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9th & 10th Pony Waifu Weddings: LightningDust X Panama : Emerald / Tunder X Spitfire




9th & 10th Pony Waifu Weddings!

I've been super lazy. Let's get this show on the road


Panama X Lightning Dust!


Emerald Starlight X Thunder-Wing X SpitFire!


It's a double double whammy! Pegasi and Polygamy!






Skype Wedding Transcript Pt 1

[6/4/2014 4:10:55 PM] Kel Grym: Ready....set....Go!


[6/4/2014 4:11:02 PM] Kel Grym: *plays wedding music*


[6/4/2014 4:11:11 PM] AlicornAcolyte: (d)


[6/4/2014 4:11:19 PM] Jump Cut: (d)


[6/4/2014 4:11:23 PM] RATX5: (d)


[6/4/2014 4:11:41 PM] Jorguil Ferris: no thanks alcohol taste nasty.


[6/4/2014 4:11:46 PM] RATX5: lol


[6/4/2014 4:11:50 PM] Kel Grym: They're too many alchoholics in my church...


[6/4/2014 4:11:50 PM] AlicornAcolyte: (coffee)


[6/4/2014 4:11:56 PM] RATX5: (beer)


[6/4/2014 4:12:03 PM] Panama: Rat, stop, you're a rodent.


[6/4/2014 4:12:07 PM] RATX5: (heart)


[6/4/2014 4:12:18 PM] Jump Cut: *switches to water*


[6/4/2014 4:12:18 PM] Jorguil Ferris: needs mountain dr.peper emote


[6/4/2014 4:12:28 PM] Jump Cut: agreed


[6/4/2014 4:12:51 PM] Kel Grym: AHEM!


[6/4/2014 4:13:46 PM] Kel Grym: We are gathered her on this auspicious day to celebrate the holy union of Pegasi and Panama, within her Holy House of the Faith.


[6/4/2014 4:14:25 PM] Jorguil Ferris: "looks around for the two to be wed"


[6/4/2014 4:14:48 PM] Panama: Hehe. Alliteration.


[6/4/2014 4:14:49 PM] Kel Grym: These two entities, one fictional property of Hasbro, and one presumably real, shall be forever more linked by laws of marriage, effectively making Panama property of Hasbro.


[6/4/2014 4:15:02 PM] Panama: ...


[6/4/2014 4:15:09 PM] Panama: I can live with that.


[6/4/2014 4:15:15 PM] RATX5: LOL


[6/4/2014 4:15:20 PM] Jump Cut: he says stuff like that


[6/4/2014 4:15:20 PM] Jorguil Ferris: wait isn't panama a town?


[6/4/2014 4:15:26 PM] AlicornAcolyte: Country


[6/4/2014 4:15:27 PM] RATX5: No


[6/4/2014 4:15:33 PM] RATX5: It's a country you dipshit


[6/4/2014 4:15:33 PM] RATX5: (heart)


[6/4/2014 4:15:35 PM] Jump Cut: *facehoofs*


[6/4/2014 4:15:49 PM] Jorguil Ferris: Thanks RAT


[6/4/2014 4:16:00 PM] Kel Grym: Not withstanding the legal loophole of Hasbro possibly owning Panama the country, let us continue.


[6/4/2014 4:16:12 PM] RATX5: lol


[6/4/2014 4:16:20 PM] Kel Grym: Is the bride present?


[6/4/2014 4:16:36 PM] RATX5: Yep


[6/4/2014 4:17:47 PM] LD: Yes.


[6/4/2014 4:18:07 PM] Kel Grym: Excellent...*scratches head*...when did you get in?


[6/4/2014 4:18:28 PM] Panama: That doesn't matter. I wanna go back to cuddling my body pillow.


[6/4/2014 4:18:37 PM] Panama: ...Er, lightning dust, that is.


