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Cold as Ice, Chapter 7.



The stars shone like pin pricks of sparkling light piercing through the deep black of the clear night and Melinda stared up at them, barely noticing the cold wind cutting through her night clothes as her troubled mind tried to find rest. For centuries the blanket of night had been where she found solace because the stars and moon were a constant, and no matter how much everything else radically changed around her they remained the same.


Tonight however, even that was not enough to chase away the darkness creeping on the edges of her mind and the self-doubt eating away at her. Was Isa right? Despite the blood on her hands she had tried her best to live by the code of never killing mortals outside of the battlefield or has a last resort of protecting herself and others, but that enough? Was she merely lying to herself and hiding from some monster inside?


More importantly, did facing him again awaken that monster and would she be risking losing herself to it if she faced him for the last time and put an end to his cruelty for good?


Before she could think about it much longer, the sound of the sliding door creaking open attracted her attention.


“Hey Grandma, thought I’d check up on you before I left,” Sonic walked up next to her and stretched his arms, looking up at the sky, “it’s one heck of a night.”


“Yeah, it’s beautiful and I was hoping it would take my mind off things,” she smiled.


“It was him, wasn’t it?” Sonic asked.


“Who?” Melinda asked in confusion.


“It was that one-eyed creep from the other day that attacked you, wasn’t it?” Sonic wore a look of determination.


“Yes,” she sighed, “and the bastard made the same threats all over again.”


“Who the heck is he? What kind of horrible thing did he do to make you do that to him?” Sonic asked.


“His name is Isa and it all happened around 200 years ago” she took a deep breath, “I heard this horrible screaming and when I ran to help I found him torturing this poor kid named Maxwell. He had cut the kid up pretty bad and took one of his eyes as final screw you after I took his arm off.”


She noticed Sonic’s shocked and disgusted expression out of the corner of her eye and took that as a plea for a happy ending.


“I left Isa there at the mercy of whoever found him and took the kid back the hotel, where I patched him the best I could with 1815 medicine and supplies K-,” she stopped herself, deciding to keep Kai’s immortality to herself for a while longer, ”my friend borrowed from the general store. It turned out he was an orphan and I raised him like my own son after that”


“How come you never tried to get him locked up somewhere?” Sonic questioned, “he sounds like some kind of monster.”


“Then what? Wait for the secret to be blown once they notice after about 20 years that he’s not getting any older? Immortals and the mortal legal system don’t mesh well.” she smirked.


“Then how do you stop someone like that? I heard what Tails said, but even if there’s a way to take one of you guys out it seems like sinking to his level,” Sonic shook his head.


“You know, Sonic, I admire your code of honor and I wish so much I could live by it despite my nature as a soldier and a warrior.” Melinda mused, “I’d love to turn away from all the bloodshed”.


“but you can’t, because there’s immortals like him that won’t stop hurting people until the end,” Sonic looked out over city lights in the distance, “I understand that much, but it just seems wrong.”


“I know, sometimes I even wonder if I’m really any different than him,” Melinda looked down, hiding her eyes, “maybe I’ve just been lying to myself to justify the blood on my hands”


“You’re nothing like him,” Sonic said firmly, startling her, “I won’t even pretend to understand all this and I don’t know if I ever will, but I do understand one thing.”


“Sonic…” she trailed off.


“I can see how much Tails loves and how much you love him, and I’ve seen how Cream always runs for her Aunt Mel the minute she sees you. No kind of monster or bad person I’ve ever faced could love that deeply or even hope to be loved back that way.” Sonic looked over at her.


“Oh, Sonic,” she started to tear up.


“I know that you only do what you have to in order to protect people, and in that sense we’re almost two sides of the same coin,” Sonic smiled, “especially to protect him, just like any good mother would.”


The icy wind turned the warm tears now flowing down her face cold and she felt something clicking into place deep inside like his words were burning at the darkness, threatening to drive it back. She couldn't deny her fears still lingered, but she felt determined that she would make peace with them.


“Come here, you!” She crouched down and threw her arms around Sonic.


“Hey! feeling a little affectionate, Grandma?” Sonic teased as he wrapped his arms around her, returning the hug.


“Even if you’re a pain in the ass sometimes and even if I’m stabbing myself on your quills, I still love you, you sawed-off little blue pincushion,” she squeezed him tighter, nearly lifting him off the ground.


