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Castle Sweet Castle




So i havce watched it, but did i like it??? being this is Freindship is Magic this will have moral lessons buy by god this episode was far better than imagined... today we review Castle Sweet Castle! letrs review!


So we start of with Twilight helping Fluttershy her clean all her animal friends b-cause well why not?? untill Fluttershy brings up the disscussion of going home... that is when Twilight obbsesivly wants to stay away form her new home and tries to to everything possible to evade the thought of returning...

In the next scene we have all of the five friends (i say 5 b-cause Twi was sleeping, no serioulsy), the friends disscuss how starnge Twi has been acting...telling how off Twi has been acting like staying at Rarity's place to organize daimonds for the whole afternoon...


After that Twi wakes up saying 'im pancake, i mean awake', which has to be one of the funniest lines of this episode, Twi confesses that she has been avoiding her house b-cause well she cant make her house a home b-cause its duanting experince for her.. which by all means its understandable.


So the friends make Twi go on a spa day and keep her away form her house, also Spike why so feminine? i mean seriously he acts more like a girl in this episode...

So the gang get to work but it doesnt go well so good... lets talk about there musical number/montage; first of the song is quiet good, and really catchy but i like there second one near the end but thats off topic.


Now Twi is at the salon and one of the most funniest moment happenes, you know besides Twi's radical hair, i mean mane.. its Bulk Biceps, so Spike orders a manly muscle massage and then well the scene explains itself also Spike has a Rarity plushie nice call back to continutiy.


Meanwhile the guys are trying to organize the mess that they have made, they come to an agreement and tidy everthing up.. this time realising there mistake early without the help of Twilight, which is far better in my opinion. As Twi is retuning home after the massage well Twi reminisce as they lost there old home, meanwhile the gang try to set up a plan (spoiler) they will use the roots of the golden oak library to make a swag looking tree chandelier, as the friends celebrate thier accomplishments over the past seasons..


All in all i liked this episode, the jokes were well timed and funny as i said, like the Twi hair or Spike's inner female or Muscle Moments... but this episode returns to the slice of life comedy that we are all used to.. i loved this episode, y'know after communist ponies incident... #StarlightCommunsim.. in layman's terms the episode is really good and very well paced b-cause of it... what do u guys think>?


is the episode good? or do u have a vendatta with this episode?


POST thoughts below, and plz have discretion when giving ur opinion, we all have our own thoughts and if thy wishes to swear b-cause why not? plz use ***** , k?








and as always support-32783-0-71780800-1427735985.gif

  • Brohoof 3


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I liked the episode a lot, don't know if it was because of lack of ponies for much time, but i sure know that this episode was awesome, the "I'm pancake" line got some laughs off me xD

  • Brohoof 1
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Hello, SunsetMaster. I see you have posted your review of the 3rd episode of Season 5. Good, as i'm happy to see more reviewers and critics on this sight as more well thought out opinions are always welcome by my book.


As for the episode, I agree it was a nice change of pace from the Starlight the SJW and a nice simple slice of life story that held a good intention for what it wanted to show and it handled it in a mature manner instead of your 'feel sorry for this tree' as I had feared would be the case.

  • Brohoof 1
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