[6/4/2014 4:18:47 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: hey guys sorry I'm late Pinkie saw a baloon



[6/4/2014 4:18:48 PM] Pinkie: Something floaty


[6/4/2014 4:19:15 PM] AlicornAcolyte: Oh dear.


[6/4/2014 4:19:30 PM] Kel Grym: Alright then...GROOM! * fixes panama with gritty stare *


[6/4/2014 4:19:50 PM] Panama: YESSIR MR. MINISTER SIR


[6/4/2014 4:20:06 PM] Jorguil Ferris: "fell asleep"


[6/4/2014 4:20:18 PM] Kel Grym: *shadows grow deep on ministers face*


[6/4/2014 4:20:22 PM] Jump Cut: *looks at Jorguil*


[6/4/2014 4:20:26 PM] Kel Grym: *thunder cracks outside*


[6/4/2014 4:20:28 PM] AlicornAcolyte: (d)


[6/4/2014 4:20:29 PM] Princess Sugar Cuddles: *pokes Jorguil*


[6/4/2014 4:20:38 PM] Jorguil Ferris: hmm?


[6/4/2014 4:20:46 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: *just sits here with Pinkie*


[6/4/2014 4:20:56 PM] Princess Sugar Cuddles: *points at the two ponies*


[6/4/2014 4:21:03 PM] :Flutterdash:: For the love of Celestia....


[6/4/2014 4:21:07 PM] Jump Cut: *notices Applejacks hat is still on* *removes the hat*


[6/4/2014 4:21:18 PM] AlicornAcolyte: I'm just cruising through happy hour here. Hurry up!


[6/4/2014 4:21:37 PM] Jorguil Ferris: "watches"


[6/4/2014 4:22:05 PM] Panama: ...this is less organized than Poland in 1939.


[6/4/2014 4:22:08 PM] Panama: I love it.


[6/4/2014 4:22:11 PM] Jump Cut: lol


[6/4/2014 4:22:12 PM] Kel Grym: You gonna be this pony's everything until the bitter end, right? You gonna be her man? Her real man? Even if that means having to crawl through the jungle with a severed leg and risk being tortured by the enemy to be there with her? ....*eyes narrow* right?


[6/4/2014 4:23:17 PM] Panama: I've already lost both nipples in servitude to Lightning Dust.


[6/4/2014 4:23:32 PM] Panama: Nothing can come between me and this supposedly fictional character.


[6/4/2014 4:23:35 PM] Jump Cut: º_º


[6/4/2014 4:23:43 PM] Kel Grym: Yes/No


[6/4/2014 4:23:50 PM] AlicornAcolyte: :|


[6/4/2014 4:23:52 PM] Panama: Yeah sure.


[6/4/2014 4:24:12 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: Pinkie: I've had parties shorter than this wedding


[6/4/2014 4:24:26 PM] Kel Grym: *gives panama appraising stare. after a while looks up to sniper in rafters and gives signal to stop taking aim*


[6/4/2014 4:24:41 PM] Kel Grym: Excellent!


[6/4/2014 4:25:05 PM] Panama: Panama is utterly, blissfully oblivious


[6/4/2014 4:25:26 PM | Edited 4:25:55 PM] Jump Cut: Applejack: and I've been through an apple buckin’ season quicker than this weddin


[6/4/2014 4:25:32 PM] Jorguil Ferris: ever get that tingling feeling like something was aiming at you jump? "whispers"


[6/4/2014 4:25:54 PM] Kel Grym: And do you Lightning Dust, take this schmuck to be your lawfully wedded husband through sickness, death, better, worse, and possibly herpes? (Celestia forbid)


[6/4/2014 4:26:03 PM] RATX5: LOL


[6/4/2014 4:26:11 PM] Frostgage: HI GUYZ


[6/4/2014 4:26:16 PM] Frostgage: What'd I miss


[6/4/2014 4:26:23 PM] Pinkie: I think I'm getting sick *coughs*


[6/4/2014 4:26:34 PM] Jump Cut: *whisper* “yah kind of” *Applejack nudges Jump to pay attention*


[6/4/2014 4:26:55 PM] LD: Yes, just legally bind this idiot to me.


