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Cold as Ice, Chapter 5



“Do I have to repeat myself? I’m not letting either of you in because he’s not wearing shoes and there’s no way you’re 21.”


“The owner is barely 18 years old, does that mean you’d also refuse entry to your own boss?”


Melinda’s patience was growing thin as she argued with the stubborn bull that had spent the last hour refusing her and Kai entry to Club Rouge. She understood this song and dance all too much as one of the drawbacks of having eternal youth that started sometime around an impressively young looking 20, but that didn’t make it any less frustrating when she had“business” to attend to in places like this.


“Also, what’s the big deal about Kai not wearing shoes? Mobian guys run around stark-naked all the time and SHOES are that important to you? Does that mean I can strip-down right here and still meet whatever insane dress-code you have as long as I put my boots back on?” Melinda nearly shouted.


“I’d have to check the manual, I’m not actually sure if the codes are unisex,” The bull stammered.


“Why? To verify just how idiotic the dress code actually is?” Melinda snapped.


“Well, I guess- Hey, that doesn’t even matter because there’s still no way you’re 21.” The bull’s expression hardened, “clothes or not, I’m not letting you in.”


“Oh, I assure you once again that I’m a lot older than I look and I just thought maybe a look at what I’m packing would help convince you,” she smirked.


“Lady, I don’t care if you look like Daisy Duke under that trenchcoat. I’m not letting you in without some kind of ID and I’m not letting him in without shoes,” The bull put crossed his arms and leaned down to glare at her.


“Maybe I should try a different approach,” she hissed through her teeth,”what if I told you I was also a lot stronger than I looked?”


“Melissia, I’m sure we can work this out peacefully. I can go retrieve a pair of shoes and we can find you some sort of ID,” Kai quickly moved up next to them.


“Yeah, kid. Listen to your dad over here and don’t start something you can’t finish,” The bull snorted.


“What are you? Like six feet tall? 300lbs or so? Do you really want to explain to your boss a woman roughly a foot and a half shorter than you and less than a third of your body weight forced her past you?” Melinda continued to smirk, putting on a poker-face to conceal her rising anger.


“I’d love to know all about the reality that would happen in,” he scoffed.


“Melissa, I have to once again remind you this is a very bad idea and the last thing we want is to cause a scene,” Kai spoke frantically, obviously starting to lose his calm demeanor.


“I’m not going to cause any scene, Kai,” she spoke sweetly before suddenly grabbing the bull’s horns and pulling him close to glare right into his eyes, ”as long as this overgrown heffer doesn’t keep pushing me.”


“Are you trying to threaten me?” he said flatly, “because my advice that you listen to daddy and go home still stands and I don’t fight girls”


“No, I’m asking sternly. If I wanted to intimidate you, I’d do this,” she quickly swung her leg up, burying her boot in his groin, bringing him to his knees.


“I’m going to have to call poor Miles to bail his mother out of jail, again,” Kai muttered, rubbing his eyes.


“Are you some kind of crazy bi-” the bull was cut off by Melinda wrapping a hand around his snout.


“No, I’m just a woman who has been under unbelievable stress for the last couple days and is currently in need of potentially vital information that your boss likely has that could help protect her son and his friends,” Melinda nearly pressed her face into his, “Now let me in before I really lose my temper.”


The bull merely mumbled something unintelligible in response.


“I think you’re going to have to let go if you want him to answer,” Kai said, prompting her to loosen her group and let her hand slip free of his snout.


“I said, go right on in. I’m sure the boss will love the company,” he said with a forced smile.


“Now see, was that really so hard?” she let go of his horns, causing him to clutch himself and collapse into the fetal position.


“Do I really look old enough to be your dad?” Kai asked as he followed her into the Casino.


“It’s the white hair,” she answered.
Melinda glanced at Kai and noted how his white hair and blue eyes almost glowed under the fluorescent lights of the dimly lit Casino. The place was definitely classy, but she expected no less from someone like Rouge who showed such an obsession with the finer things in life. She would’ve almost assumed it some trendy nightclub if not for the sounds of various gambling machines coming from the main part of the building.


“Do you think she’s here?” Kai asked, seemingly dumbstruck by his surroundings.


“After all the trouble I went to getting us in, I sure hope so,” Melinda scanned the room before her eyes finally came to rest on the bar, which was tended by a purple hedgehog, “just follow my lead and we’ll find out.”


