TwilightCircuits Amazing Story Part 4. I'm Afraid Discretion Is Advised Agian!
Entry number four! Who would have though this would get that big? I did. Oh I knew this was coming! Remember that part I mentioned about inevitability? No? Might want to go back check up on that one chief. Now it's been mentioned to me or at least asked; What are you, writing a novel? HA! You're funny. No. I am not. As an anti-matter of fact, I'm writing about the law of attraction in a certain way. Why am I doing it in this way? Oh that 's easy! I discovered that by taking advantage of something already created to convey the same message means that i don't have to create those parts in order to explain the law of attraction and it's connection to the power of love. That's why I emphasized the importance of watching the video's. Let me ask you this question? Would you want to increase your workload by taking the same thing with the same message and trying to put it in your own words? No of course not. Some of us are lazy. But let's say i took the lazy part out of this equation and replaced it with the idea that if something has already been done to help invoke a point or emotion, then it doesn't make sense to reinvent the wheel. The part that seems lost on many teachers of the law of attraction, is the reinvention of the wheel. There's only so many times the same thing can be put into the different words or looked at from a different point of view until finally a break through is made.Even more interesting is the fact that because of the nature of the world today. It doesn't have to cost me anything to bring this information to you so therefore, it is free! So, what break through? That's an excellent question! And is actually rather easy. IF you recall I had mentioned that the repetition of an idea impressed into the mind over and over causes the most amazing thing to happen... results can be duplicated and improved upon until another new discovery is made. This is exactly how everything works. You, the universe, your job, the whole thing. I said in the scripture on the Law of Polarity (haha didn't read did you?) Let's see... ah, there it is. 12:12 Thy pony's lesson shall be experienced once more. 12:13 For that pony refuseth the lesson of love.
You're probably wondering, what lesson? Another excellent question!(you didn't even think of the question did you?) Well, we're getting a little ahead of ourselves here. You see, I discovered that if a certain awareness state was maintained when using the law of attraction, you learned about the nature of life in various aspects completely differently because of the new found awareness. The same is going to happen to you. But it's going to be a good thing, because of all the love and effort we both have put into this. It's always two part you know. Me for taking the time to study this. You for having the curiousity to learn about it. Which is why I have not mentioned until now about whether you are coming back for the another round of reading. I already know if this is your first time reading this that we're far in enough that your missing enough information that a natural curiousity is going to take place and you'll find your self starting from either video 1 or blog entry one. AT this moment, I already know it's going to be blog 1 as the video's aren't even made yet. But those of you that have watched the first video, welcome back! Pretty interesting stuff huh!? So what next? Well, let's have a little chit chat.
Yeah, it's been a ride and I guess I had to go to that place in the previous blog entery to get to this one. Now some of you, might still be in that dark place of your mind. Well, If you're trying to get out, just follow me and eventually I'll get you there. You can try and read my words off of this blog before I type 'em, but you won't take the sting out these vids before I play them cause ain't no way I'ma let you stop me from causing a pony to play them. I said that i'd teach you so let me suggest you do that will power thing get this good idea inside your head: When I say I'm going to do something I do it and don't give a damn what others think. I'm doing this for me, so fuck the world if it thinks it's stopping me. I'ma be what I set out to be, without a doubt undoubtedly and all those who look down on me I'm tearing down your balcony.
So there you go. Don't take no guff from no pony, but don't spite them! For I did say in the scripture: 13:13 Thy pony with knowledge and understanding, 13:16 Understoodeth the Law of Forgiveness, 13:19 For the Discorded pony knows not what they do. As I'm sure you've already found out, I've taken my fair share. I know, your one of those people that did give me guff and are reading this right now because curiosity had gotten the better of you. Well, my job on that department is complete. No if ands or buts. Don't try to ask me why or how I knew because you're all just young ponies here at this time and working on your awareness levels. It doesn't matter if I'm still shitting or on salary, paid hourly or I bow hourly. Whichever comes first, for better or worse we're married to the game, and like a fuck you for Christmas, it's also a curse. Forget the Earth! I've got the urge to pull myself from the dirt, and fuck the whole universe cause I'm not afraid to take stand. Everybody, come take my hand and we'll walk this road together through the storm. Whatever weather, cold, or warm. You know, i'm just letting you know that you're not alone. Holla if you feel like you've been down the same road.
Pony, quit playing with the scissors and shit, and cut the crap. I shouldn't have to rhyme these words in the rhythm for you to know it's a rap. You said you was king, you lied through your teeth, for that fuck the villains, instead of getting crowned you're getting capped. And to the fans, I'll never let you down because your back. But promise to never go back on that promise, in fact let's be honest, that last relapse drink was ehhh. Perhaps you drank yourself to the ground. Relax, you ain't going back to that now. All you're trying to say is get back, click-clack, WOW!
You should know I ain't playing around, it's a game called circle of love and I don't know how, I'm way too up to back down. But I think your still trying to figure this crap out, you thought you had it mapped out but I guess you didn't, this fucking black cloud still follows you around but it's time to exorcise these demons as these motherfuckers are doing jumping jacks now! But you know, I'm not afraid to take a stand so everybody, come take my hand. We'll walk this road together, through the storm, whatever weather, cold or warm. Just letting you know that, you're not alone. Holla if you feel like you've been down the same road. And you feel "I just can't keep living this way, so starting today, I'm breaking out of this cage. I'm standing up, I'ma face my demons. I'm manning up, I'ma hold my ground cause I've had enough, now I'm so fed up that it's time to put my life back together right now!"
It was my decision to get clean and learn all about this. I did it for me and admittedly, I probably did it subliminally for you. So I could come back a brand new me you helped see me through. And don't even realize what you did, believe me you. I really have been through the ringer, but they could do little to the middle finger. I think I got a tear in my eye, I feel like the king of the world, haters can make like bees with no stingers and drop dead, we need no beef flingers. No more drama from now on, I promise to focus solely on handling my responsibilities as a Master so I solemnly swear to always treat you like my daughters and raise you, as I wouldn't live another day without you! Cause the way I feel, I'm strong enough to go to the club, or the Master's pub, and fuck the whole liquor counter up. Cause I'm raising the bar, I shoot for the moon but I'm too busy gazing at stars cause I feel amazing and that's the Power of Love. I'm not afraid to take a stand. Everybody, come take my hand and we'll walk this road together through the storm. Whatever weather, cold, or warm. You know, i'm just letting you know that you're not alone. Holla if you feel like you've been down the same road.
Goodbye my little pony. My hand is open. Is yours? Entry5
Eminem... *brohoof* (\
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