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Amnesia Fortnight 2012 Pitch Reviews

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Amnesia Fortnight 2012 Review


So one of the coolest events in video game development is happening RIGHT NOW! And its called Double Fine's Amnesia Fortnight!


Essentially what Amnesia Fortnight is is when the Double Fine (known for Monkey Island, Brutal Legend, and Psychonauts, headed by the legendary Tim Schafer) decides to take a break and drop whatever they are doing, go into a development AMNESIA one may say, and start working on new prototypes for a full two weeks, or a FORTNIGHT some may call it. And this year is the 5th annual Amnesia Fortnight, but the 1st to go totally public!


Some neat games have come out of this unique process. Examples are Costume Quest, Stacker, Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster (formerly known as Happy Song), the upcoming free iOS game Middle Manager of Justice, and a newly released prototype from last year BRAZEN.


If you are more interested in this process and want to get your hands on some of these two week prototypes including the 5 selected for this year being made RIGHT NOW! Check out the Humble Bundle fundraiser! http://www.humblebundle.com/double-fine

(Also includes Live Streams of the development process)




Before I can get into this year's pitches, winners, and misses I feel it makes sense to show some of the other products of this awesome development process!


BRAZEN (Prototype)

Pitched by Brian Muir, Project Lead on IRON BRIGADE


BRAZEN Prototype Trailer








Now BRAZEN, commercially speaking, looks to be probably the most promising game I've seen out of Amnesia Fortnight! Seriously, I think this could be a hit, especially if they can get it published out to consoles as well as Steam. I'd love to maybe one day play this one a Wii U or whatever console I'm on when its done.

Its just such a cool concept! Monster Hunter meets Old School Ray Harryhausen (Clash of the Titans, Sinbad, Jason and the Argonauts)! I hope they look as accurate as possible to the old Harrhausen style so it feels like I'm in the middle of an old school movie!

I haven't tried the prototype myself, but I do enjoy fighting big monsters so I'm pretty hyped to try this one out and see if it goes any where!




Middle Manager of Justice (Coming Soon to iOS Devices)

Pitched by Kee Chi, Programmer


Middle Manager of Justice Trailer






Middle Manager of Justice Amnesia Fortnight 2011 Initial Pitch








Wow Kee that initial pitch! haha! That's the first time I've ever heard of a game being pitched through an Xtranormal animated video! And yes Tim Schafer hand selected this master piece to be Double Fine's new project!


But the finished project looks to be pretty cool if you are into that iOS Time Management stuff. I bet I could get into it... if I had an iPod! D:






The Amnesia Fortnight Initial Pitches


Here's is a video containing all 23 of this year's pitches.

The video will just play 30 second clips for each game telling you about it and perhaps showing some concept art or work already put into it. I would just link each video with each entry, but linking 23+ YouTube videos at once just has BAD IDEA written all over it!









The Amnesia Fortnight 2012 Winners


Yeah unfortunately I'm a little late to the party. It would probably have been more helpful if I could've written this review while the voting was still up. You viewers could have made a decision on which you liked and cast your vote to help with the process... yeah blame that one all on me! I was too slow! But anyway I suppose I might as well go through the winner's circle first. That way those who only care about the pitches that went through can get their fill first.


5th Place


Black Lake

Pitched by Levi Ryken, Senior Artist



I think this is the first pitch that I saw that made me say, "OH, this one HAS to make it!" I just like the thought of at least one of these projects being led by an artist! This game will probably be full of atmosphere and awesome imagery. It'll probably be a cool adventure title, I'd guess $15 on Steam, maybe XBLA and PSN like they did for the newer Monkey Island game. Maybe full retail depending on how big they want to go, but they might not go so big since adventure is a smaller niche these days.


I'll look forward to see this visual experience when the prototype drops!




4th Place



Pitched by Lee Petty, Art Director for Brutal Legend, Project Lead for Stacker and currently Double Fine Adventure



This game is also pretty neat looking! It probably had the best themed pitch with some great accompanying art to really show the vision they are going for. I'm not the biggest fan on hyper-neon TRON Cyberpunk style, but I think it could work out pretty neat.