“Excuse me, miss,” she approached the bar and rested her arms on the counter.


“May I help you?” the hedgehog questioned.


“Maybe, I was just wondering if the owner was around. My dad is getting re-married and we thought about holding the reception here,” she lied.


“I take it this is the lucky groom right here?” The hedgehog asked, motioning to Kai, who had began to blush.


“Yes, this is my old man. His fiance is really a wonderful woman and he’s a lucky guy to have her,” Melinda stepped over and wrapped her arms around Kai’s neck with a smile, “Isn’t that right, dad?”


Of course, the irony hadn’t escaped her, but the cover story was already all but written for her and thus she chose to play the cards she was dealt.


“Of course, such a lovely woman,” Kai gave a weak smile and leaned down to whisper in Melinda’s ear, “Do I really look that old or do you just look that young?”


“Like I said, it’s the hair,” she whispered back, stealing a glance at the bartender to make sure she was still buying it.


“The boss loves weddings, so I’m sure she’d love to discuss it. I can take you to her office right now.” The hedgehog quickly came around the front of the bar and motioned for them to follow.


“I hope you have a plan” Kai asked quietly.


“I’ll figure something out, just stay cool.” Melinda answered


“It’s not me I’m worried about.” Kai whispered.


The three quickly reached a dark purple door with a pink, heart-shaped sign bearing the name “Rouge”, the hedgehog knocked.


“Who is it?” a deep, feminine voice called from within.


“It’s Leana, m’am. There’s someone here that wants to talk about a wedding reception,” the hedgehog eased open the door a crack and peered inside.


“Sounds romantic, let them in,” the voice answered.


Leana quickly left for her post after motioning the two inside and closing the door behind them. The office was lit much the same as the rest of the club and painted in lavish deep purples and pinks with a deep-black desk in the middle of the room. A desk chair with purple upholstery sat behind it with it’s back facing them.


“So, who’s the lucky cou-” Rouge fell silent for a moment as she spun the chair around and looked at Melinda with wide eyes. ”You’re Fox Boy’s mother, that must mean Eggman wasn’t losing his marbles after all,”


“So I’m guessing you’ve already been filled in, even if I have no idea how egghead found out,” Melinda placed her hands in her pockets.


“The part where you died or the part where you’re some kind of ancient immortal being? I admit when he told me I thought he had finally lost his last screw and I was actually just about to track the kid down to pay my respects,” Rouge said, “I knew at least the dead part was true because word spreads fast when something like that happens.”


“I’m touched you care,” Melinda didn’t betray any kind of emotion and stood her ground by the door.


“Hey, even if he always helps ruin my fun he’s still a good kid and no eight year old deserves to have his only parent ripped away like that. I may be greedy, but I’m not heartless.” Rouge crossed one leg over the other and leaned back.


“If you really do have that much decency, maybe you can help me,” Melinda stepped forward with Kai in close behind her.


“That depends on what you need, just because I’m nice doesn’t mean I’m stupid or cheap,” Rough had picked up a blue gemstone off her desk and was now fiddling with it.


“Eggman seems to have gained a new business partner, someone that that has some unfinished business with me and I with him,” Melinda leaned down and placed her hands on the desk.


Rouge silently turned the gem over in her hands for a few moments and stared at it before speaking up, “So you know about that freakshow,” she said.


“Yes, we go back a long way and I need to know what’s he’s planning and why he’s working with Eggman,” Melinda said.


“Give one good reason I should concern myself with this little feud between you and him anymore than the the fight between Sonic and Eggman,” Rouge sounded uneasy, Melinda could almost swear it was a hint of fear in her voice.


“You said yourself you wouldn’t want to see MIles made an orphan, and if I’m right that “freakshow” as you call him wants to put me down for good and is working with Eggman to do it,” Melinda said.


“I already told Eggman I wouldn’t be party to some kind of twisted attempt as an assassination, that’s why I walked away when he asked me to keep on eye on that piece of work,” Rouge looked up at the ceiling, still playing with the gem.


“Rouge,” Kai stepped forward, drawing the attention of both women.


“Whose he? You’re date?” Rouge asked, closing her eyes


“No, I’m just an old friend that would very much like to help her,” Kai said.


“Then help her, you don’t need my help to do that,” Rough answered without opening her eyes.


“I guess neither of us NEEDS you, but I think you know at least some of what they’re planning and that information would be highly useful,” Kai leaned down next to Melinda.


