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Reveals, Chapter 1 (Fanfic.)



Another fic in that same Sonic AU




“You sure you don’t want a helmet? Maybe a big old shield? I’m sure you already know how to use one.” Sonic laughed as the vixen paced back and forth in the small kitchen of the workshop.


Melinda noticed that Sonic warmed back up to her pretty quick and didn’t really act like much had changed now that he was sure of her. The two had spent several hours talking once they reached the shop and he even apologized for his attitude with her, much to her shock and she assured him she was actually glad because it he showed her how protective he really was towards her son and how strong the brotherly bond they formed was. It was amazing to her how this kid was suddenly once again treating her like an old friend.


Of course, that didn’t change her reservations with his plan of sending Tails out to retrieve Amy so they could spring this bomb on her fast and quick. She guessed he thought the shock might throw her off enough to disarm any potential violent reactions. He also mentioned that Cream looked up to Amy like a big sister and if she wanted that poor kid to warm back up her, having Amy to vouch for her would go a long way, as it would with her mother.


That didn’t make it easy, though, because it would potentially involve re-gaining the trust of the stubborn pink hedgehog. It was likely she’d feel scorned simply because two individuals she trusted kept something like this from her. She never took kindly to her friends keeping secrets and this was a BIG one to cope with because she thought one of her friends was dead, and according to Sonic he thought he would have to pry her Miles off because she ran up and hugged the poor kid so tight he was choking. It was a nice gesture of affection towards someone she must see as a little brother, but breathing is kind of important.


“Why do you think your friend out there is still fuming? He’s done nothing but stand there in the living room since we got back,” She tried to break the tension with some small-talk.


“Probably still steamed over me laughing at him. I know it was probably a little mean but I can’t resist giving him a hard time,” Sonic replied.


“I got the impression he considered me a threat for some reason,” Melinda said.


“Nah, he’s just far more protective of Tails than he likes to let on and I think he’s still having trouble believing it all. I’m sure he’ll realize none of this changes who you are and come around eventually, though,” Sonic put his feet up the table and leaned back in his chair.


“Like you did?” She smiled and leaned on the counter.


“Right on,” Sonic gave a thumbs-up and a wink, “of course, I guess I always knew there was something unusual about you and that softened the blow.”


“How so?” She rummaged around the cupboard for a coffee mug.


“Well, for one I’ve dealt with the goons from GUN long enough to know a soldier when I see one, and when I meant you I saw one. Just something about your eyes and the way you carry yourself.” Sonic said.


“That obvious?” She took a sniff of the coffee in the pot before deciding it seemed okay and filling a mug.


“Also, you’re drinking black coffee that was brewed hours ago. I’ve only ever seen soldiers, truck drivers, and cowboys do that,” Sonic chuckled.


“I guess I never noticed how big a tell that was.” She laughed.


“Of course, the part that confused me was the way you fight. Granted, I only saw you fight once that time a mugger tried to jump you and Tails but that definitely wasn’t anything GUN teaches and certainly wasn’t street fighting. It was some like some Batman stuff going on.” Sonic obviously made no effort to hide his amazement.


“You know, Miles said the same thing that night,” She smiled and took a long drink.


“Well, it’s probably true. You’ve probably picked just as many things as Bruce Wayme over those 12 centuries. You’re like some old master,” Sonic said.


“Was that a crack about my age?” She gave a playful grin.


“Hey, even if you look young enough to be my sister, you’re still old enough to be in a museum,” Sonic grinned.


“I’ll take that as a compliment,” She smirked.


“I’m glad to see Knuckles was nice enough to stop bye, I was afraid you we’re out here all alone.” Amy’s voice rang out from the living room.


“No, Sonic’s here to and I’m sure he heard us come in. He’s probably getting what I wanted to show you right now,” Miles raised his voice at that last part, obviously signaling that it was showtime.


“You ready you make an appearance?” Sonic asked.


“I guess it’s now or never, huh?” Melinda answered.




“OH MY GOD! IT’S A GHOST!” Amy shrieked as Miles tried to talk her down off the coffee table.