I do like that the focus is more on Sandbox Construction! Sandbox Construction games are becoming HUGE lately with the explosion of Minecraft-esque games. I really like these games that are pretty much fueled on player creativity. The only part that makes me cringe a little is that the robots you make are totally Autonomous, like the name implies, meaning that you have no control on them. I'm not sure if you have to somehow program their functions before hand and let them go or what. It really depends on how well the robot AI works which is hardly ever an easy task to deal with.

I hope this game get's a full retail treatment, but I'll settle for $20 Steam release if I have to.




3rd Place


The White Birch

Pitched by Andy Wood, Art Director: The Cave (due out January 2013)



Oooh! Another Art Directed lead! This one is kinda similar to Black Lake up above. Both are ambien, art directed games starring a young girl in a dark evil woods. Though this one seems to be a tad different being mentioned as an exploration platformer like Ico or Journey (HUGE shoes to fill there Andy).

But I think I like this one a tad bit better because he mentions specifically that it is a platformer, which I wish was as big of a genre as it was back in the SNES/N64 days. But do remember that this is the company that made Psychonauts, arguably one of the best 3D platformers ever made (absolute best in my opinion). And their new platform The Cave coming soon looks to be a good 2D Exploration Platformer, so Double Fine just may be the best company this side of Nintendo when it comes to platformers.

The only thing that makes me cringe a bit is when he mentions multiple endings and open interpretation. Now I don't mind either of these mechanics if they are done right! Multiple endings are good if the game is worth playing through multiple times without feeling stale after the first or second go. Open interpretation endings can be some of the best endings ever... or just insulting if it gives no real closure.

Since they are mentioning multiple endings, I'm hoping for a smaller $15 Steam, XBLA, PSN release that way the game isn't too big to play tons of times.




2nd Place


Spacebase DF9

Pitched by JP LeBreton, Lead Designer: The Cave



I'm not too sure if I'm so on board with Spacebase... I mean its a cool idea, but I'm not too sure how big this should be scale wise. Would this become some iOS time management game, or some HUGE simulator game for full retail price. I guess it would be neat either way, but seeing the overall direction they'll choose for it I can't really tell.

I think this game might be some fun reminiscent of SIm City or Rollercoaster Tycoon. I could build a neat space station and take care of it to see it come to full fruition... and then maybe blow it up for laughs because I was THAT GUY who built unfinished death trap coasters for a cheap laugh!

I can't really put down what I'd guess its possible release would be, but I'd prefer more of the Simcity type scale.




1st Place


Hack N' Slash

Pitched by Brandon Dillion, Senior Programmer and "talks like a frog when he talks"



Here's our winner... and its actually a bit of a shocker!

A Legend of Zelda inspired Hacking Game...

...and no not some baby pretend hacking, but ACTUALLY HACKING THE GAME!

Its a game built around teaching you how to active hack it to beat it.

...and really I can't decide if this is either the smartest or dumbest idea from the entire event! (and trust me there are some DUMB shit down below)

I just fail to understand it. He specifically says "not toys" but actually HACKING! I'm hoping this game has a great tutorial on hacking or else it will have a completely unreasonable learning curve...

...but what if it does actually succeed in truly teaching average joe players how to hack it? Think about that for a second... if this game can turn your average thicky into an actual knowledgeable ROM hacker, then this game might be one of the best educational games of all time!

This game is a huge risk... and I really like it for that! Seriously, this is what the whole Amnesia Fortnight is all about, new and interesting ideas! If this game becomes a thing, then it could actually teach people a thing or two about programming and be a hell of a lot of fun too! I've wanted to know how to hack ROMs for years now, being an avid ROM player (don't judge), but if this game could at least give me a picture on how one could go about hacking a game, then it might be one of Double Fine's best yet!

As for my prediction where this would go... its WAY too risky for full retail. It's going to be a cheap buy on Steam if it ever works well, but if it does it will be a freakin' classic! This is my most anticipated Prototype to play!