“I just want no part of any of this insanity,” Rough said.


“None of us do, but if you didn’t do all you could to prevent what you know is wrong, wouldn’t that put some of their blood on your hands?” He asked.


“What do you mean, “their?”,” Rouge asked.


“We know that man as Isa, and unlike you he has no honor or aversion to innocent blood shed. I would even make an educated guess that he enjoys the pain he inflicts and from I know he his favorite targets are children,” Kai walked around and placed his hand on the chair.


“I don’t understand,” Rouge opened her eyes and stared up at him.


“Rouge, he didn’t just threaten me. He threatened my son and he threatened Cream,” Melinda spoke up before Kai could answer, barely holding back a sudden flare-up of anger.


“I should've guessed, there was just something about that creep that made my skin crawl,” Rouge let out a sigh and lowered the gem into her lap.


“So will you help us, then? Will you help us stop this monster?” Kai asked, “I know you desire to and I can see that’s what your heart speaks to you.”


“As long you don’t get me caught in the crossfire, because I guess I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t,” Rouge sighed and took a deep breath before beginning her story.


“I don’t know much aside from the fact he introduced himself as Frost Bite and just happened to be there when The Doctor was discussing you with one of his informants that he sent digging for dirt,” Rouge said.


“Why would he want information on me?” Melinda asked.


“I guess you had a little chat with Sonic and Knuckles about why you weren’t in a morgue somewhere and one of his spy-bots got an earful AND eyeful of the conversation. I was only half-paying attention because like I said, I thought he had just finally gone even more insane than usual, but I guess I was wrong,” Rough said, “should I go on?”


“Yes, continue,” Kai said.


“After digging up your past history as a soldier he started wonder if you were a threat, at least that’s what I could gather. That freak showed up at just the right time and claimed he could deal with you so Eggman told him to have at it, something about being curious what immortals could really do,” Rough said.


“At what point did you walk away?” Kai asked


“As soon as he asked me to help run intel for the creep along with keeping an eye on him and told me why, I may not be an angel but murdering mothers and making orphans is not something I want to be an accomplice to, and even if I did assume it was a shared delusion it was still a good way to get SOMEONE hurt,” Rouge said.


“Did you overhear any of their plans?” Kai asked.


“No, I don’t think he even told Eggman how he planned to do the job. He just made sure he’s have access to any equipment he might need and went on his merry way,” Rough shifted in her seat, “but if I had to guess, he wants to lure into a trap by taking Fox Boy and the rabbit girl as bait. I’m sorry I don’t know more.


“If that’s everything, thank you for your time,” Kai placed a hand Rouge’s shoulder, “you can always find me at the church if you learn anything more and I’m sure you know where to find Melinda.”


“Just make me one promise in return,” Rouge said, “Make sure you stop that creep, that poor little girl hasn’t done anything to deserve being wrapped up in this and I wouldn’t want to see Fox Boy wind up at the mercy of someone like him, either.”


“Rouge, I didn’t know there was really a heart in there somewhere,” Melinda smiled.


“Like your friend said, I’m no monster and I only agree to work with Eggman because I know he’s too incompetent to actually win,” Rouge chuckled, “He also pays well and gives me a shot at the emeralds and annoying Knucklehead.”


The door to the room creaked open and all three of them looked towards the entrance, where a familiar black and red hedgehog had entered.


“Rouge, why is your bouncer huddled on the ground muttering something about a crazy vixen while clutching his groin?” Shadow asked coldly.


“I’m just gonna guess you didn’t have an easy time getting here,” Rouge smirked at Melinda.


“I’m sorry about that, but things have been stressful and he just got on my last nerve,” Melinda smiled.


“Don’t worry about it, that brute needed an attitude adjustment anyway and you’ve saved me the trouble,” Rouge once again leaned back in her chair, “I’ll just have someone drag him and get him an ice-pack”


“Then I guess we better be leaving before someone decides to go round two,” Kai straightened his back and made his way towards the door with Melinda following.


Melinda smirked as she heard the conversation starting behind her.


“You’re going to tell me that women gave your incompetent staff that beating?” Shadow said, his voice fading as the two made their towards the back door.




“Do I have to repeat myself? I’m not letting either of you in because he’s not wearing shoes and there’s no way you’re 21.”


“The owner is barely 18 years old, does that mean you’d also refuse entry to your own boss?”