“Amy! Please put the hammer down and we can talk about this. My Mom can explain everything!” Miles pleaded




“I know because it’s my Mom, and because I already know everything and we can explain if you’d just come down.” Miles said.


“Also, I’m pretty sure robots don’t have a digestive system and I’m standing here drinking coffee, right in front of you. I also kind of have to pee but you’re going to have to take my word on that one,” Melinda said, prompting everyone to look in her direction.


“Well, that was kind of unlady like,” Sonic teased.


“I was born before basic etiquette, cut me me some slack.” Melinda said.


“A part of me thinks I should really be more used to how shameless you can be by now,” Miles said.


“Hey, I have some modesty. I did wear a sheet.” Melinda teased.


“Which I’m thankful for, I think seeing you die again was enough trauma without seeing you, well, you know.” Miles turned a little red.


“Oh, I am sorry you had to dig through my und-” Melinda was cut-off


“I’m sure you’ll find a way to make it up him later, but we have kind of a situation to deal with right now,” Knuckles said, pointing to Amy, who was now clearly even more confused, and possibly even a little grossed out.


“What are you, a vampire or something!?” Amy said in a much calmer tone.


“Well, you’ve seen me out in daylight and we once had lunch at an italian place.” Melinda said.


“Then what are you? he said “again”, like you’ve died before.” Amy asked.


“Amy, hun. Just come down and we can talk about it. I’ll explain everything to you.” Melinda slowly walked forward.


“Stay back!” Amy readied her hammer.


“Amy, listen to me a minute.” MIles said.


Amy turned her gaze to MIles without loosening her grip on the hammer.


“You trust me, right?” Miles asked.


“Yes,” Amy replied.


“I’m also pretty sure you trust Sonic, and he’s standing right next to her.” Miles said.


“Of course I trust him, I love him!!” Amy said.


“Oh boy, here we go.” Sonic said.


“Then why don’t you come down and let us all try to explain?” Miles said, obviously ignoring the comment.


“Okay, but I’m not letting my guard down.” Amy slowly climbed down the table and sat down on the couch, still gripping her hammer like her life depended on it.


MIles motioned to his mother and she sat down in a chair across from Amy while he climbed up the arm of the overstuffed chair next to her. He seemed completely calm so she couldn’t tell if was still an instinctive effort to stay close or just an attempt to relax Amy by showing his trust, maybe both? Sonic merely drug a chair out of the kitchen and took seat. Melinda noted Amy’s apparent frustration with him keeping his distance.


“Amy, we’re friends, right?” Melinda asked.


“Melinda was my friend, but I’m not sure you’re really her.” Amy said.


“I assure you I am.” Melinda said.


“Prove it.” Amy challenged.


“Your name is Amy Elizabeth Rose, you were born September 23, 2001. Your favorite color is obviously pink. You’ve been following that one around since you we’re tweens, and I have to add here I still wonder where your parents are to this day, and you admittedly found MIles to be something like an annoying younger sibling until you warmed up to him. Anything else?” Melinda finally took a breath.


“I guess the years haven’t dulled your memory,” Sonic said with an impressed whistle.


“Oh, God, it is you,” Amy covered her mouth and Melinda noticed her eyes beginning to tear up.


Almost instinctively, she got up and crossed the room to lean down next to the girl. Without a second thought she hugged her and Amy returned the gesture without protest. Despite her tough exterior and attempts to hold a grown up persona, this was still a teenage girl that had thought one of her friends dead just hours ago. Melinda recognized that vulnerability and comforted her just like she would any other child


“You okay now?” Melinda said


“Yeah, I think so.” Amy replied with a deep breath.


Melinda broke away and sat down next to her, putting an arm over the back of the couch, and gave Amy a minute to collect herself.


“I don’t understand, how are you still alive? They declared you dead at the scene,” Amy asked


“I’m sort of immortal,” Melinda just blurted it out, not knowing how else to put it into words.


“Doesn’t that mean you can’t die? You we’re dead today though, but I guess you’re weren’t really because you’re here and oh God, this is all confusing.” Amy rambled.


“Well, I’m immortal, not invincible. I can still be hurt, or even killed, but it just doesn’t stick for very long.” Melinda explained.