The Runner-Ups


So those 5 above are the chosen concepts to be protyped. For the most part I'm generally pleased with the results... really Double Fine will do... well doubly fine with really any of these concepts.

But of course some concepts just didn't make the cut, some of them for good reason, some of them may seem to be missed opportunities, or maybe they'll just be kept as a secret weapon by Tim Schafer... I really would believe the latter... he's kinda a weird dude like that.


Anyway without further ado, I shall review ALL the other concepts that didn't make it this year, and like those above, I'll give my opinion of what the game could have been, or what it may still be destined to be.


The Knockover

Pitched by Jeremy Natividad, Environmental Artist



It's easy to see why a game like this would be pushed under the table... it just doesn't seem like that great of a game, or at least not a good video game. If Double Fine were to turn this into some cool table top card game to play with friends Dn'D style, then I'd definitely be interested.

Its not a bad game concept, just not a great video game idea.

I doubt this would have amounted to much.





Pitched by Joe Kowalski, User Interface Desinger



Here's a neat idea that just didn't make it. Now I really like the idea of a reverse Mario game, but it really doesn't need the whole development staff on it. This seems more like the makings of a neat cheap Indie Game or a ROM Hack. In fact it probably has been done before.

Its a cool idea, and I'd love to play Milgrim, but its just too small of a fish in this big pond.

Perhaps Joe could just make this one by himself on that roof there. There's a novel idea!




Cloud Prix

Pitched by John Swisshelm, Game Designer



Here's a rad idea... seriously I think this idea was pretty freakin' rad! I'm not bitter about losing this one because... to be honest the top 5 are better, but still someone buy up this idea and make a neat racer. Seriously, racing games are pretty stale and boring and only seem to be more interesting if they rip off DIddy Kong Racing and slap Wreck-It Ralph in for good measure, but this would be some rad racer that I'd buy on XBLA!




Zumbi Chained

Pitched by Kjeld Pedersen, Senior Artist



Thankfully has nothing to do with zombies!

But its still not that great. A brawler with the players chained together... it sounds more like a bad bonus challenge in a Double Dragon game... I don't know... it would be an interesting mechanic to put in a brawler... but to base the whole game on it??

This would have gone no where.




Bragging and Fighting

Pitched by Matthew Franklin, Senior Gameplay Programmer



Another Dn'D-esque card game? Kinda...

Actually unlike The Knockover this one actually does have some combat behind it and would actually make one hell of a multiplayer game!

Think about it. You and four friends start the game and then you draw up this hilarious scenario, but the scenario seems a bit much for you, so you last till the next draw and then the scenario gets more and more outrageous. I think I'd actually try not to win and last as long as possible just to see how silly the scenario could get.

This one would just end up as a fun cheap Steam game, but still it would be a fun experience with a few friends.




Redbot's Reboot

Pitched by Oliver Franzke, Senior Programmer



No sorry... this isn't the great return of Rock Em' Sock Em' Robots that we wished for.

Actually due to the bad pitch video that went in the direction of a bad comedy sketch, I can't really tell what its about. After reading the description it is basically a game where you see the obstacles in your path and then you program Redbot where to go... preferably not to bar I guess.

Even the idea is just kinda lame. It would make for maybe a neat Indie title if that, so this one is another dead end.




Double Fine High

Pitched by Panya Inversin, Visual Effects Artist



Well... there you go! There's you last place pitch. And its a dumb one!

No that's the title. He put the dev team's name in the title because... creativity?

Actually the idea itself is hardly even creative. It puts all of Double Fine's characters together in a High School... which is kinda cool. But they play silly Puzzle Games for some reason...

I don't think Double Fine should really wish to try to capitalize on their iconic IPs because... well they really don't have those. I guess they could try and take the obvious move and make a Kart racer out of their iconic platformer, because the last time Raz was on the front cover of a game it sold so many copies, right? ...Right?? D:

Actually the closest thing that Double Fine has to an iconic IP to make cheap puzzle games out of or a kart racer out of Mario style is probably Tim Schafer himself!