Melinda’s patience was growing thin as she argued with the stubborn bull that had spent the last hour refusing her and Kai entry to Club Rouge. She understood this song and dance all too much as one of the drawbacks of having eternal youth that started sometime around an impressively young looking 20, but that didn’t make it any less frustrating when she had“business” to attend to in places like this.


“Also, what’s the big deal about Kai not wearing shoes? Mobian guys run around stark-naked all the time and SHOES are that important to you? Does that mean I can strip-down right here and still meet whatever insane dress-code you have as long as I put my boots back on?” Melinda nearly shouted.


“I’d have to check the manual, I’m not actually sure if the codes are unisex,” The bull stammered.


“Why? To verify just how idiotic the dress code actually is?” Melinda snapped.


“Well, I guess- Hey, that doesn’t even matter because there’s still no way you’re 21.” The bull’s expression hardened, “clothes or not, I’m not letting you in.”


“Oh, I assure you once again that I’m a lot older than I look and I just thought maybe a look at what I’m packing would help convince you,” she smirked.


“Lady, I don’t care if you look like Daisy Duke under that trenchcoat. I’m not letting you in without some kind of ID and I’m not letting him in without shoes,” The bull put crossed his arms and leaned down to glare at her.


“Maybe I should try a different approach,” she hissed through her teeth,”what if I told you I was also a lot stronger than I looked?”


“Melissia, I’m sure we can work this out peacefully. I can go retrieve a pair of shoes and we can find you some sort of ID,” Kai quickly moved up next to them.


“Yeah, kid. Listen to your dad over here and don’t start something you can’t finish,” The bull snorted.


“What are you? Like six feet tall? 300lbs or so? Do you really want to explain to your boss a woman roughly a foot and a half shorter than you and less than a third of your body weight forced her past you?” Melinda continued to smirk, putting on a poker-face to conceal her rising anger.


“I’d love to know all about the reality that would happen in,” he scoffed.


“Melissa, I have to once again remind you this is a very bad idea and the last thing we want is to cause a scene,” Kai spoke frantically, obviously starting to lose his calm demeanor.


“I’m not going to cause any scene, Kai,” she spoke sweetly before suddenly grabbing the bull’s horns and pulling him close to glare right into his eyes, ”as long as this overgrown heffer doesn’t keep pushing me.”


“Are you trying to threaten me?” he said flatly, “because my advice that you listen to daddy and go home still stands and I don’t fight girls”


“No, I’m asking sternly. If I wanted to intimidate you, I’d do this,” she quickly swung her leg up, burying her boot in his groin, bringing him to his knees.


“I’m going to have to call poor Miles to bail his mother out of jail, again,” Kai muttered, rubbing his eyes.


“Are you some kind of crazy bi-” the bull was cut off by Melinda wrapping a hand around his snout.


“No, I’m just a woman who has been under unbelievable stress for the last couple days and is currently in need of potentially vital information that your boss likely has that could help protect her son and his friends,” Melinda nearly pressed her face into his, “Now let me in before I really lose my temper.”


The bull merely mumbled something unintelligible in response.


“I think you’re going to have to let go if you want him to answer,” Kai said, prompting her to loosen her group and let her hand slip free of his snout.


“I said, go right on in. I’m sure the boss will love the company,” he said with a forced smile.


“Now see, was that really so hard?” she let go of his horns, causing him to clutch himself and collapse into the fetal position.


“Do I really look old enough to be your dad?” Kai asked as he followed her into the Casino.


“It’s the white hair,” she answered.
Melinda glanced at Kai and noted how his white hair and blue eyes almost glowed under the fluorescent lights of the dimly lit Casino. The place was definitely classy, but she expected no less from someone like Rouge who showed such an obsession with the finer things in life. She would’ve almost assumed it some trendy nightclub if not for the sounds of various gambling machines coming from the main part of the building.


“Do you think she’s here?” Kai asked, seemingly dumbstruck by his surroundings.


“After all the trouble I went to getting us in, I sure hope so,” Melinda scanned the room before her eyes finally came to rest on the bar, which was tended by a purple hedgehog, “just follow my lead and we’ll find out.”


“Excuse me, miss,” she approached the bar and rested her arms on the counter.


“May I help you?” the hedgehog questioned.


“Maybe, I was just wondering if the owner was around. My dad is getting re-married and we thought about holding the reception here,” she lied.


“I take it this is the lucky groom right here?” The hedgehog asked, motioning to Kai, who had began to blush.