“You’re strong for an old lady, you know that?” Sonic laughed, “what’s gotten into you?”


“You’re the one that keeps calling me Grandma, do Grandmas have to have a reason pass out hugs now?” she laughed


Then they both laughed until they fell over and tumbled apart, backs flat against the cold wood of the deck. They laughed and laughed until they couldn’t laugh anymore and had to catch their air before even daring to sit up.


“So tell me, is being so weird an immortal thing or is that just you?” Sonic took a deep breath.


“Hey, I’m a mom. It’s my job to occasionally weird-out my son and his friends.” she panted.


She was meant with sudden silence and looked over the see Sonic blushing and staring up blankly, obviously troubled by something as he sat up and rested his hands on his knees.


“Is something wrong? She sat up as well.


“No, nothing at all,” he smiled nervously and ran his hand through his quills, “I guess I’m just tired.”


“You can always use our couch, or even drag some spare bedding upstairs to Miles room and camp out on his floor. You two are practically brothers and I’d doubt he’d mind,” Melinda yawned, “it is getting late, after all.”


“Thanks for the offer, but it’s to nice a night to sleep indoors.” he was smiling, but his red cheeks gave away that something was troubling him, “I think I’ll find some nice, soft grass and sleep under the stars.”


“I guess that would be tempting if the last hundred years or so hadn’t spoiled me to a soft bed and warm bedroom,” she sighed and stood up, stretching her arms and making her way to the door.


“It’ll be a while before I get used to hearing you say things like that,” he chuckled and followed her.


“It’s been about four years now since I had that talk with him, and Miles still sometimes forgets I’m not actually in my 20s, so don’t feel bad,” she slid open the door, “The other day he was so tired he looked at me and asked what I wanted for my 30th birthday three times before he realized why I was giggling and went bright red.”


“I’d honestly have trouble swallowing 30 if I didn’t know, let alone over 1100.” Sonic stepped inside.


“Yeah, I’ll have to do something about that on my next ID. Maybe move the year up by a decade and say I’m my little sister,” she smiled, “Oh, and Sonic. If you ever need to talk to someone about anything, I’m here.”


“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind,” he smiled.


Melinda sat down a large plate of pancakes with a dull clink and made her way to the fridge to fish out the milk and orange juice. It had been such a rough night she got the urge to attempt a decent breakfest for her and Miles to make up for it.


As if on cue, she heard footsteps behind her just as she turned around.


“Good Morning,” she smiled as she watched Miles pull out a chair and sit down.


“Morning, mom. It’s nice to see you didn’t set off the fire alarm this time,” he teased.


“I told you I can cook real food every once in awhile,” she laughed.


“It does smell good,” he smiled, reaching over with a fork and pulling a couple onto his plate.


“I’m glad you approve,” she kissed him on the head as she filled his glass with milk.


“Thanks,” he giggled and reached for the syrup, “I take it you managed to sleep good last night?”


“I slept great after I had a little talk with Sonic before he left, I swear that kid is wise beyond his years,” she smiled, pulling food onto her own plate and reaching for the orange juice.


“I guess he had to grow up fast, since he lost his parents so young,” Miles took a bite of the now syrup drenched pancakes, “these are good.”


I had forgotten, could that be why he reacted like he did last night?” she took a drink, “I can’t imagine, I was already around 20 when I bought the farm for the first time and got thrown out of town.”


“Er, why did they throw you out? I’d think they’d consider a dead person waking up some kind of miracle,” Miles looked up from his food with confusion.


“You would think that and it would be sound logic, but I don’t think 9th century villagers wanted to take chances when people woke up from several stab wounds and an axe to the skull,” she groaned, “thinking about still gives me a migraine.”


“Were you mugged or something?” he asked, “I don’t think you ever told me about the first time.”


“Don’t really know, I just remember getting jumped and tore up. Don’t even know who they were, but I assume you’re probably right and they thought I had something valuable.” She shoveled a fork full of food into her mouth, “but regardless, that’s how I found out I have the healing factor of a cartoon character and that I’ll always look this good.”


“Mom!”, he choked, trying not to spit out his drink, “You almost made me be blow milk out my nose.”


