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Party Pooped - Review




This was an experimental episode of MLP:FiM and it was amazing... minus the yaks, today we travel around Equestria to find the truth about the yaks and throw a party of friendship. Ladies and Gentlemen today The King of Depravity reviews "Party Pooped". Lets Jam!!


Written by Jayson Thiessen and Jim Miller
Teleplay by Nick Confalone


Story- A friendship summit with visiting yaks turns into a disaster when the ponies fail to replicate the yaks' traditions, angering them into declaring war. Feeling pressured by her inability to appease the yaks, Pinkie Pie decides she must bring something from their native land of Yakyakistan to make them feel at home. She embarks on a journey across Equestria and receives help from various ponies, but when she reaches Yakyakistan's gates, she accidentally slides all the way back home on a sled. Pinkie despairs over her wasted effort, but she is inspired by her friends' appreciation of her hard work to share the ponies' own tradition of friendship with the yaks, who are touched and make peace with the ponies.


This episodes has its positives and its weaknessess which we will get into shortly...




Animation & Sound
The animation was soild for a Pinkie Pie episode like this one, although I liked how the 'Party Cave' was designed... very bright, and very Pinkey- like. Also the Yaks looked very 'hairy' and very yak-like, i honestly am not sure, but all is well here, as for sound. There was no song in this one I hoped there was but there wasnt.




Pinkie Pie- The star of this episode Pinkie was at her best, so far the jokesd she pulled in this episode were awesome and so far her presence was really enjoyable in this episode. And she went threw a sort of crucible in this episode, although she never found her location at the end she found inner meaning throught the journey.


Fluttershy- This says it all... be amazed.



Party Cave- It's like a man cave but for parties... in all seriousness I think this cave is really awesome but there is the weird stalker vibe I was getting because Pinkie Pie knows EVERYTHING about your parties.




Yaks- Everything that they did was a bit un called for, but they were part of the driving force for this episode...So I will give them a pass but still they were kind of mean until the end.


Final Verdict-
I loved this episode and it might be one of my new favourites next to Lesson Zero... The King of Depravity gives this 8.7/10, DrWolf expandes on some of my points so I will link his review below...



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  • Brohoof 4


Recommended Comments

What do you thought of Twilight's behavior in the episode. Personally, I thought she was also splendid in it as well with her nervousness, showing it's development, and other stuff. Another thing was I thought that Party cave scene is great because it further developed Pinkie's party life style and her element of laughter by showing how dedicated she is to ensuring each party goes according to each pony's specifications. There's a reason why RD remarked that Pinkie may be more organized than Twilight is in the episode.

  • Brohoof 2
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What do you thought of Twilight's behavior in the episode. Personally, I thought she was also splendid in it as well with her nervousness, showing it's development, and other stuff. Another thing was I thought that Party cave scene is great because it further developed Pinkie's party life style and her element of laughter by showing how dedicated she is to ensuring each party goes according to each pony's specifications. There's a reason why RD remarked that Pinkie may be more organized than Twilight is in the episode.

Lesson Zero Twilight made an apperance in this episode, and it was amazing... Lesson Zero is #1 to me boyy

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Lesson Zero Twilight made an apperance in this episode, and it was amazing... Lesson Zero is #1 to me boyy

i noticed that too, and it's funny, i was just complaining recently that i felt like Twilight was starting to fall flat as a boring princess character, so i like how they managed to find something unnerving enough to unsettle her.  i fortunately had mixed feelings about this episode, it almost felt like satire...  in terms of a cohesive story, it can't be taken seriously at all, yet we have the threat of war upon us.  there is war, but there is a lack of logic in the plot.  this episode felt condensed and felt like it was trying to force comedy, while sacrificing the quality of drama in the process.  while some of the bits were amusing, i felt disappointed that Pinkie's adventure became unrealistic, probably due to the realization the write staff could not fit a real adventure within the allotted time.


though, i've seen vaguely similar situations in old school cartoons, gags that imply months or years of traveling or experiences went by, only within a matter of minutes to days, a very cheeky thing that distracts from anything serious.  i'm all for joke and comic relief, but it bothers me when you have to sacrifice both map logic and time logic to make a joke.  Appleloosa is south of Ponyville, Manehatten is northeast, Crystal Empire is straight north.  also, has anyone ever questioned why the train system only had ponies pulling it for one episode in the entire series, but since Over A Barrel, train engines work normally?


i feel like if this episode had more time, some of these world breaking jokes might have been left out, but knowing it's a Pinkie focused episode, i feel like the writers lazily are falling back on "Pinkie logic", so the deus ex machina, disregard of time and map locations, are all automatically pardoned for the sake of "Pinkie logic".  i hate to say, i don't think this episode was funny enough to sacrifice the story's quality, and all for cheap gags and a moral that is merely "don't try to impress others by copying what they like, impress them with your own style".


i don't know what i was expecting from a Pinkie Pie episode, but this is my least favorite Pinkie episode ever, it's only slightly more interesting than Appleloosa's Most Wanted, and due to it being so ridiculous on purpose, i can't be as upset with it as i was with Tanks For The Memories, but this is officially my third least favorite episode in season 5, i think the directors should go back to not writing episodes, and let the good writers write episodes from now on.

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