“Yes, this is my old man. His fiance is really a wonderful woman and he’s a lucky guy to have her,” Melinda stepped over and wrapped her arms around Kai’s neck with a smile, “Isn’t that right, dad?”


Of course, the irony hadn’t escaped her, but the cover story was already all but written for her and thus she chose to play the cards she was dealt.


“Of course, such a lovely woman,” Kai gave a weak smile and leaned down to whisper in Melinda’s ear, “Do I really look that old or do you just look that young?”


“Like I said, it’s the hair,” she whispered back, stealing a glance at the bartender to make sure she was still buying it.


“The boss loves weddings, so I’m sure she’d love to discuss it. I can take you to her office right now.” The hedgehog quickly came around the front of the bar and motioned for them to follow.


“I hope you have a plan” Kai asked quietly.


“I’ll figure something out, just stay cool.” Melinda answered


“It’s not me I’m worried about.” Kai whispered.


The three quickly reached a dark purple door with a pink, heart-shaped sign bearing the name “Rouge”, the hedgehog knocked.


“Who is it?” a deep, feminine voice called from within.


“It’s Leana, m’am. There’s someone here that wants to talk about a wedding reception,” the hedgehog eased open the door a crack and peered inside.


“Sounds romantic, let them in,” the voice answered.


Leana quickly left for her post after motioning the two inside and closing the door behind them. The office was lit much the same as the rest of the club and painted in lavish deep purples and pinks with a deep-black desk in the middle of the room. A desk chair with purple upholstery sat behind it with it’s back facing them.


“So, who’s the lucky cou-” Rouge fell silent for a moment as she spun the chair around and looked at Melinda with wide eyes. ”You’re Fox Boy’s mother, that must mean Eggman wasn’t losing his marbles after all,”


“So I’m guessing you’ve already been filled in, even if I have no idea how egghead found out,” Melinda placed her hands in her pockets.


“The part where you died or the part where you’re some kind of ancient immortal being? I admit when he told me I thought he had finally lost his last screw and I was actually just about to track the kid down to pay my respects,” Rouge said, “I knew at least the dead part was true because word spreads fast when something like that happens.”


“I’m touched you care,” Melinda didn’t betray any kind of emotion and stood her ground by the door.


“Hey, even if he always helps ruin my fun he’s still a good kid and no eight year old deserves to have his only parent ripped away like that. I may be greedy, but I’m not heartless.” Rouge crossed one leg over the other and leaned back.


“If you really do have that much decency, maybe you can help me,” Melinda stepped forward with Kai in close behind her.


“That depends on what you need, just because I’m nice doesn’t mean I’m stupid or cheap,” Rough had picked up a blue gemstone off her desk and was now fiddling with it.


“Eggman seems to have gained a new business partner, someone that that has some unfinished business with me and I with him,” Melinda leaned down and placed her hands on the desk.


Rouge silently turned the gem over in her hands for a few moments and stared at it before speaking up, “So you know about that freakshow,” she said.


“Yes, we go back a long way and I need to know what’s he’s planning and why he’s working with Eggman,” Melinda said.


“Give one good reason I should concern myself with this little feud between you and him anymore than the the fight between Sonic and Eggman,” Rouge sounded uneasy, Melinda could almost swear it was a hint of fear in her voice.


“You said yourself you wouldn’t want to see MIles made an orphan, and if I’m right that “freakshow” as you call him wants to put me down for good and is working with Eggman to do it,” Melinda said.


“I already told Eggman I wouldn’t be party to some kind of twisted attempt as an assassination, that’s why I walked away when he asked me to keep on eye on that piece of work,” Rouge looked up at the ceiling, still playing with the gem.


“Rouge,” Kai stepped forward, drawing the attention of both women.


“Whose he? You’re date?” Rouge asked, closing her eyes


“No, I’m just an old friend that would very much like to help her,” Kai said.


“Then help her, you don’t need my help to do that,” Rough answered without opening her eyes.


“I guess neither of us NEEDS you, but I think you know at least some of what they’re planning and that information would be highly useful,” Kai leaned down next to Melinda.


“I just want no part of any of this insanity,” Rough said.


“None of us do, but if you didn’t do all you could to prevent what you know is wrong, wouldn’t that put some of their blood on your hands?” He asked.


“What do you mean, “their?”,” Rouge asked.