[6/4/2014 4:27:41 PM] Jump Cut: *thinks* a bit rough don't you think?


[6/4/2014 4:28:20 PM] Kel Grym: Okay then. Ya'll asked for it. By the authority of the ULC I pronounce both of you husband and wife, in the name of Celestia. You may kiss the bride and do other things to her, but those other things are preferred to be put on hold until after you are away from the church and public in general.


[6/4/2014 4:28:31 PM] Jorguil Ferris: "I am getting that feeling at the moment."


[6/4/2014 4:28:49 PM] RATX5: *CLAP*


[6/4/2014 4:28:51 PM] Princess Sugar Cuddles: *Cries loudly*


[6/4/2014 4:29:01 PM] AlicornAcolyte: (^)


[6/4/2014 4:29:02 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: Pinkie do you need a cough drop


[6/4/2014 4:29:03 PM] Pinkie: no I'm fine *cougs harder*


[6/4/2014 4:29:04 PM] Jump Cut: *Claps*


[6/4/2014 4:29:09 PM] Princess Sugar Cuddles: *gets ready to catch the bouqett*


[6/4/2014 4:29:32 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: maybe you should sit down


[6/4/2014 4:29:33 PM] Pinkie: no i wanna party *cough cough*


Panama does the kissing and shit like that


[6/4/2014 4:30:01 PM] Jump Cut: Applejack: Pinkie you alright sugarcube?


[6/4/2014 4:30:26 PM] Pinkie: Yes just got a slight cold *coughs really hard*


[6/4/2014 4:30:26 PM] RATX5: Inb4 Husband and Waifu jokes


[6/4/2014 4:30:35 PM] Kel Grym: that's a wrap






Skype Wedding Transcript Pt. 2

[6/4/2014 7:59:41 PM] Kel Grym:...another day another dollar.


[6/4/2014 8:00:55 PM] Panama: Is it okay to have my waifu with me? I don't want an altercation to start or anything.


[6/4/2014 8:01:03 PM] Nicholas Rojas: *stands on alter*


[6/4/2014 8:01:04 PM] Kel Grym: Sure


[6/4/2014 8:01:09 PM] Kel Grym: *notices nicholas* ...sigh


[6/4/2014 8:01:16 PM] Kel Grym: do not desecrate the alter!


[6/4/2014 8:01:16 PM] Panama: But, I mean, spitfire and LD. Not a good mix.


[6/4/2014 8:01:42 PM] Kel Grym: Whatevs, so long as no one desecrates the alter.


[6/4/2014 8:01:45 PM] Jump Cut: *puts arm around Applejack*


[6/4/2014 8:01:53 PM] Kel Grym: Ahem!


[6/4/2014 8:02:08 PM] AlicornAcolyte: *is alone again*


[6/4/2014 8:02:19 PM] Panama: Panama hugs the shit out of Lightning Dust


[6/4/2014 8:02:35 PM] Whipped Cream: *asks Thunder-Wing what time it is*


[6/4/2014 8:02:43 PM] Jump Cut: Ali when is Twi going to show up for one of these weddings?


[6/4/2014 8:02:48 PM] Nicholas Rojas: *mouths 9:02 PM*


[6/4/2014 8:02:50 PM] Kel Grym: We are gathered her today to link up Spitfire with Thunder and Emerald into the Voltron machine of polygamous marriage.


[6/4/2014 8:02:52 PM] AlicornAcolyte: Three weeks


[6/4/2014 8:03:11 PM] Jump Cut: jeez thats a long time from now


[6/4/2014 8:03:23 PM] Kel Grym: *agitated he has to talk over everyone*


[6/4/2014 8:03:26 PM] AlicornAcolyte: Her project remember?


