What is a Brony?
Note: this was pasted from my Tumblur. I want your reviews and opinions on to whether this is accurate. If not, please comment or send feedback to my Tumblur.
I want to explain what a brony is.
No no! O dear goodness no. Thats a clopper. I'll make a note about them and another form of My Little Pony (MLP) fan base after this one about Bronies.
A Brony is a teen/adult Male or female (normally male. For females its Pegasister), that is proud to watch "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic", or for short "MLP:FIM". This show is ment for 4 year old girls and is very colorful and girly.. and just not ment for guys at all. This doesn't explain why Bronies exist. My Little Pony franchise is in its forth generation TV show. We will have to back track to the old days
The First Generation of MLP was mostly to market their toys in stores. the theme of this generation was base on fantasy such as dragons and vilians. The story was executed poorly and the plot was down right bad.
The Second Generation of MLP had the same animation of the first one. The theme was base on modern times. About dating and bullies at schools. The normal modern life with lessons basically. The idea of dating and bullying and no action or any real plot, didn't catch heat on anyones interests. The show canceled before it finished its first season. (Or it finished, but didn't come out with a second season?)
Now the Third Generation
This one finally took hold of little girls. I can't stand how girly this one is. The plot and theme for this one, are that of both the first and second generations. There are dragons, fantasy adventure, socializing. But not once was there violence. This show was strickly for young girls. The show was more successful then the other two. But only had the audience that could probably only pay for the show to be aired.
Now this is why I am a Brony.
The Forth Generation of MLP. The theme is a copy of the Third Generation I guess you can say. But in this case they took a whole new turn for the franchise. Hasbro bought the rights to MLP show and its merchandise. When this happened I don't know. I believe they bought it when the Third Generation aired. But what Hasbro did for this generation, was let the writters and developers do their own thing with this series of My little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Because of this, they got a team together. The lead director was Lauren Faust, the creator of the "Power Puff Girls" A successful show filled with action and comedy. Now that they had a team to do whatever they wanted. They started the Forth Generation.
Now I explain the show that Bronies love and hold dear.
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, was aired in October 10, 2010. Too peoples surprise, the show was good. Characters where well done. The plot was great. The action wasn't censored for younger girls like in the Third Generation. And the animations where incredible. The new MLP team took the series and gave it a whole new make over. In both idea of the show and animations. Because of such a bold move, people started to take notice. This community website called "4chan" thought they should see what all the fuse was about. They had the intention to dis' the show and say how badly done it was. But instead, they ended up loving the show. They upload pictures to their website 4chan from the show MLP and added captions to them. Much like this one:
After one or two popped on the website, an explosion of these pictures raided the website. Because of such activity from these new pony lovers, 4chan had to ban all pony related content on their website. Now people weren't happy about this at all. Since they couldn't post about MLP. They ended up making their own websites. One that was formed because of 4chan ban is called "Equesteria Daily". It was and still is, the safe heaven for all Bronies. By this time the name took its form. But not all Bronies went to Equesteria Daily, some moved on to spread their love for the show on other websites. From this point on, people started to learn about My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, in a big way. Almost anyone that watches their first episode are attracted to continue. Then find themselves watching season 1, then 2. Thats how a Brony begins. Whether or not you get involved in the community, you are indeed a Brony if you like the show (Unless your a 4 year old girl). Its your choice to accept the title.
Now for the community. Because of the lessons My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, The community became what the name describes. They accept who ever, when ever, into their group "hug" I guess you can say.
Bronies are able to connect to other Bronies because of their common interest in MLP like as if they already know each other. Its a mystery, to even me, why such a bond could be formed in a matter of seconds. But its one awesome moment when you meet another brony. With all the things you can relate on and understand what the other is thinking, its truely amazing. One thing that Bronies do to regonize one another is called a:
A fist pound basically.
Now, with such a loving and accepting community based on a TV show meant for 4 year old girls. There are going to be people who disapprove of this. Also very attracting to "Trolls" (A bully on the internet). Brony's already got banned from websites and rejected from people in general in the time of 4chan. But that was only the beginning. As Bronies spread across the internet, Trolls now heard about this and started attacking. Many flame wars (arguements) crashed every where that MLP content could be found. Bronies being what they are, they couldn't help but defend their follow comrades. Most fights where heated conversations from both sides. But the Brony community couldn't stand for this kind of violence because of what MLP:FIM teaches. So they decided to make a counter troll:
Because of this, Bronies moved on with their lives with haters all around them and couldn't care less what other people say about their life style as a My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, fan. But no matter what, some Bronies still fall pray to the Trolls on the internet and there will always be some flame wars.
Thats all I need to say about Bronies. Hopefully your questions are answered. But now, I encourage you to watch the show if you ever want to say anything bad about Bronies. You can't judge a book by its cover. In most cases, people think that people who watch MLP:FIM are gay. With all I told you, about the show being well written and animated. That is a serious shoot and miss. Watch the show. Then
Thank you For taking the time to read this.
- Maxos
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