for you.


Christina laughs and pushes him playfully.


Christina: Just a week ago you were so shy, what happened?


Neville: I met a girl who kind of changed my life.


Christina: Was it your mother?


Neville laughs.


Neville: Well, aren’t you funny. Wait, hold on.


Neville brings out a phone from his pocket and appears to read it.


Neville: Mother wants me to come home right now. That’s really weird, I told her I was going to be studying at the library.


Christina: It won’t for her not to know we’re together, right Nevvy?


Neville laughs at her comment.


Neville: And it won’t kill her if I’m a few hours late!


Scene VII

Lights dim to show Mother pacing in the livingroom, looking panicked. There is a cake on the table and a balloon on her chair. She can be checking her watch, or doing anything to show that she is frantic. After a few moments, the door opens and Neville walks in. Once he walks in, Mother runs up to him nearly in tears.


Mother: It’s 10:30, where in the rotten place have you been Neville?


Neville: I was studying mom, remember?


Mother: For 6 hours? Neville, I’m not stupid! Tell me what you were doing this instant!


Neville takes a second, then looks away.


Neville: I was out with Christina again.


Mother: Neville! What have I told you. I don’t want you being with that harlot!


Neville: She’s not a harlot mom! She’s kind and sweet, and is always here for me. Unlike you!


Neville pushes past her, then sees the cake on the table.


Neville: Is this for me?


Mother: It was for your party I threw for you today..


Neville: Mom, my birthday isn’t for another three months! I’m so tired of you doing this to me! Stay out of my life!


Neville rushes out of stage right, opposite of the door. Mother stands for a few moment in a neutral position, then passes to her chair. Her voice is monotone.


Mother: Stay away from me. Stay away from me. Stay… away.


She sits down in the chair and stares out into the audience for a few moments, then begins to sob. As she is crying, people begin to enter from the front door, each representing a different emotion. They surround the table, each with movements to express said emotion. Mother sobs through their conversation.


Sadness: What have I done to deserve this.

Regret: We shouldn’t of ever had a kid.


Anger: We should march up to his room right now and slap him across his smug face.


Happiness: We don’t need any of this guys. Neville is a growing boy, and is going to find love. We just need to set him free.


Apathy: We shouldn’t even care what he does. He’s an adult soon, and will just leave like everybody else.


Happiness: That’s the spirit.. I think. But we need to look on the positive side!


Anger: That’s what we’ve always done! And look where it’s got us! Nowhere. We’re alone again. Neville is going to leave, and it’s all your fault!


Sadness: Please don’t fight, there’s no hope for us anyway.


Regret: We shouldn’t of had a kid..


Anger: I’m telling you, we need to show him who is boss again! This girl has to go. Who is with me?


Sadness: We won’t be able to do anything, it’s all over.


Apathy: There’s no point, Anger. We’re completely done for, and there’s no fighting it.


Happiness: You need to calm down. There’s always a way over this, I promise. We will overcome this!


Regret: We shouldn’t of ever had a kid.


Anger: Stop saying that! Look, we’re doing this my way. You’ve all had your turn, now it’s mine.


Sadness, Happiness, and Apathy leave the room while Anger sits beside Mother.


Anger: This will work out, I guarantee it. Here’s what we’re going to do.


Scene VIII


Scene opens to the living room. Neville and Mother are seen sitting together on the couch, while Neville looks nervous.

Neville: You sure about this mom? Just yesterday you were uncomfortable with her, and now she gets to come over?


Mother: Oh yes Nevvy, anything to make my little boy happy. You really knocked some sense into me yesterday, so I need to accept she will be apart of our lives.


Neville: Well thank you Mom. I’m so thankful you will accept us.


There is a knock on the door.


Neville: That must be her now! I’ll go get it!


Mother: No Neville, I’ll get it.


Mother crosses to the door and opens it. Christina walks in and hugs Neville. She turns back to Mother and shakes her hand.


Christina: Thank you for letting me into your home, it’s really lovely.


Mother: Oh, it’s my pleasure.. Christina is it? Why don’t you sit down, I’ll make us some coffee


Mother crosses over to the counter while Neville and Christina sit together.


Mother: Remember the plan. This will be simple. One move, and this nightmare is over. I’ll never have to deal with anyone messing with my Neville ever again. You can do this, you know you can.


She brings the coffee over to Neville and Christina.


Mother: Oh Neville, can you head to my room and grab my purse. It should be somewhere under the bed. Christina and I need to talk anyway. Shoo, shoo.


Neville nods and leaves through the door on stage right.


Mother: So, you’re the girl who has been stealing my Neville from home.


Christina laughs at what seems like a joke.


Christina: Yes, and I really like your son.


Mother: Well, you can’t take him from me you know.


Christina: Well don’t worry, we can share. I have strong feelings for him, I want you to know that.


Mother: That’s lovely to hear. Hang on for a moment, can you follow me to the kitchen. I want to show you something.


Christina jumps up with a smile and follows Mother. When they are there, the mother opens a drawer.


Mother: You see, Christina, besides these knives Neville is my prized possession. And trying to steal him from me, well, that would be a crime.


Christina: I don’t know where you’re going with this, ma’am.


Mother: Well, you see, anyone who wrongs me must pay the price. And I’m sorry to say but, the price is death. You understand, don’t you?


Christina laughs nervously.


Christina: This isn’t funny anymore, you’re making me uncomfortable.


Mother: You’ve made me uncomfortable for far too long, girl. You can’t take my Nevile from me. No one can.


Christina starts to back away, towards the front door.


Christina: You can’t be serious. You’re nuts. I’m not doing anything wrong.


Mother: No, not yet. But I can’t take any chances can I?


Christina: But I promise I won’t do anything to hurt him!


Mother: Oh, I know you won’t.


The lights black out as Mother moves toward Christina and a scream is heard. The lights come back on and Christina is gone while Mother holds her knife.


Mother: It’s all over now. She’ll never hurt us again. It will be me and Neville until the end of time. No one will ever try to hurt us again.


She sits down on the couch and Neville comes out.


Neville: Is everything ok? I heard someone scream!


Mother: Oh Neville, I have some bad news for you hunny. Sit down. Well, while Christina and I were talking, she accidentally slipped up on saying she was cheating on you. I slapped her, and she screamed. I told her to get out of my house, and she screamed back at me that she was leaving town forever to be with her boyfriend. I’m so sorry Nevvy.


Neville takes a second, then looks down.


Neville: She.. she cheated on me?


Mother: I’m afraid so Neville. I told you, people are horrible. They will just hurt you, unlike your mother.


Neville hugs her and sobs.


Mother: There there Nevvy, it’s ok to be wrong. Just remember sweet, Mother always knows best.




Source: Mother


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