[6/4/2014 8:03:31 PM] Whipped Cream: *smiles*


[6/4/2014 8:03:34 PM] Kel Grym: SILENCE!!!


Panama hugs the shit out of Lightning Dust... silently.


[6/4/2014 8:03:48 PM] Kel Grym: This is a holy-ish matrimony!


[6/4/2014 8:03:48 PM] AlicornAcolyte: :x


[6/4/2014 8:04:09 PM] Kel Grym: *sighs*...can't go one day...now where was I? Both grooms here?


[6/4/2014 8:04:17 PM] Nicholas Rojas: yes


[6/4/2014 8:04:25 PM] Whipped Cream: Yupperz.


[6/4/2014 8:04:37 PM] Kel Grym: Good. Bride?


[6/4/2014 8:04:45 PM] Jump Cut: *Applejack knocks Jump hard on the head*


[6/4/2014 8:05:28 PM] Nicholas Rojas: *turns to locate Spitfire*


[6/4/2014 8:05:47 PM] Spitfire: Of course! Look at this! I get two husbands. I'm awesome!


[6/4/2014 8:05:59 PM] Nicholas Rojas: *smiles*


[6/4/2014 8:06:24 PM] Whipped Cream: *smiles also*


[6/4/2014 8:06:58 PM] Jump Cut: *whisper* pig roast


[6/4/2014 8:07:09 PM] Panama: That's nasty, Jump Cut.


[6/4/2014 8:07:25 PM] Jump Cut: *Applejack knocks him so hard his eyes go different direction*


[6/4/2014 8:07:38 PM] Kel Grym: Alright then...lets get this started. Do you Emerald and Thunder, agree to be the respective husbands to Spitfire, through better or worse, sickness and health, and are completely willing to subject yourselves the travesty that often entails polygamy?


[6/4/2014 8:07:47 PM] Nicholas Rojas: I do


[6/4/2014 8:07:58 PM] Whipped Cream: Of course I do!


[6/4/2014 8:08:03 PM] Kel Grym: ...really?


[6/4/2014 8:08:06 PM] Kel Grym: Even to death?


[6/4/2014 8:08:12 PM] Whipped Cream: Hell yeah!


[6/4/2014 8:08:22 PM] Nicholas Rojas: I will walk to the Valley of Death if i must


[6/4/2014 8:09:00 PM] Panama: But would you cut off your nipples for her?


[6/4/2014 8:09:01 PM] Panama: ...


[6/4/2014 8:09:07 PM] Whipped Cream: I would jump over 60 busses on a motorcycle going through a fire hoop if I had to.



Fluttershy nudges :Flutterdash: to wake up


[6/4/2014 8:09:18 PM] :Flutterdash:: Oh, right a wedding, i'm awake!


[6/4/2014 8:09:32 PM] AlicornAcolyte: (d)


[6/4/2014 8:10:03 PM] Kel Grym: ...alrighty then. And Spitfire...You solemnly swear to accept these two as your husbands and you as thier wife, forever and ever more, through bullshit and fire, until you kick the bucket, amen-ra santa clause and such?


[6/4/2014 8:11:14 PM] Spitfire: Yeah, I guess.


[6/4/2014 8:12:23 PM] Kel Grym: Such conviction in your voice... -_-...Then by the power invested in me by some online church and under the Holy authority of Celestia, I pronounce you Husbands and Wife. Yall can kiss each other in whatever order suits you.


[6/4/2014 8:13:05 PM] Nicholas Rojas: *grabs Spitfire and kisses her*


[6/4/2014 8:13:13 PM] Nicholas Rojas: in tango style


[6/4/2014 8:13:35 PM] Whipped Cream: *totally French kisses Spitfire for 3 minutes*


[6/4/2014 8:13:45 PM] Kel Grym: ...


[6/4/2014 8:13:46 PM] Kel Grym: Ew.






Way to go guys...you're winners! (weirdos)


Next wedding....








Source: Minister KelGrym's Religious Services

  • Brohoof 3

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