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What is Art?

Courageous Thunder Dash


So there's a certain deviant on deviant art who makes really cool flash stuff. However, there is one thing that bugs me a lot about him. He thinks that only original stuff count as art and blocks people who take other people's art and remake it in an original way they see it. So I come to you with this thought "What is really art?"


Well, simple. Art is taking something and making it "you". It's taking whatever you see, hear, touch, smell, taste...and interpreting it in your way.


Do memes count as art? YES!

Do custom trading cards count as art? YES!

Do remixes of songs count as art? YES!


And the list goes on.


Art can come in any form. You can take a picture of a car from someone and make it you (as long as you give them credit). Just because you do this, doesn't mean that it's not art.


You can take a Beethoven Sonata and make it your way. Does this count as stealing? No! It's taking something that someone made, and twisting it, in the way that YOU see or hear it.


So I leave with this thought: "Art is a language that comes in many forms."


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I agree completely. Art need not be completely "original" to be considered tru art. If you put in some effort to make it, then it is art.


I will say, however, that there are different tiers of art, depending on how long you spent thinking, drafting, creating. Meme generators are definitely art, but when people go hunting for art on the internet, they don't necessarily want to see art that they could have easily done themselves.

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I agree completely. Art need not be completely "original" to be considered tru art. If you put in some effort to make it, then it is art.


I will say, however, that there are different tiers of art, depending on how long you spent thinking, drafting, creating. Meme generators are definitely art, but when people go hunting for art on the internet, they don't necessarily want to see art that they could have easily done themselves.

Yes, and even with memes it takes effort to think of a great caption that 

1. Conveys a great joke that everyone can get a laugh out of'

2. Does not come off as random. 


With custom pokemon cards, it takes effort to think about what move can go with the image, like a character from another series for instance, or an OC. 

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