“Are you a mutant or something?” Amy asked.


“That’s actually a new one, I’m impressed.” Melinda chuckled, “but no, myself and others like me are just born this way and none of us really know where we come from because all of us are foundlings-, orphans, and none of can conceive children.”


“So Tails is adopted?” Amy asked.


“Yes, but that doesn’t make him any less of my son,” She gave him a knowing smile.


“I guess that explains a lot, since you look like you would’ve had to be younger than me when he was born.” Amy said, “I guess he was adopted not long before we all met him.”


Melinda just blinked, “No, I found him as a baby.”


“That would’ve made you like 12, I think.” Amy said.


“Here’s the thing, part of the whole Immortal deal is that we get eternal youth in a sense. The first time we die we kind of become locked in and stop aging.” Melinda explained.


“Oh, so you must be like Vanilla’s age, then?” Amy asked.


“I’m actually pushing something like 1200, even if I look 20.” Melinda explained.


“WOW, you must be something like the oldest thing on the planet, human or mobian.” Amy said.


“I admit, I’m old even by immortal standards but I’m far from the oldest. I know of others that are from ancient Rome, or even the Bronze age. The oldest of us to survive this long was born over 5,000 years ago, but I’m not sure if he’s still alive because it’s been years since I saw him” Melinda said.


“So you guys have kind of always been around, then?” Amy asked.


“Yes, it’s possible the first of us were born with the dawn of modern humanity.” Melinda said.”


“Do we know any others?” Amy asked.


“Yes, actually. You’ve known one of my old friends for a few months, or years in the case of MIles, now, but I can’t really say who. I’m sure he’ll come forward in his own time knowing my cover’s blown and I opened up, through.” Melinda said.


“That explains a lot,” Knuckles said, attracting everyone’s attention.


“You’ve figured it out?” Melinda asked.


“Almost certainly, but I’m not the kind to spread rumors,” Knuckles smirked.


“I had almost forgot,” Miles said, “I remember you two finally explained to me that he was like you, after I found out about you, that is.”


“I remember him barely containing himself when I told him the secret was out. He loved giving you those history lessons about his old tribe so much and was glad he didn’t have to hide that he was was there for most of it,” Melinda said


“Well, let’s hope we re-meet him soon so half of us aren’t locked out of the loop,” Sonic said.


“He’s a good guy, you’ll all like him,” Melinda said, “but for now, there’s still one more situation to handle.”


“What’s that?” Amy said.


“We still have to tell Vanilla and…” Melinda trailed off.


“Oh! That’s right. She was asking me if Tails was doing okay and she didn’t look the best herself.” Amy said.


“Cream?” Melinda asked.


“Oh God! I almost forgot. She was so upset that neither one of us could calm her down after we had to explain to her that Aunt Mel was gone.” Amy said.


“That’s what I was afraid of.” Melinda said, “since you’re close to both of them can you help me fix this?” Melinda asked.


“I’ll try my best, but I’m sure that Cream will be overjoyed to see you again when she know’s it’s safe,” Amy said “Vanilla might faint or something at first, but I’m sure we’ll get through it.”


“I have medical training, it’s from roughly 1969, but I have medical training,” Melinda said.

  • Brohoof 1


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 it he showed her how protective he really was towards her son


Other than that, it's going along nicely with pacing the revelation to everyone about Melinda's immortality. A nice little thing revealing her rather poor etiquette and real concern for it outside of ensuring Tails isn't too annoyed.

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 it he showed her how protective he really was towards her son


Other than that, it's going along nicely with pacing the revelation to everyone about Melinda's immortality. A nice little thing revealing her rather poor etiquette and real concern for it outside of ensuring Tails isn't too annoyed.


Yeah, I basically figured that this women is 1200 years old and was born essentially a tribal in the territory that would later be Scottland (or at least the Mobian analog to it)


No matter how many modern sensibilities she picked up, there'd like still be quite a bit of lingering bluntness and subtle lack of modesty from how she was raised. I'm sure the fact she's been a solider many times also did something to dampen any developing sense of shame she might have.  

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