“Well, it’s true. Sonic did think I was your sister,” she chuckled.


“You have a really dark sense of humor, you know that?” He emptied his glass and she reached over to refill it, “Thanks.”


“You should try it, it helps take the edge off,” she smirked, “I mean, you’ve seen me walk off horrific injuries so many times there has to be a point where it became like black comedy.”


“It still worries me when something like last night happens, but I guess some of those times were pretty funny in hindsight, like when I walked in on you calmly eating cereal with an arrow jammed in your shoulder.” he gave an uneasy smile.


“Kai said that poor hunter came to the church looking for God after seeing me walk that one off,” she smiled and sat her fork on the empty plate.


“I almost panicked until you just told me to grab a snack and come watch some TV with you like nothing was wrong,” he giggled, “I can’t can’t shake the really gruesome stuff, though.”


“You’ll learn to deal with it, eventually,” she reached across the table and ruffled his head-fur.


“As long as you try not to actually die again, I think I’ll be okay.” he drained his second glassful and tossed his fork down with a clink.


“Trust me, I try my best already,” she smiled, “Say, would you like do something today? Maybe head down to the arcade?”


“Sure,” he grinned from ear to ear and his tails bounced around happily.




The sounds of souped-up racing engines blared from the machines’ speakers and the light from the screens cast a soft glow on both Melinda and Miles’ faces in the dimly lit room.


“Player Two Wins!” a digitized voiced declared.


“I forgot how good you are, doesn't that make it 10-to-6 now?” Miles stretched his arms and leaned back in his seat.


“Hey, most of those have been close,” Melinda chuckled and nudged his shoulder, “wanna go another round?


“Do we still have quarters?” he asked.


Melinda merely grinned and lifted the coat pocket she had stuffed with $100 in quarters and shook it, letting it jingle.


“Looks like you planned ahead for a full day,” he gripped the wheel, “let’s have a couple more races and see if can close that gap.”


“We should do this more often,” she finished inserting the coins and gripped the wheel, steeling herself as the countdown began.


“This is pretty fun,” he scooched forward and stuck his feet on the pedals.


“RACE!” the game shouted.


Miles took the lead right out of the gate with his mom close on his tail. Despite her efforts he blocked any of her attempts to pass and easily won the first lap.


“Oh, it’s on now,” she teased, twisting the wheel and jamming the accelerator to squeeze past him and take the next lap.


“It’s not gonna be that easy,” he laughed.


The two spent the final lap in a struggling for control as they weaved and dodged past each other until finally the finish was in sight with Melinda in the lead. She was ready to savor her victory until Miles managed one last maneuver to dart past her just as they reached the goal.


“Player One wins!”


“Maybe you can me some driving lessons,” she teased, “that was a hell of a save.”


“I learned from you, remember?” he chuckled, taking his hands off the wheel, “you know, I really do enjoy spending time with you because we don’t seem to do stuff like this much anymore”


“Maybe we should start before you get to old to hang out with mom,” she reached out and ruffled his head-fur.


“You know never that’ll never happen,” he smiled, “you’re to cool for me to ever be ashamed of,”


“Am, I now?” she gave a playful smile.


“Sure,” he lowered his voice and leaned closer, “even if you are unbelievably old.”


“Come here, you.” she put her her arm him and pulled him close, playfully roughing up the fur on his head a bit harder.


“Hey!” he giggled, “you’re the one that told me to all be honest with you!”


“I guess I did, didn’t I?” she smiled and hugged him.


“Love you, mom,” he hugged her back.


“I still love you, to. Even if you can be annoying,” she winked, causing him to laugh even more, “now how about we get in a couple more races before they throw us off the machine?”


“You’re on!”

  • Brohoof 1


Recommended Comments

Nice little chapter to take things smooth and to slow things down a bit while fine tuning Melinda's relation with Sonic and Tails for the better. Now I feel is the time for another event in the story or so. Will you try to test Melinda's hope in not spilling blood soon?

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Nice little chapter to take things smooth and to slow things down a bit while fine tuning Melinda's relation with Sonic and Tails for the better. Now I feel is the time for another event in the story or so. Will you try to test Melinda's hope in not spilling blood soon?


The final climax begins next chapter and that should tie into the last two chapters I wrote ahead of time.

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