There we go! Tim Schafer Kart, Tim Schafer Party! Those games would sell like hot cakes! Just like Psychonauts... right??????





Pitched by Drew Skillman



A physics puzzle game starring an inflatable blob... its rather mehh...

I mean his trailer there looks pretty finished if that's official gameplay, so maybe he could wrap that baby up and see if he can get it Greenlit on Steam... other than that it just seems kinda lame.




Bad Golf

Pitched by Patrick Hackett, Senior Gameplay Programmer



I'm guessing Patrick just downed a few beers and went out Golfing with a few friends when he was supposed to be coming up with a game concept. And then bam inspiration hit him like payment damages on a rented golf cart!

Well... its a game I guess, and I can't say I've seen it done before... go you!




Battle Bros.

Pitched by Geoff Soulis, Lead Artist: IRON BRIGADE



I like his shorter description in the Amnesia Fortnight Announcement video, "It's a rouge-like brawler... *awkward pause*".





Pitched by Ben Peck, Gameplay Programmer



It's an interesting Puzzle game... not one that's all that exciting though...




Kaiju Piledriver

Pitched by Brad Muir, Project Lead: IRON BRIGADE



Brad Muir seems to like giant monsters... and you know what I respect that! So this is a Godzlilla inspired game where you just destroy the city as a big monster! Hey nothing wrong with that. Unfortunately this is pretty much the most interesting of the runner-ups in my opinion, aside from maybe that Bragging card game. And even this is kinda unoriginal... but hey freakin' GIANT MONSTERS!

Fun Fact: This game was 1st Runner-Up!




Shine Run

Pitched by Brent Andrew Shinn, IT Manager



Their IT Manager wore a coon skin hat, played a guitar, sang a song about how he wanted to make a game about Moonshine Running...

...Do half the people just drink over there at Double Fine? Maybe that's their secret to making good games.





Pitched by Brain Min, Studio Audio Director



From the video its kinda distracting to tell what exactly the game is...

I guess its a game where most of the gameplay is based on sound, which would make sense since Brian is the Audio Director. Its kinda obvious that this game would really go no where.




Primordial Slime

Pitched by David Gardner, Senior Animator and "that guy who accosted Tim about adventure games being dead"



Another Slime physics puzzle game... mehh...

But this one is slightly different having touch controls and mixing Slimes to get new abilities.

It could make a nice time waster on an iPod, but other than that meh.....





Pitched by Jeremy Mitchell, Technically Aritist



Planet Planet... I'm sold!




Silent But Deadly

Pitched by Duncan Boehle, Programmer



He explains it just so well in the first sentence...

"Silent But Deadly is a smell-based stealth game where you have to escape an office building after pooping your pants."

I... I just can't form a reply to that...

To be honest it could be a pretty hilarious iOS game or something. I'd play it!




...but you guys knew I saved the best for last!


The Flock

Perfect Genius Video Game Concept Forged In The Fires Of Mt. Doom by Greg Rice, Producer: Double Fine Adventure, Absolute Sage, and 99.9% Duck










Anyway that is ALL 23 concepts brought up in this year's Amnesia Fortnight and then some.

Really I feel the best games won, since there's really only 5 (minus one game having to do with mallards) that deserved that top spot. I'll be really glad to see what the teams of Double Fine do with their prototypes in the next 2 weeks. Perhaps they have another masterpiece on their hands or perhaps just a few good ideas for the alternative market. Only time will tell.


I'll make sure to get some money around so I can purchase the available Prototypes and get this year's batch when it all ends and tell you what I think of them. It'll be tons of hard work for these talented dev teams within these next 2 weeks, but I think they can really make something with these concepts.


Hell they have me pretty inspired to come up with my own interesting game idea... but that's a story for another day.


So what do you think about the concepts that were made during Double Fine's Amnesia Fortnight? Which concepts are your favorite? I think mine is that one having to do with Duck Dynasty...

Which of the finalist are you cheering for? Me personally, after getting cheated out of my Quacksterpiece I've gotta side with that Hacking game.... It really could be something genius if it is done correctly, but we'll see!


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