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First adventure: 8/27/2012

Pinkie D Pie


Hey what is happening everyone reading the blogs. As I have just got home from school it is time to update my blog with my first adventure. My whole school day.


So it started like any other, go to school, stand against the wall for awhile and wait until class started. You know the usual. Well first up for classes was art. A very fun class, but hard at the same time. So today in there we drew a skull, and then the hand bones. Ugh I hated it. I am not the best at drawing, and I suck at shading. But I managed to finish without making it look to bad. So then I had Drama. Another fun class with a pretty cool teacher. So we started today off with some math. Yes that is right math in Drama class. Kinda retarded school rule that each class must have Reading, Writing, and Calculating. But anyways, after that we played a small game, that was quite boring. You know just some retarded game that was suppose to be a theatre warm up. After that, notes. All about theater etiquette. Boring stuff, but important stuff. Notes and then that class was over. So after that, Club 1, which is basically homeroom. You know, more copying of stuff. Boring crap all day long, so many notes. Well soon that little thing ended with me going to Algebra 2. Ugh, is all I have to say. Pretty much a reveiw of Algebra 1, that is way to simple. So you guessed it more notes, and all that fun stuff. Lunch came and went with nothing to exciting happening, and after lunch, more Algebra notes. Finnaly we come to my last class of the day. JROTC. Started off normally for the first five or so minutes, and then BAM, fire drill. We went outside, stood in the heat for a while, and came back in to do drill. You know marching and all that other fun stuff. We had to train the let ones to do all this stuff, as they didn't know it. I had to do flag detail after all that, which is taking the flag down. I commanded the small group of four freshmen who soon learned that if you drop the flag, 5000 pushups. We didn't drop it, and soon the school day ended. But wait, theres more. I had Raider team practice, first practice of this year. Boring stuff, tieing knots, and all that fun stuff. And finally about 5:00 that ended and I got to wait till 5:15 to get home.


And that was my uneventful day, so until next story this is Luna Sparkle with his first daily adventure!

-Luna Sparkle

  • Brohoof 1


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