“We know that man as Isa, and unlike you he has no honor or aversion to innocent blood shed. I would even make an educated guess that he enjoys the pain he inflicts and from I know he his favorite targets are children,” Kai walked around and placed his hand on the chair.


“I don’t understand,” Rouge opened her eyes and stared up at him.


“Rouge, he didn’t just threaten me. He threatened my son and he threatened Cream,” Melinda spoke up before Kai could answer, barely holding back a sudden flare-up of anger.


“I should've guessed, there was just something about that creep that made my skin crawl,” Rouge let out a sigh and lowered the gem into her lap.


“So will you help us, then? Will you help us stop this monster?” Kai asked, “I know you desire to and I can see that’s what your heart speaks to you.”


“As long you don’t get me caught in the crossfire, because I guess I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t,” Rouge sighed and took a deep breath before beginning her story.


“I don’t know much aside from the fact he introduced himself as Frost Bite and just happened to be there when The Doctor was discussing you with one of his informants that he sent digging for dirt,” Rouge said.


“Why would he want information on me?” Melinda asked.


“I guess you had a little chat with Sonic and Knuckles about why you weren’t in a morgue somewhere and one of his spy-bots got an earful AND eyeful of the conversation. I was only half-paying attention because like I said, I thought he had just finally gone even more insane than usual, but I guess I was wrong,” Rough said, “should I go on?”


“Yes, continue,” Kai said.


“After digging up your past history as a soldier he started wonder if you were a threat, at least that’s what I could gather. That freak showed up at just the right time and claimed he could deal with you so Eggman told him to have at it, something about being curious what immortals could really do,” Rough said.


“At what point did you walk away?” Kai asked


“As soon as he asked me to help run intel for the creep along with keeping an eye on him and told me why, I may not be an angel but murdering mothers and making orphans is not something I want to be an accomplice to, and even if I did assume it was a shared delusion it was still a good way to get SOMEONE hurt,” Rouge said.


“Did you overhear any of their plans?” Kai asked.


“No, I don’t think he even told Eggman how he planned to do the job. He just made sure he’s have access to any equipment he might need and went on his merry way,” Rough shifted in her seat, “but if I had to guess, he wants to lure into a trap by taking Fox Boy and the rabbit girl as bait. I’m sorry I don’t know more.


“If that’s everything, thank you for your time,” Kai placed a hand Rouge’s shoulder, “you can always find me at the church if you learn anything more and I’m sure you know where to find Melinda.”


“Just make me one promise in return,” Rouge said, “Make sure you stop that creep, that poor little girl hasn’t done anything to deserve being wrapped up in this and I wouldn’t want to see Fox Boy wind up at the mercy of someone like him, either.”


“Rouge, I didn’t know there was really a heart in there somewhere,” Melinda smiled.


“Like your friend said, I’m no monster and I only agree to work with Eggman because I know he’s too incompetent to actually win,” Rouge chuckled, “He also pays well and gives me a shot at the emeralds and annoying Knucklehead.”


The door to the room creaked open and all three of them looked towards the entrance, where a familiar black and red hedgehog had entered.


“Rouge, why is your bouncer huddled on the ground muttering something about a crazy vixen while clutching his groin?” Shadow asked coldly.


“I’m just gonna guess you didn’t have an easy time getting here,” Rouge smirked at Melinda.


“I’m sorry about that, but things have been stressful and he just got on my last nerve,” Melinda smiled.


“Don’t worry about it, that brute needed an attitude adjustment anyway and you’ve saved me the trouble,” Rouge once again leaned back in her chair, “I’ll just have someone drag him and get him an ice-pack”


“Then I guess we better be leaving before someone decides to go round two,” Kai straightened his back and made his way towards the door with Melinda following.


Melinda smirked as she heard the conversation starting behind her.


“You’re going to tell me that women gave your incompetent staff that beating?” Shadow said, his voice fading as the two made their towards the back door.

  • Brohoof 1


Recommended Comments

“Whose he? You’re date?”




Other than the double posted story and chapter number, it reads out fine and I do like how things are progressing with Melinda and Kai's meeting with Rouge, even including a Shadow cameo. 

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“Whose he? You’re date?”




Other than the double posted story and chapter number, it reads out fine and I do like how things are progressing with Melinda and Kai's meeting with Rouge, even including a Shadow cameo. 


The Shadow bit was a last minute thing that was solely Rule of Funny

  • Brohoof 1
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